View Full Version : Possible Aspiration Pneumonia

03-06-2024, 02:47 PM
I have rescued two baby squirrels, a boy and a girl...they are 2 weeks old, and quite a handful, but my heart grows by the second with them, the male has got a slight click going on with what I feel is a clammy skim temp, everyone says he's warm but I don't feel it and I have a suspicion something is wrong. I have called 3 vets and not a one of them is willing to prescribe Bayril due to them being a wildlife animal. How can I get my hands on this medication and/or is anyone willing to ship it. I live in Texas.

03-06-2024, 03:58 PM
Look through your own medicine cabinet and call friends and family and coworkers to see if anybody has any leftover antibiotics - for HUMANS - something their doctors prescribed them. Most vet prescriptions are the same drugs that people take with a different name sometimes.

Cipro is wonderful for A/P - it is basically Human baytril
Augmentin, also called Amoxicillin clavulanate or "Amoxiclav" is also very good.

Get the names of whatever you can find, and the size of the pill in milligrams and one of us will help you to correctly dilute and dose it. You will only need one pill.

We will need the drug name and mg size, and the weight of the babies in grams. YOU will need a 1cc or smaller syringe with clear markings.

03-17-2024, 04:41 AM
The Lil man thankfully was just talking...I was paranoid lol. Did get baytril on hand just incase they need it in the future but they're 4 weeks old today and alive so I think I'm doing a great job so far. Will definitely message you if I need to administer it.

03-17-2024, 06:26 AM
For future reference the best way to determine AP is to hold the baby up to your ear like a phone and listen for any clicking or crackling noise. Lethargy and lack of appetite are signs of AP as well.