View Full Version : Help : sick tree squirrel
05-25-2006, 01:17 AM
3 days ago i found 3 infant tree squirrels near my house. Their mother had been killed.( I know this for sure 'coz i found the body nearby ). They are very little.about 2 weeks old.still hasnt got any fur,only skin pigments.
A local vet adviced me to give them dialuted cow s milk. Now one infant has his back area blood red.his poo is very liquid like & im not sure whether theres blood coming out with his looks to me like somethings wrong with him.& is there a cure if he is sick.Please im really helpless at this moment coz there are no squirrel rehabs where i live.The only chance they have is for me to take care of them.
Please help.Im waiting for a reply.
05-25-2006, 01:54 AM
I just sent a link to your email that has a lot of important information that should be of great help. In case you didn't get your email here it is:
Good Luck and God Bless you for caring!!
05-25-2006, 02:06 AM
There are a lot of great people on this board that can help you in a couple of hours. Not too many people on here this late. After reading the information on the above link, please come back here in the morning and read the replies. You certainly came to the right place.
island rehabber
05-25-2006, 05:52 AM
Hi Ghosts -- first of all, thank you for caring enough to rescue these poor babies. I hope you've had time to read the information on those links, so you'll know that cow's milk is not good for squirrels. The most important thing for babies this young is warmth (don't let them get cold) and you have Pedialyte or its equivalent where you are? Something moms would give to human babies when they are dehydrated from fever? This would be the best thing for the first 24 hours. Please let us know how they are doing this morning (It's probably afternoon or evening for you) and we can try to help you from there. The one with the blood spot does not sound good....without a wildlife vet near you, it is hard to know whether we can save him, so please prepare yourself. The others can be saved if we all help :) :)
island rehabber
05-25-2006, 06:02 AM
Ghosts, also try this link if you haven't already:
Enter "Sri Lanka" and then your province or state....there may be a wildlife rehabber somewhere near you. In the meantime, hopefully you have access to a small (1cc) syringe with a nipple attachment you can use to feed the babies. They should be consuming about 2-3ccs (ml) every 2-3 hours at their age. Have you been able to find a powdered puppy formula like Esbilac? I wish I knew more about what products and their equivalent are available in Sri Lanka!
05-25-2006, 09:05 AM
The vet told me that the redness is due to an infection caused by its pee.he gave me a oinment & now the redness is reduced pretty much.only the anus is red still.
about the milk, I tried to find puppy milk everywhere but I didnt get any. All i could get is cow's milk & goats milk.I found on the internet a formula made from goats milk.Have anyone tried that one.
And there are no rehabbers where I live.not even in the country.I think.
I gave them about 1.5cc s every 2 hours.Im afraid to give 2ccs coz at 1.5ccs there tummy gets very enlarged.( I dont want to blow them up ).
There are doing good for now.I hope everything will stay that way.or get better.
island rehabber
05-25-2006, 09:44 AM
Wow, Ghosts you're doing great so far! I think the goat's milk would be an OK second choice. Yes, you are right to not feed them too much, as their tummies should be like a slightly deflated balloon, not stretched. Remember to stimulate them after feeding so that they do all their business properly -- that's what their mom would do. You can use a warm, wet cloth or paper napkin for is really important. They will sleep almost all the time, so don't worry. Please keep us posted as to their progress! :)
05-25-2006, 10:01 AM
Thanx for the info.
I do stimulate them after feeding.
I found a milk powder that is made for babies.( human babies ).would that be of any good.or will goats milk will be better. & also do I have to mix honey with the squirrel babies need additional glucose. If so how much water & how much honey should be added to the milk.( Goats milk,or milk powder ). & is there any other things I should add.
island rehabber
05-25-2006, 10:23 AM
O boy I wish there was one of the senior rehabbers online right now...Nutz4sqrls, Help!! My instinct tells me the goat's milk would be better than the human baby formula for the simple reason that goats, like squirrels, are herbivores. (Human milk replacer must have some "carnivore/omnivore" elements in it that would not be good for a squirrel's digestive system.) I think you can add a little honey or some cream, if available, to the formula...just a bit will help them gain weight and increase energy. One part powder to two parts very warm water is the recommended mixture for the their young age I would not add anything else.
05-25-2006, 07:51 PM
Hi all..
Its morning & the babies are fine.
How much honey should I add for the formula.
Also Im waiting still to find out which is better. cows milk, goats milk, or baby milk powder.
On the late last night feeding the eldest baby started to arch his head back as soon as I take the syring out of his mouth coz he was sucking too much.Is this normal or is it a Hypoglycemic Seizure.Also when I put them near my ear I can hear a little sound like a bone cracking sound.Is this normal or is it a sign of Pneumonia.Other than those acts they are healthy & not weak.they start to walk around & start searching for milk as soon as I wake them up.Im just cautious.
Also there skin is very wrinkly, although I hydrated them & after that fed them many times.are they mal nourished.or is the amount of milk I give them is not enough.
too many questions....hope to find the answers soon.
