View Full Version : Hi everyone, I rescued (3) 4 day old baby greys OMG!

04-23-2024, 12:25 AM
I rescued 3 babies from a construction site were their nest was completely destroyed. have been nursing them on powdered goats milk whit pedialite, water and a little tiny bit of honey. they are all doing well being careful not to over feed and keeping their bedding clean. One has developed small clear blisters along its right side belly. the others seem to be fine. i treated with a small amount of cortizone which he didnt like at first but only for moment. they are now all appox 19 days old. the bumps are very small and appear to be clear. is there any suggestions please?


Charley Chuckles
04-23-2024, 07:42 AM
:Welcome and thank you for taking in these babies....
Pedialyte is to only be given for the first 24 hours I believe.
Esbilac puppy formula is what most use till eyes open then Foxvalley 20/50 .
I'll let others chime in 👍
This will bump your thread.

04-23-2024, 08:30 AM
First, go here and read this: https://www.henryspets.com/1-baby-squirrel-care-guide/

With a single exception - the formula choices are something you want to get from us. They change them constantly so what is working changes and a site like this has a problem keeping up. Everything else on there is absolutely spot on. It is 6 pages - the arrow to advance to the next page is at the top of each page. It's a quick read.

04-23-2024, 10:15 AM
Also if you could post a picture of the blisters would be helpful. When you reply, the third line under the title has a paper clip with a piece of paper and a drop down arrow for attaching pictures.

04-23-2024, 07:30 PM
update on the girls,

the first blisters seem to be going away but new ones are emerging on the other side treated again with cortizone cause it seems to help?
howeve now 2 of them wont poop!!! sheecsh!!! anything for constipation?

04-23-2024, 08:08 PM
can anyone identify these and sugest treatment?

04-23-2024, 08:25 PM
Just curious, what are you using for bedding? Until someone else chimes in, for not pooping, extra hydration with sweetened water and also a long warm water lower end soak to loosen things up. When that’s done be sure to dry thoroughly and gently.

04-23-2024, 08:45 PM
can anyone identify these and sugest treatment?

To confirm the picture....Your left thumb is on baby left front arm ??

Looks like blisters are clustered under baby's arm pit. Was this the same on the original blisters ??

What cortisone are you applying ?? (brand & strength)

04-23-2024, 08:52 PM
Just curious, what are you using for bedding? Until someone else chimes in, for not pooping, extra hydration with sweetened water and also a long warm water lower end soak to loosen things up. When that’s done be sure to dry thoroughly and gently.

Great question!

Looks like a reaction rash to something (like squirrel hives). 2 other babies using exactly the same ??

what laundry soap ? Bet baby switch sides to lay down and blisters are following.

Maybe try using another bedding

04-24-2024, 08:53 AM
OK first a big thanks to all the replies ! other girls show no signs of the rash the affected one is every bit as active and hungry as the others we were using clean towels (terry) which weve changed today for flannel. were going to try the betedine today.

cortizone was 10% but not using it anymore

yes it began under her right arm which seem to clear up mostly but pic shows a more agressive outbreak under left arm.

will keep you posted any other suggestions welcomed

maybe Caladryl lotion?


04-24-2024, 09:57 AM
Use the Betadyne. Use 1/4 teaspoon in 1/4 cup water, warm it so it isn't ice cold, and wipe it on the area and let it air dry. And no more cortizone cream. Use it couple times a day. If this is fungal or bacterial the Betadyne will get rid of it. And it doesn't burn or sting. It will dye him a little orange!

05-01-2024, 11:06 PM
ok just an update seems like everyones healthy except for this skin condition two of them now have nodules of dead skin trapped in their fur making it bumpy and the skin below appears dry and a bit red. they dont seem bothered by it. used the betadine on the blistery areas on their tummys which it cleared up but im thinking it was also on the skin under their fur? noticed it first on lower jaw thought it was just old milk but we wipe there little faces after evry feeding. so tried warm water to disolve it but no success used coconut oil and got some of it which is when we realized the raw skin underneath. trying the betadine on this areas now. any suggestions would be welcomed.


Buddy,dooty,and busy

05-01-2024, 11:11 PM
Oh also they are still soft gooey pooping at just under 4 weeks feeding 2.75 cc every 3 hours with a couple of gulps of 50/50 water piedeilyte after feeding. keeping their bedding clean and they are pooping and peeing regularly. eyes just opened 3 days ago.


Buddy Dooty and Busy

05-03-2024, 10:52 AM
Oh also they are still soft gooey pooping at just under 4 weeks feeding 2.75 cc every 3 hours with a couple of gulps of 50/50 water piedeilyte after feeding. keeping their bedding clean and they are pooping and peeing regularly. eyes just opened 3 days ago.


Buddy Dooty and Busy

BUMP (at the airport and only have a moment, sorry).

island rehabber
05-03-2024, 11:29 PM
The bumps are called pyoderma and it's a mild staph infection, fairly common in baby squirrels. Dilute the betadine to the color of weak tea and wipe the babies down with it twice daily until bumps disappear. Leave it on. Don't rinse off.

Also there is no need to add Pedialyte after their feeedlngs if they are taking enough formula. Pedialyte is loaded with salt and, except for immediate treatment of dehydration, is not necessary in their diet.

05-04-2024, 11:21 AM
I rescued 3 babies from a construction site were their nest was completely destroyed. have been nursing them on powdered goats milk whit pedialite, water and a little tiny bit of honey. they are all doing well being careful not to over feed and keeping their bedding clean. One has developed small clear blisters along its right side belly. the others seem to be fine. i treated with a small amount of cortizone which he didnt like at first but only for moment. they are now all appox 19 days old. the bumps are very small and appear to be clear. is there any suggestions please?


Hi Buddydootybusy:
How are your Squirrels doing? What is the status of the "bumps?" Are they still present and have there been any changes? Were the bumps simply small, firm bumps on the skin or were they actually blisters (blisters or vesicles are fluid filled pockets in the skin that are covered by the thin surface layer of the skin?

These bumps appear to me to be Milia. Milia have a number recognized variants but they are probably most commonly found in mammalian babies; both animal and human. Milia are small bumps on the skin that may be firm or partially fluid filled that result when immature skin begins shedding normally occurring dead skin cells and those cells and associated cellular materials become inadvertently incorporated within new but immature skin. Mila that are associated with immaturity (babies) usually resolves completely and without intervention!

I have pasted a representative photo of Milia from Blackwell's Five-Minute Veterinary Consult, Clinical Dermatology 3rd Edition 2018 which is a "quick" dermatology reference I often use:

Just to be clear, I cannot be certain that the "bumps" seen on your Squirrel are Milia but they have the appearance of this and because of this, I did want to make this known! If these bumps are still present, please post a recent photo if there have been any significant changes. A visit with a Veterinarian is often beneficial in making diagnoses but this, unfortunately, is often an impossibility when the patient is a Squirrel!
