View Full Version : Hello!

02-14-2024, 04:37 AM
Hi friends! I am new here, but not a new squirrel friend. My name is Lindsey and I've loved squirrels (and chipmunks) since I was little. We lived in a rural area where we always had outside dogs and barn cats, so we hardly saw them near my house. I would get so excited seeing them play in friend's and relative's yards-- such happy, fluffy creatures! Fast forward to today.

I currently live in a condo in a wooded area with plenty of trees and woods beyond the back yard. We started feeding birds years ago, but quickly attracted many squirrels who fought viciously over the feeder. We moved to more of a "platform" style for feeding which seemed to be more peaceful for the birds and squirrels. We built little cinder block towers where the squirrels can keep a watchful eye and enjoy a snack, too.

My long term goal is to move into rehabbing, especially after having witnessed squirrels with ailments over the years. I've consulted my local rehabbers for advice from time to time, but I feel like my questions are sometimes stupid and bothersome, haha. And that brings me here. :grin3

I'm here to learn everything I can about squirrels and share in the love of their well-being. I like to do what I can to keep my neighborhood squirrels happy and healthy--- and to keep visiting me!

Thanks for offering this fun and helpful forum. See you around!

02-14-2024, 05:47 AM
Hello and :Welcome:Welcome

We’re glad you’re with us. There is a wealth of information on this site. The collective knowledge of rehabbers, novices and squirrel enthusiasts is astounding. Many of us started like you….just enjoying and wanting to ensure the health and well being of our furry yard friends. The amount of misinformation on the internet about squirrels and raising them or keeping them is one of the reasons this forum exists.

We are here to help, so ask away! No question is irrelevant because many that see it may learn from it.