05-25-2006, 08:13 PM
First I would NOT recommend using the honey! Second are there any petshops, vets, or or puppy breeders that might have puppy formula? With cows milk I doubt these squirrels will live. Human formula is also not the answer and will no doubt kill these babies.The goats milk is the best choice if you cannot possibly get the puppy formula but I wouldnt add anything to it for a while then you might have to add a little whole cream after they are a bit older and stable on their formula. I dont know if Nick at Fox Valley sells to where you are but if he does he might be able to get the correct formula to you ASAP. Try typing in fox valley animal nutrition inc and see if he can help you. His company makes two formulas for squirrels one for newborn to three weeks old and another for squirrels three weeks to weaning. I have been using these two formulas for the past five years on flyers,foxers and grey squirrels and have had nothing but success. Good luck and please keep us posted on how they are doing. Stacey
Hi all..
Its morning & the babies are fine.
How much honey should I add for the formula.
Also Im waiting still to find out which is better. cows milk, goats milk, or baby milk powder.
On the late last night feeding the eldest baby started to arch his head back as soon as I take the syring out of his mouth coz he was sucking too much.Is this normal or is it a Hypoglycemic Seizure.Also when I put them near my ear I can hear a little sound like a bone cracking sound.Is this normal or is it a sign of Pneumonia.Other than those acts they are healthy & not weak.they start to walk around & start searching for milk as soon as I wake them up.Im just cautious.
Also there skin is very wrinkly, although I hydrated them & after that fed them many times.are they mal nourished.or is the amount of milk I give them is not enough.
too many questions....hope to find the answers soon.
Secret Squirrel
05-25-2006, 08:51 PM
The cracking you hear is pnumonia and needs to be treated ASAP!!!!!
Amoxie drops from a vet or rehabber need to be administer very soon. Also if you want these babys to survive the puppy formula is a must and the squirrels need better nourishment than the goats milk. Zoologic and Fox Valley have a great line of milk replacers ( will ship overnight from the US. Call Chris and the web site posted.
05-25-2006, 09:59 PM
You can also try Jeffers Pet Supply online and ask them to ship the puppy milk (Esbilac) overnight.
05-26-2006, 01:36 AM
I took them to a vet & he said that there is nothing wrong with the babies & the cracking sound is normal, and the one who arch his head back does that bcoz the baby is not used to the way i hold him.he told me to change the way I feed them.Also he told me a milk to use called lactogen formula 1.they give it to puppies.
I have another problem, there skin is full of overlapping wrinkles & they looks very skinny, eventhough I hydrated them & fed them.they does not look well nourished.why is that??Is there something I should do.Should I increase the feeding times??
05-26-2006, 04:34 AM
Now theres another problem.Two babies looks very weak & they doesnt poo.They only pee.I stimulated them for a very long time.One baby came very close to poo.but pulled it back at the last minute.& they look very skinny when I pinch on top of there shoulders it stays that way.should i go back to Pedialyte.they are very weak.If I move back to Pedialyte will that be a problem.also one baby doesnt open his mouth for anything.I tried everything I could but he doesnt open his mouth.whats wrong with them.
island rehabber
05-26-2006, 07:15 AM
Ghosts I am sorry but that cracking sound is NOT sounds like aspirational pneumonia and I lost a squirrel from it last year. She was also a "failure to thrive" baby....always dehydrated nomatter what I did, even sub-Q of lactated ringers. She also had that head-rearing- back thing....
You can try going back to warm Pedialyte instead of any formula to see if the babies will hydrate....but this is truly a wildlife veterinary problem. Keep them as warm and quiet as you can and hope for the best. I'm so sorry I can't be more helpful to you. :(
Secret Squirrel
05-26-2006, 10:09 AM
I was wondering how you have been keeping the babies warm? The heat source needs to be where the babies can crawl off if they get too hot. That can also dehydrate them. What is your heat source?
If baby's are not eating well than sometimes they will not poo and will only pee. That's OK for a short period....please someone else chime in on this matter if I am wrong!!!
As Island rehabber and I have stated the cracking is NOT GOOD!!! Some vets don't treat wildlife and only treat domestic animals. So please take the advice and do your research on aspirational's very deadly. You are doing everything in your power to save these babies and we are here for you. God's speed!
island rehabber
05-26-2006, 10:32 AM
Secret that's a good point about not having the babies kept TOO warm...if you are using a heating pad that can be a problem. Ghosts, are they better or worse at this point? Don't be too concerned about wrinkly skin because pinky squirrels will look wrinkled -- but their faces should not be long and pointed-looking.
05-27-2006, 04:37 AM
Its a sad day for me.One of the squirrels passed.I took him to a different vet today morning.He gave me some medicine.And gave sub-Q to the weakest babie.But he passed before medicine can do any good.He also told me to bring the squirrel who doesnt poo today evening if he stays that way.Now the squirrel who didnt had any problems are doing liquid like poo.not very liquid.but not solid either.can this be because overfeeding.coz he drinks alot of milk.but I dont give it after his belly gets round.He digests it without a problem.
This vet also said that the cracking sound is nothing to worry about.
If they have aspirational pneumonia I think its up to me to cure them.they dont have a runny nose.they just make the sound & only opens there mouth when their been fed.( they sometimes mouth breath while feeding.) can I give medicine to them myself or do I have to find a vet who doesnt say that is normal.( Its very hard to do that ).If I can do the medinine myself, how can I do it.( Is Amoxy drops liquid amoxyline ).
