View Full Version : Hi! Needing some help with a little guy

03-14-2024, 08:15 PM
My fiance does tree work and they cut a tree down and he saw a baby laying on the ground. He got it out of the way and wrapped up but I'm thinking it's only maybe 3 weeks old, when I got it he was cold and dehydrated.. I gave him around the clock Pedialyte then moved to milk replacer... Now after reading alot I see I have the wrong kind..

I cannot think of the name but it's from Walmart I believe starts with an A.. anyways. He refuses to drink any of it. I have it in a little dropper ( not glass) and he trys to push it away. Is there anything I can add to this that will help nurish him better or to just get him to eat?? I have only ever done this with a baby bag and it loved to eat lol so I'm looking for some advice!

03-14-2024, 10:06 PM
Hi Linnee! Welcome. Help is here. This guide, by Henry's Healthy Pets, is clear, concise, and accurate. Read carefully, follow directions to the letter and in the order given, and your squirrel should do well. TIME IS IMPORTANT. Please act immediately.



03-15-2024, 05:38 AM
Hi Linnee! Welcome. Help is here. This guide, by Henry's Healthy Pets, is clear, concise, and accurate. Read carefully, follow directions to the letter and in the order given, and your squirrel should do well. TIME IS IMPORTANT. Please act immediately.



This is amazing! Now IF I cannot get the fox valley for whatever reason. Is it ok to give it Esbilac the entire time?

03-15-2024, 05:44 AM
You don’t say what state you’re in. Have you looked for a licensed rehabber in your area. You should be able to find a list by googling “licensed wildlife rehabilitators” in your state. If you want to share your state we have members throughout the US that are licensed and could take the baby.

In the meantime you can make a homemade goats milk formula. You will find goats milk in the refrigerated case at most grocery stores. It’s made by Meyenburg. Mix 3 parts goats milk, 1 part heavy whipping cream and 1 part vanilla full fat yogurt (with no artificial sweeteners.) You will also need a 1cc syringe to feed with….not a dropper or a baby bottle. Go to a pharmacy and explain that your feeding a baby kitten, they are usually more receptive to that and will give you a syringe (no needle).

I hope you warmed the baby before offering pedialyte. A cold babies digestive system won’t work properly. Don’t offer pedialyte for more than 24 hours, it contains too much sodium.

Please search for a rehabber that will take the baby. Raising a baby squirrel is a long road to embark on before being old enough for release which is at 16+ weeks. If you can’t find a rehabber near you please let us know. The goats milk formula is only a short term formula and doesn’t contain the necessary nutrients for the squirrel to grow long term. He will need to be transitioned at about 4 weeks old to Esbilac POWDERED formula or Fox Valley 20/50 squirrel formula, which can be found online.

03-15-2024, 05:46 AM
This is amazing! Now IF I cannot get the fox valley for whatever reason. Is it ok to give it Esbilac the entire time?

Esbilac can be used till he weans, but it must be Esbilac POWDERED. The liquid is NOT the same.

03-15-2024, 06:33 AM
Esbilac can be used till he weans, but it must be Esbilac POWDERED. The liquid is NOT the same.

Thank you so much this helps, there is a place but I believe it's 2 hours away so I'm doing my best, He's doing well He was cold but I had him warmed up on a heating pad before I fed him!

I guess my biggest concern is he's not interested in the formula, He will drink the Pedialyte if I give him a little but when I placed formula in front of him when it's warm He's just not interested

03-15-2024, 09:04 AM
How warm is warm? 105-110 is usually pretty close for formula. Also the Henry’s guide is great Except for using 32/40 for young ones. As others said after the homemade goat milk mix, escbilac powdered puppy and Fox valley 20/50 will suffice.

03-16-2024, 07:13 AM
Thank you so much this helps, there is a place but I believe it's 2 hours away so I'm doing my best, He's doing well He was cold but I had him warmed up on a heating pad before I fed him!

I guess my biggest concern is he's not interested in the formula, He will drink the Pedialyte if I give him a little but when I placed formula in front of him when it's warm He's just not interested

You are feeding him with a 1 ml syringe and not relying on him to feed himself out of a bowl, right? Squirrels must be fed with a syringe, preferably with a nursing nipple attached until they wean themselves around 12 weeks old.

Pedialyte is not a replacement for food. You just have to continue giving the formula drop by drop until he figures out that it’s food. It tastes very different than mom’s milk. For what it’s worth I think the Fox Valley 20/50 tastes better than the Esbilac.

Have you tried the homemade goats milk formula? That is usually well received.

03-16-2024, 07:16 AM

This is what I’m referring to for feeding. For little guys you only want to use a 1ml syringe as too much volume comes out with a 3ml syringe.