View Full Version : If you can see nipples does that always mean they are pregnant ?

02-19-2024, 05:11 PM
I have a female that’s probably about 1.5 yr old and she was acting really weird about a month ago and spent a whooooole day crying but I couldn’t find any reason for it and after that day she never did it again. We also have a male that’s a little older than her so someone suggested maybe she was in heat. The male seemed very uninterested though and stayed in his box pretty much the whole day only poking his head out with his ears back like her yelling was too loud lol. She had put on some weight and was working double time to stash food everywhere but I figured it was because of the winter. She doesn’t sit still very long but I can hold her and pet her when she feels like it and I’ve never noticed her nipples before. They aren’t swollen or crusty with old milk like some of the pictures I’ve seen online where they look painful. But I just noticed today I can see them now. I will keep trying to get a picture of them but trying to get her on her back with one hand and take a picture is proving to be pretty difficult lol. Is it normal and I just never noticed? They have a very small area of no / less fur around them and they r probably the size of the tip of a pen.

02-19-2024, 05:44 PM
When a female has babies the nipples are larger and the hair around them is matted down from babies suckling. Most females become very protective of their babies and nests.

I’m not sure what the crying would be about. There was another post recently about a female crying and it was suggested she may have been in estrus.

You might access her bed to see if there are babies inside but be careful about upsetting her.

Are these two non-releasable for some reason?