& im using a heat pad. I lowered the temperature after I read about the over heating.But if they wanted to get away, they could hav done it coz there is space.
island rehabber
05-27-2006, 06:15 AM
Ghosts I am so sorry you lost a little one....understand that this is very likely to happen with squirrels so young. Some give the survival rate at only 50% without the mamma squirrel, nomatter how good the human rescuer is.
The soft stool may very well be from overfeeding a little. Cut back slightly on the amount, and feed a little more often than you have been....see if that helps firm everything up again. If two vets have said that mysterious sound is OK, let's go with it and not administer any medicines now. See how the others do for the next day or so. You're doing great -- keep up the good work!
05-27-2006, 08:20 AM
Another question.When should I start giving them whipped cream.The babies have their tummies full but still looks skinny.Like the ones in this image.( My ones are a bit better than them ).I know its due to lack of nutritions.but I couldnt find Esbalic.It will take about a week for them to ship it to where I live.Can I do anything about it.( I only gave the new milk powder the vet gave for a day.So I cant really tell how good it is.)I know I shouldnt rush giving them whipped cream.But is there anything a bit light.which will provide nourishment but doesnt mess up their digesting system.
05-27-2006, 10:12 AM
I have been using Ensure Vanilla if they couldn't handle the formula. Try to mix
Ensure with the formula. I use half and half. If diarrhea occurs, try a few
feedings with only Ensure. Are your babies de-hydrated? It's hard to tell from
the picture, but they look like it.
05-27-2006, 10:40 AM
MissDolittle, I'v heard alot bout you.Those are not my babies in that picture.Its a picture from the net.One of my babies looks a bit de-hydrated.But he is getting better.I'll try to find ensure vanilla.I hope I could find it.
05-27-2006, 11:00 AM
Oh I see! I'm sure you'll find some Ensure, they have it in almost every grocery
and drug store. If one of the babies is dehydrated, add some pedialyte to the
ensure/formula mix. I use a 1/3 of each in a situation like that, but only for a
day or until the baby is rehydrated. You are doing a good job! :)
05-27-2006, 03:06 PM
Glad to see you back, Miss D. But take another look - Ensure may not be so easy to find.....she's in Sri Lanka!
05-27-2006, 03:18 PM
Ooooh, I didn't catch that, doh. I hope she can find it and if not something
similiar. It's such a life saver. The board is spreading all over the world,
that's so cool :crazy .
05-27-2006, 11:48 PM
What did we do before the World Wide Web? My husband and I were discussing how much knowledge one can receive nowdays. He is learning all about how to work on his new sailboat and I learned all about taking care of squirrels. I know there is a lot of bad on the computer, but there is sooo much good too!
05-28-2006, 05:10 AM
I did find ensure.Its on every drug store here too.I just didnt know that.Do I have to mix ensure with water before mixing it with milk.& would a 2 weeks old baby squirrel manage to digest ensure.
& Im a " He " by the way.What gave you an idea that im a girl.Am I the 1st boy to rescue a squirrel.
Anyway one baby is getting very very weak.He doesnt suck the milk much too.Is there anything I can do for him.he also has a skin infection.He has little bubbles all over the lower body.The vet gave me beterdine for the infection & saline & dextrose formula for the hydration.also he didnt poo in 2 days.he does pee alot.Im wondering can this be the problem for the weakness.
05-28-2006, 06:13 AM
Also it keeps ringing in my head that they have aspirated can I be sure that they have it or not.If they have it how can I treat him.Visiting a Vet is not a good solution coz they keep saying wait more.I already lost one baby by waiting.What is the medicine I should use & how much should I use it.Can baby squirrels handle antibiotics( Their liver is very weak at this age ).I hope someone will help me before I lose other two.
island rehabber
05-28-2006, 06:50 AM
Ghosts, I'm sorry your babies are still having problems. (BTW, I thought you were a guy right from the beginning -- you "sound" like a guy to me :dono :) But animal rescuers are overwhelmingly female, so that's where the assumptions come from!)
I think the babies will be able to digest formula with a little Ensure added if it's not too thick. Is your formula very warm -- almost hot -- when you feed them? I have found some little guys will not eat much if the formula is not really warm.
05-28-2006, 06:50 AM
Another thing...there s a wiered cut mark on the leg of one of the babies.I read on a website that this is caused by lack of calcium ( I think ).is this the cause of it.the vet said it is a due to a skin rash.
The formula is only warm when I feed them.never hot.
& guys rescue animals too..( There has to be atleast one more )
05-28-2006, 06:52 AM
That's wonderful that you found Ensure. No, dont mix it with water. If one of
the babies is getting weaker and since I don't know how good the formula is
that you got there, I would try to just give Ensure, because it's so easy on
the squirrel's stomach.
Wow, I'm sorry that I thought you were a she. That's because a friend of mine
uses the nick Ghost and she's a girl. :)
As to the antibiotics, your vet should be able to advice you there and give you
the right one. I'm using amoxicillin, but it depends on the weight on how much
the squirrel needs.
