View Full Version : New need info please Sick 9m gr. M. eye , ear inf or allergies HELP FAST SADSADSAD

03-12-2024, 10:33 PM
Hi guys, I’ve used the form for many years. I’ve rehabbed a few squirrels over a nine year period and I just joined because I have a nine month old male gray that I haven’t released yet scared of the outdoors, but I’m having issues with them. I believe he has an eye infection, maybe conjunctivitis or allergies or an irritant possibly an ear infection because I noticed today when I was smoking his jaw and ear area after cleaning his eye he favored that ear and kind of shook me off. He has his eyes are cloudy they’re different. They’re different. I’m worried I’m very partial to my little wink And I don’t know what to do. I started flushing with sterile, eyedrop, putting warm salt, water compresses, and using an optic antibiotic ointment. Can someone help give me pointers tell me what it is. I’m freaking out.

03-17-2024, 05:54 AM
I’m sorry your post was missed. How’s your little guy doing? I can’t see the cloudiness you’re referring to in your pictures. I will say that eye cloudiness can be a symptom of poor nutrition. What’s your little guy eating on a regular basis? Here’s the link for the Healthy Diet. https://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?44440-Healthy-Diet-for-Pet-Squirrels

A rodent block like Henry’s or Harlan Teklad is a must.

03-17-2024, 06:25 AM
I wanted to add that ear infections are hard to detect and inner ear infections are hard to treat. If you think you might need an antibiotic for treatment you need to search your medicine cabinet and call to family and friends to see what human antibiotics you can locate. You will likely need only one pill. Whatever medicines you locate post them here with the strength (mg) of the pill. Someone will then be able to dilute it and provide the proper dosage.

You will also need to post the weight of your squirrel and have a 1ml syringe with clear markings in order to dose.