01-31-2024, 01:12 AM
This evening as I was feeding some of the colony kids, I noticed that one has lost close to half of her tail. Perhaps a predator almost got her. I suspect that this means her gliding days are over, and that she is now easier prey because of her inability to jump and glide away (while steering) from predators. She's moving quickly but gingerly. She was a little skittish with me, and she normally isn't. I think the freshness of the injury and the trauma have something to do with this. Anyone ever encounter this problem? How did you handle it? Thoughts on rounding her up and keeping her indoors? She regularly takes food from my fingers, will jump into my hand to take a block out of it, and occasionally climbs aboard for very short periods. She is a wild and retains wild wariness. A quick movement on my part or an unexpected sound will cause her to flee. She touches me - I don't touch her. Attempting to pick her up would undoubtedly be interpreted as aggression. I'd need to live trap her. I think she was born Spring of last year. Not sure how she and Ollie might interact - they are not of the same colony. Ollie is S-H-Y.