Skin infection usually results from not cleaning the bottom least
that's my first guess, but it's hard to tell. I had a baby skunk last week and
he was doing just great and of course I kept him clean, and on the 4th day he
started to get these weird bumps all over his skin, nobody knew what it was.
05-28-2006, 07:42 AM
& guys rescue animals too..( There has to be atleast one more )Good Luck GhosTS, the rest of us "guys" :) are keeping our fingers crossed for you and the little ones. :grouphug
05-28-2006, 08:10 AM
Hi Ghost in the picture you showed those babies are both dehydrated and emaciated. If your baby has had soft stools then he is probably dehydrated. When babies are dehydrated it will effect their suck reflex and they wont have the strength to nurse. You mentioned a skin rash and bumps, where exactly are they all over or just in one spot? Babies that dont have hair yet sometimes get dry skin either from dehydration or just from the heat source and I sometimes oil mine lightly with vitamin E oil or emu oil and that seems to help. I wouldnt reccomend washing them at this age because they chill to easily. Does the formula you are using have a nutritional breakdown that you could post? It might help us to compare it to Esbilac or Fox VAlley to see if it is lacking anything? I wish you luck and I know you are a great guy to love and care for this little squirrel soul. Thank You! Also happy 21st birthday! Stacey
I did find ensure.Its on every drug store here too.I just didnt know that.Do I have to mix ensure with water before mixing it with milk.& would a 2 weeks old baby squirrel manage to digest ensure.
& Im a " He " by the way.What gave you an idea that im a girl.Am I the 1st boy to rescue a squirrel.
Anyway one baby is getting very very weak.He doesnt suck the milk much too.Is there anything I can do for him.he also has a skin infection.He has little bubbles all over the lower body.The vet gave me beterdine for the infection & saline & dextrose formula for the hydration.also he didnt poo in 2 days.he does pee alot.Im wondering can this be the problem for the weakness.
05-28-2006, 11:23 AM
Hi There! rygel1hardt is absolutely right! If your babies look anything like those pics they are dehydrated and emaciated. Contiue hydrating with your rehydrating fluid. It is very difficult for a dehydrated baby to digest much more or nurse. I would stick with the fluids and slowly introduce the Ensure. Please make sure the Ensure is vanilla, strawberry or Banana, not chocolate. There is also an Ensure, high in Calcium, for women, if available. The most important things at this point are warmth, not too warm, that causes further dehydration. And of course...your dextrose given by the vet or Pedialyte, warmed, given in small amounts, often. I know that you are probably looking at them (like we all do), sooo thin, that you just want to chub them up. How is there urine output, at this point? You ARE doing a SUPER job!!! Please continue to update, I do not want to take time with info that may not pertain!! Thank You for caring sooo much!:thankyou
05-28-2006, 01:58 PM
Wow! This board is so awesome!!
05-28-2006, 08:32 PM
Hiya! Thanks Snoopi...but I am here pulling my hair out! Wildlife Vets are one in a million..regular Vets try to help...but it is sooo different! My "pet" Vet, will agree! Its a great board!! Ghosts...please PM me for further info! Its nothing against you, I WILL HELP and use my wildlife vet's advice to help you!!! I just do NOT feel comfortable, putting this info help/teach folks in the wrong way, EVERY squirrel is circumstancial..there is a different story for each kid! YOUR KIDS NEED HELP! Please pm me, if you choose! YOU ARE DOING A GREAT THING...but I choose not to teach ANY finder how to raise a squirrel in NEED, without seeing him/her! I hope you understand!! PLEASE PM ME!!!:Love_Icon ....You are a special case..from where you are from! please...DO not LET ME SCARE YOU AWAY!! We are all trying to help and praying for your work!!!
05-28-2006, 08:54 PM
Inspite all my efforts I lost another baby.Its so sad.I took him in to the ver so many times.but he is no wildlife vet.there are no such thing called wildlife vets here coz all the vets who treat wildlife is either on a zoo or on a wildlife sanctuary.The vet finally agreed to give him an antibiotic(Neomicin).But he only lived to recieve one dose.When im about to give milk in the midnight i found that he was no longer with me.
Now i only have one baby left & im gonna do everything I can to keep him safe.I call him spark.Coz he is the one who showed tiniest bit of light from the three babies.I really love him.So i really need your help.
The surviving baby is in a good condition.he is not dehydrated.he drinks milk very well.he had a soft stools problem but I think it was due to the fact that he drinks alot of milk.I reduced the amount I give him & increased the frequency.
He too is a bit thin.but now i introduced a bit of ensure vanilla.that might help.
also here is the nutritional breakdown of the milk im giving them.(This is for 100g s )
energy 482kcal
fat 22.5g
protien 20.8g
carbohydrate 49g
linolic 3g
minerals 4.7g
sodium 295mg
pottassium 975mg
chloride 700mg
calsium 755mg
phospurus 615mg
magnesium 67mg
moisture 3g
vitamin a 1900iu
vitamin d 430iu
vitamin e 5.8iu
vitamin k-1 22mcg
vitamin c 48mg
vitamin d1 0.72mg
vitamin b2 1.2mg
vitamin b6 0.96mg
niacin 13mg
folic acid 140mcg
pantothenic acid 3.4mg
vitamin b12 0.96mcg
biotin 16mcg
choline 48mg
inositol 24mg
ion 8.2mg
iodine 100mcg
copper 0.58mg
zinc 5.8mg
manganese 34mcg
I see that the formula lacks calcium ( Calcium/pottassium percentage in not as in MissDolittle s site ).What can I do about it.
