View Full Version : Squirrel Food Product Question

01-26-2024, 12:33 PM
I stumbled across this on Amazon

Look at the foods pictured, read the ingredients, seems like it is bad, high phosphorus foods.

I questioned that, and someone responded that their pet" squirrel JackJack has been doing great for ten years, because of that diet..."

What you think? Also, the loose, unmixed ingredients could easily mean that the pet squirrel hides, or ignores the good stuff, like those "awfully boring" rodent nuggets in the picture.

Anyone knows about this product.. what do the dietary pros here think ?

01-26-2024, 01:09 PM
The collective opinion of the admins and members that I’ve seen is that this product is not a sound choice for a squirrel diet…..for all the reasons you stated.

01-26-2024, 01:27 PM
Oh, so this product has been discussed on here already then ?

01-26-2024, 03:32 PM
I personally don't buy things from Exotic Nutrition because so many are like this - junk food being pushed on an unwary public. Just the amount of calcium needed to balance all of the pumpkin seeds alone in that mix would be a lot and there is no reason for them to be there in the first place.