View Full Version : Nutter Butter is being picky again

01-11-2024, 03:49 PM
It seems that we have our bouts with little miss Nutter Butter when she decides she no longer needs her Henry’s blocks. She has had times when she’s only eating the blocks and nothing else, then she does good with eating both the blocks and her veggies, and here lately I’m having trouble getting her to eat either. She was eating Boo Balls in there too for a good few weeks but now she’s turned her nose up to them as well. I have found many of her HHB hidden just about every day for this past week so now I’m desperate.

I need advice on how to make them more appealing or something to get her to eat them. IE: peanut or almond butter?? Can she have either of these? We’ve tried coconut oil and she just licks the coconut oil off and throws the block aside like a piece of trash.

I also have calcium from Henry’s and the vitamins. Am I able to sprinkle some calcium on any of the food I can get her to eat to at least make sure she is getting something?

My next plan if I can’t figure out anything else is to make her blocks homemade and see if that will be more appealing.

Also to add she is not showing any signs of weight loss, no loss of energy (still her rambunctious self), and she does not really nap during the day. A handful of times she has taken a break for about ten minutes. She gets up when I get up and she is ready for bed by 430 every night that’s when she starts getting irritated with me being in the room and she’s ready for her hammock.

Also also. Let me just say our Nutter Butter is NOT a normal little squirrel. She absolutely hates textures worse than I do and I have OCD. She won’t even humor an avocado or anything slightly mushy/sticky (other than coconut oil).

I would appreciate any suggestions but definitely would appreciate advice on the peanut/almond butter because that’s the last “appetizing” thing I have I think I could try. Thank you all!

01-11-2024, 04:27 PM
Tough love is usually what is recommended, but I know that’s hard. Do you provide the block first thing in the morning when she’s hungriest? Are you giving her treats (nuts) of any kind? If so, stop.

Almond butter is better than peanut butter, if she’ll eat it. Some squirrels really like Nutella. You could try putting some of either on a block and see what she does with it. Have you tried a variety of Henry’s blocks? Picky Eater and Hazelnut are usually favorites. Some even prefer the Wild Bites.

If all else fails I’d definitely try making your own blocks. I believe Henry’s provides a recipe in our nutrition section.

Yes, you can sprinkle calcium on her food. Any excess not used will be passed in her stool.

Diggie's Friend
01-11-2024, 04:58 PM
Organic food grade Chia oil from "Foods Alive" that is high Omega 3 Fatty acidic content which is known to benefit the immune system, is also a source that some members here have tried adding to the block that is on top of it to increase the scent appeal. One member told me it worked so well they wish they had stock in it. a couple of drops can be added to leafy greens to increase their appeal as well.


Never get a carrier oil; even if the vender claims it can be consumed, it isn't formulated as food grade seed oils are, but rather for use with cosmetics.

01-12-2024, 03:45 AM
Thank you both! I have taken away nuts again, she was getting them just before bed. The last time she got so picky we took away nuts at bed time as well. When she gets good for several weeks we’ll go back to giving her them as treats before bed. I also give her her first block when I wake her up in the mornings while I’m cleaning the cage from the day before, this block she usually eats about 1/4-1/2 of right away. Her other lunchtime block she always hides, so I give her a third block in the evenings. Last night she made me a liar because after I posted this she got on top of her cage and ate that block in its entirety. So there’s that 😂

I got online and ordered the Foods Alive as well because any extra thing I can try I will, but it will not be here for several weeks. I have also ordered every Henry’s block except for the hazelnut blocks. She does not like any of them except for the healthy blocks. When she was first weaning she would prefer the wild bites. She does not like the picky blocks at all. I have also tried the sticks they offer as well, she throws those aside disdainfully.

The weather has been quite different this season here it got pretty cold in October of this past year. I almost want to attribute some of her behavior to that because for the entire month of December she was trying to hide all of her buffet and her blocks and only eating the bare minimum. During that time she was eating her Teklad and Kaytee as preference.

I get very paranoid because I’m terrified of her getting MBD, I want this baby to make it out to the trees eventually to where she can live her best squirrel life. I have went above and beyond with this baby I’ve spent quite a bit of money on her to make sure she is taken care of to the best of my ability (there is no complaint there I would do it ten times over). Countless hours researching and researching. So when I get stumped I turn to the squirrel board to you lovely people with much more experience and information than me! I appreciate you all!

01-12-2024, 06:49 AM
I forgot to add…if you have calcium carbonate powder from Henrys you’re fine and can dust Hamys food with that. If you have to buy additional calcium powder just be sure it doesn’t contain Vitamin D as many do. I buy NOW brand of calcium carbonate powder from my local health food store.

01-12-2024, 10:52 AM
I forgot to add…if you have calcium carbonate powder from Henrys you’re fine and can dust Hamys food with that. If you have to buy additional calcium powder just be sure it doesn’t contain Vitamin D as many do. I buy NOW brand of calcium carbonate powder from my local health food store.

I have the powder from Henry’s. Unfortunately everything I get I have to get online, we live three hours from any health food anything. I wish we lived closer to something else so I could get a better selection of veggies for her.

Diggie's Friend
01-12-2024, 12:33 PM
Amazon.com Foods Alive organic Chia oil delivery noted for last week in January Price is with shipping charge included is about the same as for other venders where they list just the cost of the product which then appears to be a lower price because shipping not show isn't initially included in the cost.