He also has that cracking sound near the throat.Should I treat him for aspirated pneumonia.He did aspirate a couple of times when he first came to me.
He urinates without a problem.
I'll keep updating on him.please help anyway you can.I dont wanna lose him.
05-29-2006, 05:40 AM
I made a mistake in my last post.Norfloxacin was the antibiotic.Neomicin was a skin cream.
The skin rash is on the belly & the legs.probably caused by urine.but I clean him everytime I feed him.Also there is a small red patch on the back legs.near the joint. Should I keep using the beterdine or is there any other anti bacterial I should use.( Something that wont have side effects to the baby).The bumps doesnt seem to go away from the beterdine.
05-29-2006, 10:47 AM
Hi Ghost im sorry to hear that you have lost another baby! I know how hard it is to lose a baby and im sorry you are going through this. Squirlygirl seems to want to take you on personally so I am backing out. I wish you luck and hope that last baby makes it and is a healthy release. Stacey
05-29-2006, 11:24 AM
I AM SO SORRY! I am a jerk! I am no expert and did not mean to sound that way....I TRULY APOLOGIZE! Ghosts needs us all!!!! PLEASE accept my sincereness!!! Come back.....I am begging !! I just did not feel comfortable posting vet advice, when I AM NOT ONE, NOR am I an expert!! Every squirrel issue is different and did not want folks doing the same thing, if need not be. I should have PM'd...I AM A FOOL! Your info and experience, rygel1hardt is priceless...I apologize to have hurt you or seemed to set on toes. It truly was not my intention!!!!! PLEAAAASSSSSEEE! :bowdown I humbly apologize!!!
05-29-2006, 11:36 AM
Please I need all your help.This little baby needs all your help.I bought amoxillin oral suspension ( 125mg/5ml ) Please what do I need to do next.
05-29-2006, 11:58 AM
How many grams does your baby weigh? With 0.2 cc twice a day for 7 days
you should be good though.
05-29-2006, 12:13 PM
I got a problem when I gave Ensure to this baby.He started to go crazy, breathing from the mouth arching back & all.So I stopped giving him ensure.My ensure is the ensure powder.perhaps I need to add more water.Is that it.How much water should I add for the ensure powder.I added water to the amount specified in the container.
The baby weighs around 15g s.
05-29-2006, 12:19 PM
I am thinking your instincts may be correct in thinking that the skin problem is urine burns. I would simply coat his sore areas with a light bit of plain old unscented vaseline as a buffer to protect his skin. I have not ever had this problem in a baby but I have had it in an adult hit by car male. He came in paralyzed from the ribs down and it was quite a struggle to keep his tummy and side urine free. I used an all natural salve made for animals called derma dream made by Halo and coated his burns in it twice a day. I also kept him on super absorbent bedding that was changed several times a day. If you are stimulating this baby before and after each feeding with a warm damp cotton ball he shouldnt have to go in between times.
The adult hit by car male was with me for about eight months and was eventually released by the way.
As to the amoxicillin for the aspiration I dont know the dosage as I have been lucky to never have a squirrel have the problem. The vet that sold you the antibiotic should be able to weigh your baby and determine the dosage based on his weight in grams. Is it possible for you to send a picture of this baby so that we can actually see him to access his condition? Stacey
I made a mistake in my last post.Norfloxacin was the antibiotic.Neomicin was a skin cream.
The skin rash is on the belly & the legs.probably caused by urine.but I clean him everytime I feed him.Also there is a small red patch on the back legs.near the joint. Should I keep using the beterdine or is there any other anti bacterial I should use.( Something that wont have side effects to the baby).The bumps doesnt seem to go away from the beterdine.
05-29-2006, 12:25 PM
Hmm, I never even heard of Ensure powder..I get the cans or small bottles
with vanilla flavor. The liquid is not thick, but not as thin as water either.
If he didn't aspirate and the ensure didn't come out of his nose, then I got
the feeling it's the wrong stuff. Maybe Ensure here and where you live is
something different. The milk replacer you have there sounded pretty good,
better stick with that.
This is what mine looks like:
With 15 grams I would only use 0.1 cc on him.
Squirlgirl, are you going to PM him about this? I think Stacey was backing out
because she didn't want to confuse GhosTS with lots of different advice. At
least that's how I'm feeling right now. If you talked to your vet, I'm sure it's
better advice than I can ever give here. Pruuuuty puuuulease? :)
05-29-2006, 12:48 PM
Hey Ghost I would forgo the ensure period. I am thinking it is much to thick for babies even in its liquid form at this tender age. Eventually when this baby is stable and eating, peeing, and pooping normal pellets then you will have to add some fat to your formula but not now! We will address that when the time comes. Stacey
05-29-2006, 01:56 PM
I agree! If Spark is drinking this puppy formual well..stick with it! Added fat can wait until later. The red blotch, if burns, is the way to go...thanks rygel!! If it is under the skin, may be a bruise from injury. Thanks for coming back! :crazy
05-29-2006, 03:48 PM
Waiting to here if Sparks skin made a tent or returned , quickly, to normal!! :dono Thanks. If it stays up...more fluids.
