View Full Version : Possible milk aspiration

03-23-2024, 09:16 PM
I was feeding my 2 week old baby tonight and the plunger on the syringe got stuck and I accidentally shot milk down her throat :boohoo, I'm unsure how much I don't think it was a whole lot but she did sneeze some out of her nose. I wiped her nose thoroughly and tilted her down and didn't see anymore drain out of her nose but in the possible event of her contracting pneumonia from this could someone help me with antibiotic dosing? Unfortunately I live in an illegal state so I can't take my baby to the vet but I do have some liquid amoxicillin on hand it is 100MG/5 ML and the baby weighs 46g

Charley Chuckles
03-23-2024, 09:45 PM
Ok I've actually had this happen....
I'd put my mouth on their face ( mouth and nose) gently sucking....try that.
If she has no other issues she could very well be fine.
Put your ear to her mouth listen for clicking. If you do not hear that I'm sure she is ok.
I had one this happen to every feeding many years ago 🤦he's still around going on 7 years 😉

Charley Chuckles
03-23-2024, 09:52 PM
Also the one I had no matter what I did no matter how slowly I gave the formula he would put it through his nose 🤦
Sounds like this may be a one time situation for your baby 🤞

03-23-2024, 10:00 PM
Thank you, I will definitely try that. I listened to her and besides some sniffing and lip smacking I didn't hear anything. I pray she will be fine like nothing happened. I have quickly fallen in love with my babies and would be absolutely heartbroken if something happened to them (especially at my fault) I just lost my dog I had for 14 years and these babies have helped heal a huge hole in my heart!

Charley Chuckles
03-23-2024, 10:32 PM
Oh God bless you I'm so sorry for the loss of your beloved dog 😔
You're a good soul ❤️
Keep doing what you're doing and others will be here to assist 😘

03-24-2024, 01:56 AM
I do have some liquid amoxicillin on hand it is 100MG/5 ML and the baby weighs 46g

As CC shared, she may be perfectly fine... aspirating is the cause of aspiration pneumonia (AP) but, but they do not always get AP when they aspirate... it depends on whether the fluid actually got into their lungs or if they snorted it all out.

Watch for the symptoms... lethargy (hard to know with little ones that sleep all the time already), lack of appetite and the persistent clicking when they breath!

Once amoxicillin is mixed into a liquid, it remains good only for about a week or 10 days. How old is this amoxicillin?

It is always a good idea to have antibiotics on hand just in case when raising baby squirrels, because if they do get AP you don't want to be in full panic mode trying to find antibiotics, and waiting a few days for the mail is not an option after they become sick.

You can purchase the best AP medication (Enrofloxacin AKA Baytril)here:

In the meantime, ask family friends and neighbors if they have any antibiotics in the medicine cabinet... often folks don't finish them after they start feeling well. Typically a single pill will provide a entire course of therapy for a small squirrel.

03-24-2024, 05:17 PM
The amoxicillin is definitely over a week old so currently on the hunt to find anyone who has anything on hand just incase! The website you had shared with me unfortunately was sold out of the enrofloxacin but I was able to find it on another site (prayfully a reputable one- it seemed to have good reviews) just to have it on hand if ever needed. I tried to attach a photo of what I purchased -hopefully it worked I'm new to this! So far my baby seems to be doing fine though! 🙌

03-24-2024, 08:25 PM
That is fine!