View Full Version : I have two baby squirrels with conditions that I'm worried

04-08-2024, 08:36 PM
I have two baby squirrels with fur and eyes open so i guess its 6 weeks or 7 weeks now they accept banans and drink milk as well
One of them got a suddenly erythematous genitals and slighty yellowish patch near genitals. Could it be due to genital sucking? I thought it might be a wound so i applied betardine. What can i do for this??

Other ones abdoman is slightly bloated like I'm not quite sure but it is little bit enlarged than before for 3 2 days now he passed urine 4 times y'day and dedicated twice with stimulation bit the amout of feces is less. How to decide whether a baby squirrel deficates adequately? What can I do for this??

04-09-2024, 02:13 AM
Hi Chamara,

Good for you, taking on these babies. Baby squirrels require a specific diet, and there are some things that they simply cannot tolerate. Cow's milk causes constipation and bloating. I believe that if it is cow's milk that you are feeding them, this would explain the gastric difficulties they are showing. For these babies to have a chance to survive, you have to stop giving them cow's milk. In addition, bananas are a "treat" item, and should be given only infrequently and in small amounts. The combination of the cow's milk and the bananas is very hard on the little guys.

What they need is formula specifically made for squirrels and other rodents. Options are in the link below, as is a long list of beneficial foods and appropriate proportions. If you are able, it would be helpful to have pictures of the squirrels; specifically, areas that show the physical symptoms you describe. In addition, we'll need each squirrel's weight so if we need to recommend medication we can provide you with appropriate dosing via PM. In the meantime, keep them warm and dry, preferably in a darkened area. Please do stop the cow's milk now.

Here's the link: https://www.henryspets.com/1-baby-squirrel-care-guide/ This is the best guide available for rescuing baby squirrels.

We look forward to hearing from you!


04-09-2024, 06:19 AM
Thank you very much for your rply

Yes it's the cow's milk that i fed them. I gave them banans only twice. I'll go through the guide you have mentioned here

04-09-2024, 06:32 AM
My mobile browser doesn't support media sharing in thus site can you please provide me an email address??

04-09-2024, 06:33 AM
One with the genital redness

04-09-2024, 06:58 AM
There can definitely be genital suckling going on. Many times that’s an indication of hunger. Please switch from cows milk to goats milk. The homemade goats milk formula recipe is 3 parts goats milk, 1 part heavy whipping cream and 1 part full fat vanilla yogurt. Cows milk is not recommended for squirrels.

Rub some coconut oil on the one with the sore genitals and monitor them closely so you can ensure there is no suckling going on. It may be necessary to separate them if it continues.

Please post a picture of a close up of the genital area that is of concern.

04-09-2024, 08:48 AM
Thank you very much for the advice I'll stop cow's milk
Will try to send a picture my mobile phone browser doesn't support with media sharing in this site

04-09-2024, 09:01 AM
One with erythematous genitals

04-09-2024, 01:44 PM
What a couple of cuties! I see you got the pictures up. Mel1959 has given you exactly the advice you need. Your squirrels are hungry and are likely quite confused about not getting milk when suckling their genitals. Keep us up to date?


04-09-2024, 09:40 PM
Thank you very much both of you tomhawkflyers & Mel1959 for your valuble advices.

I have stopped cow's milk and the bloating is settling now. And i've seperated them now the genital redness is also settled.

But I'm not sure whether they defecate enough. I stimulate the genitals with every feed and the pass unrie around 10 to 15 drops but feces is only about a size of rice seed. Is this amount normal or are they constripated?

Definitely I'll keep in touch with you guys. I went through several local fb groups that helps to raise baby squirrels but didn't get what I got from here

04-10-2024, 07:48 AM
They could be slightly dehydrated. Try offering some warm water sweetened with a little honey IN BETWEEN regular feedings to provide additional hydration.

After some time passes you may be able to put them in together as long as you monitor closely to be sure the suckling doesn’t happen again. They like snuggling with a buddy.

04-10-2024, 07:59 AM
Are these Indian Palm Squirrels? I copied this link from a TSB post that you might find helpful.


04-11-2024, 07:17 AM
Yes they are indian palm squirrels
Thank you for the link I went through it

Unfortunately the small one died today i put up a thread in the emergency section also
He was socked all over the body I had some unavoidable work and I missed to look for them for 8hrs
Its all my fault
I'm heartbroken with the feeling that I killed him