05-29-2006, 05:17 PM
Dear Ghost; I would be very leary about giving an infant animal ensure. That is a high protien drink for humans. To rich for baby animals. I realize that where you live it may be difficult to get things like esbilac so here go to the following web sit and check out one of the formulas there. It gives some that can be made from simple old canned evaporated milk,egg and karo syurp. Lord knows I raised many an animal on that before they came out with all these new fangle products.
Here is the site;
I know that is kind of long but it should take you right to the page with the formulas.Scroll about 1/2 to 2/3 way down the page. Just click on the above site and you are on your way
05-29-2006, 05:58 PM
I just called Chris (Squirrels and More) and left a voice mail asking her to check out this thread. I also asked her to package what she feels that they need and overnight it. Hopefully she will get the message and be able to send what is needed. Keep your fingers crossed.... :grouphug
05-29-2006, 09:36 PM
Spark just had his breakfast.He is doing good.I did the tent test & it returned.he is not dehydrated.I think.
I will post a picture of him.
for now im sticking with the milk formula.Perhaps later I will give Ensure a try.(When he is older).The urine burns & the bubbles on her back side is almost cured now.I put a absorbing bedding & I change is twice a day now.
Thanx all..Thanx alot for helping me out.I'll keep you updated on spark s condition.
05-29-2006, 09:50 PM
Alright!!!! :thankyou
05-29-2006, 09:51 PM
:thankyou That is such good news!:bowdown And it's great to have another male squirrel lover here!:wahoo
05-29-2006, 09:52 PM
Hello, Miss Do, Very glad you're back!:crazy
05-30-2006, 01:29 AM
Hi Everyone! I am brand new to the squirrel board, and would have introduced myself on the introduction board, but this thread is the reason I thought to register. I have been a volunteer rehabber for 8 years.
I've just had a squirrel recover from pneumonia, and wanted to let GhoST know that at 123 grams the dosage of amoxi for my squirrel was .12 cc. It was calculated by a wildlife vet, I wish I knew the dosage calculation myself, but it seems that a 15g. squirrel would only need about .02 cc. My squirrel was on the med two times a day. He was scheduled for 7-10 days but I left him on for 14 because he still had a slight clicking left in his chest at that time which is now completely gone. I don't know if too much amoxi would cause any great problem, but it does sometimes cause diarrhea, and that wouldn't be good either. 14 days also probably wouldn't be advisable because of the diarrhea risk, but in my squirrel's case with nothing close to loose stools I thought it worth it.
This is a wonderful board with a great group of caring people and I'm glad to have found you.
GhoST, I hope your little squirrel is showing some improvement.
05-30-2006, 07:54 AM
Hi Ghost, how is Sparks doing today? Squerly has just brought this post to my attention, If you can email me privately your address than I can try to get some items to you asap to help with this baby. Nutz (Chris)
05-30-2006, 09:21 AM
Sparks is doing ok.He had a little dehydrated look but its ok now.he still have the soft stools & the clicking sound on the chest.Ill post some pics of him later.
05-30-2006, 10:47 AM
Here is a pic of Spark.Sorry about the very bad image.he wouldnt stand still for a second.Ill try to get better pics in the morning.
Note : The image is takes under indoor lights so the color is a bit off.
He still looks a bit dehydrated..dont you think.
island rehabber
05-30-2006, 10:53 AM
Ghosts he is SO tiny -- younger than we all thought, I believe. My guess would be no more than one week found them as newborns. He doesn't look unhealthy to me...emaciated pinkies look much worse. Have you found that in the morning he looks kind of shrivelled then he plumps up later on after feeding? That is very normal. How often do you feed him? He looks like he still should be eating every 2- 2 1/2 hours, with one late-night meal. Good for you, Ghosts, for keeping this baby alive so far!
05-30-2006, 11:01 AM
He is tiny indeed.But these squirrel breed is normally smaller than the gray squirrels or red squirrels.he already has little strands of silky fur on top of his head & on the top part of the body.& you are right.I do feed him every 2 hours & one time at night.he is always very hungry.I think that caused the overfeeding.I put him back on strict diet now.He was with me for 9 days now.
This is how an adult squirrel of this type looks like.I dont know what you call it.
05-30-2006, 11:05 AM
You are doing a phenomenal job GhosTS... I have my fingers crossed, as does the rest of this board, I'm sure. :grouphug
island rehabber
05-30-2006, 12:03 PM
Wow...that looks like a cross between our grey squirrels and a chipmunk, with the striped back. Thanks for explaining the difference to I understand how he can be so small. An Eastern Gray squirrel baby looks like Spark when it's about 5 days old. Keep up the great work, Ghosts....and with Chris (Nutz) helping you you're in the best of hands.
Momma Squirrel
05-30-2006, 03:18 PM
What a cool looking squirrel. That is what is so great about this board, we get to see so many different breeds that we never even knew existed. Good luck and keep us posted.
05-30-2006, 04:11 PM
Hi Ghost congrats on the baby making it to another day. You are doing a super job! Wow the adults are beautiful and I would love to know what they are called. Usually baby squirrels turn from pink to grey at about eight to ten days of age. Boy I cant wait to see him when he gets his coat. Continued good luck with him! Stacey
05-30-2006, 05:19 PM
:wahoo Congrats GhosTS!! Chris (Nutz) will get you all set with everything that you need! She is awesome and a wealth of info!! I am sooo happy that Spark is doing well...with all of us hoping and praying...he had no choice!! Hehehe! Thanks for sending a pic of Spark and what an adult looks like!!! I looove that looong tail. A reall cutie! Please keep us posted, Spark has become so dear to all of us!!!
05-30-2006, 05:28 PM
I'm impressed! He is so tiny and looks so healthy!
As to the adult squirrel, I think it's a Golden-mantled Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus lateralis) maybe?
05-30-2006, 06:45 PM
I looked up squirrels of Sri Lanka on the net and this guy was the closest I could find. This little guy is called a Palm Squirrel and looks like it might be related to chipmunks.They are beauties and I cant wait to watch this little one grow up. Stacey
05-30-2006, 07:40 PM
Sparks is all well this morning.He is having his breakfast now.
Yeah..these squirrels are called palm squirrels.These are like Golden-mantled Ground Squirrels who went back to the trees.( These are tree squirrels ).There is another type of squirrels in Sri Lanka.Those are called giant squirrels.These dudes get very big & live in forest areas.They are also tree squirrels.I've seen two different varieties of giant squirrels this black & yellow one & an almost black one.These lives only in Sri Lanka.( I think )
Thanx alot for helping me out.Thanx all.
I'll keep updating.
05-30-2006, 08:35 PM
How interesting!! So Spark is a Palm Squirrel. The other is so different from what we see here. I know its the white hair around its lips...but almost looks like a full set of human teeth. They are both cute. Thanks for the education!!:thankyou
05-31-2006, 02:12 AM
Here s another pic of sparks.His skin is looking very wrinkly today.Almost as if he is dehydrated.But his actions are normal.Doesnt even stand still for a moment.He still has the soft stools problem eventhough I cut down the amount I feed him with & increased the times.Is this a sign of diarrhea.
Anyway all his other activities are normal.He urinates without a problem.
island rehabber
05-31-2006, 07:59 AM
Hi Ghosts -- Sparks still looks good. My Squirrel Handbook says this about soft stool: First consider fixing the 'easy' things such as adjusting feeding amount and frequency (you've done that). Remove new foods, reduce richness of the formula by removing cream or additives -- high fat may cause soft stools also. Mix formula with bottled or distilled water if your water supply is problematic. Minimize stress.
Antibiotics may also cause this because it upsets the 'gut flora' in his system. Acidophilus may help here, as well as commercial products like Benebac or Probiacin if available where you are.
05-31-2006, 11:11 AM
Hmmm...I'll wait & see if the soft stools condition gets any better.When he sleeps he shakes( Not like freezing,He is quite warm )He shakes once every second or so.Is this normal.& why does he keep sucking in sleep.:skwredup
Secret Squirrel
05-31-2006, 12:22 PM
First off ghosTS you are doing a great job with Spark...and yes we are all keeping a close eye on this post. Baby's will jerk while sleeping and it seems normal for all breeds to do the same thing. Maybe growing pains...hee hee!!!!!
As for sucking all night...that's normal too. Usually baby's are nursing and sleeping on mom most of the time with the tit in their mouth or close by. As baby's are nursing on mom it's like they take a few swallows and pause, just resting on moms nice warm's comforting to them. Baby's will actually suck on other babies body parts just for the comfort. When by them selves as Spark is he will suck on his feet.
Spark looks very good and it's wonderful he has you.
05-31-2006, 07:27 PM
Thanx Secret Squirrel.
Spark is doing all well this morning.Thanx all for helping me out.& Thanx alot for telling Chris about Spark.
Administrators...I know this part of the forum is dedicated to emegency help.& there hasnt been a big emergency for a couple of days now.But can I keep this tread to keep an update on spark.So anything goes wrong I can get help.Thanx.This is a great board indeed.:bowdown
05-31-2006, 08:16 PM
Administrators...I know this part of the forum is dedicated to emegency help.& there hasnt been a big emergency for a couple of days now.But can I keep this tread to keep an update on spark.So anything goes wrong I can get help.Yes, please do. We are all waiting, watching and praying for you both. :grouphug Chris called me today and it appears that a care package is on its way.
Secret Squirrel
06-01-2006, 01:54 PM
Chomping at the bit here!!!!......I guess no news is good news! Hope Spark is well today.:grouphug
06-01-2006, 08:33 PM
Secret Squirrel thanx alot for your concern.Been a real help.Sparks is fine today.The soft stools problem is getting better.He makes a sound like a telegraph machine when I come to feed him.Dont know he is doing it coz he likes me he is complaining about something.
Thanx Squerly for letting me keep this tread.
Ill keep a constant update.
:thankyou all
06-01-2006, 08:48 PM
:thankyou for keeping us updated. I'm glad to hear he's doing good.:grouphug
06-01-2006, 09:12 PM
Hey Ghost thanks for the encouraging update on little Spark. I know when I have baby greys or foxer they purr when they are hungry and know you are coming to feed them. Maybe that is what your baby is doing. Is your baby getting more hair yet? Im sorry I just dont know enough about the species you are raising. I cant wait for the next picture of him. Stacey
Secret Squirrel thanx alot for your concern.Been a real help.Sparks is fine today.The soft stools problem is getting better.He makes a sound like a telegraph machine when I come to feed him.Dont know he is doing it coz he likes me he is complaining about something.
Thanx Squerly for letting me keep this tread.
Ill keep a constant update.
:thankyou all
06-02-2006, 04:04 AM
rygel1hardt, Sparks is getting hair now.But still only a little.Ill post some new pics of him.
Sparks looks a bit pale today.All his normal activities are normal.( pee & poo good, poo is still a bit soft ).He doesnt look weak.Is there any reason for squirrels to be pale.I'm thinking perhaps its because hair is coming out & i'm just seeing the shininess of the hair.What do our experianced rehabbers think.
06-02-2006, 04:51 AM
Here are new pics of Sparks.He appears very wrinkly today.But only when he is in this position.When he curls up there are no wrinkles & even in this position he doesnt make a tent.all his other activities are normal.He pee alot.He doesnt seems to be dehydrated.But why does he have so much he emaciated.But he is not weak.
The other image is a closeup.
island rehabber
06-02-2006, 06:02 AM
Ghosts he is so beautiful -- is that the beginning of his stripes I see on his back? Anyway, yes he is wrinkly but I wouldn't be too worried. Sometimes baby squirrel's skin grows ahead of their bone structure, I'm told, and they look wrinkly even when they are not dehydrated. If his bodily functions are fairly normal I wouldn't worry....the tent test is not always an accurate way to diagnose hydration in a very young squirrel. And yes, as his fur comes in he will look lighter than the color you're used to. Keep up the great work! By the way, I don't know if you have anything in his bed for him to cuddle up to, but a "sock buddy" is a great idea....several threads on this board describe how to make one if you have access to a microwave oven.
06-02-2006, 09:21 AM
I think his skin is growing faster than his bones.But my main concern is not this.My main concern is his tummy.He still has the soft stools problem.& he pooed more than the usual times.should I start some medication.If so what should I do.I reduced the amount I feed him.But it didnt help.
Hoping to get some help...
island rehabber
06-02-2006, 07:57 PM
Hi, I'm sorry I didn't see your reply until now, Ghosts....I'm not sure why Sparks still has the poop problem but my first suspicion would be the formula. Have you received the Esbilac from Chris yet? When you get him on that it may clear up the problem. When his eyes open you can start mixing a little baby rice cereal in with his formula, if available, and that should firm him up too. Sorry I can't be of more help. I think if some of us could, we would 'kidnap' a wildlife veterinarian, jump on a plane and come and help you take care of little Sparks!
06-02-2006, 08:43 PM
Sparks is doing ok this morning.But he kept me up most of the night.Normally I only feed him once in the night.But last night he asked for milk twice.He had his belly full when I finished giving milk the first time & it was all empty when I started giving him milk for the second time.Is this a good news or a bad news.( Asking for milk twice at night ).
Also his anus area is a bit pinkish than normal.It must be that it hurts when I clean that area, He makes a cry & try to move himself away from me.Is this a sign of diarrhea.I'v put him back on Ensure till I get the care package from Chris.Dont no when I will get them.(Post is really slow in my country).But Im still not sure how much water I should add for the ensure powder I have.Can anyone help me with that please.
This is the Ensure I have.
06-02-2006, 11:19 PM
Please help..
Im worried that sparks has diarrhea.His stools are very liquid today.Almost like water.I've been using the antibiotic the vet prescribed.Im afraid that might have caused this.What can I do now.He poo almose everytime I feed him and everytime its very liquid like.Please help.
06-03-2006, 01:11 AM
See if he will eat a little yogurt - be sure it is the kind with live culture in it. Often that will settle their stomachs. Mine like all flavors - especially vanilla, strawberry or blueberry.Hope that helps some, at least until Chris' care package gets there, which I hope is soon!
Good luck - we are all pulling for him.
island rehabber
06-03-2006, 06:52 AM
Ghosts, how long has he been on the antibiotic? Is it possible to stop it for awhile until his gut returns to normal? This is a common side effect of antibiotics...
06-03-2006, 07:43 AM
He was on antibiotics for about 3days.I consulted the vet & asked him if its ok to stop the antibiotic.He said ok & now the antibiotic is stopped.I hope his gut will get well soon.
island rehabber, for your previous question, those are the begining of the 3 lines.He has small fur on them now.Also he has a soft toy with him.But he just sleeps under it. The " Sock Buddy " sounds like a good idea.Must give it a try.
island rehabber
06-03-2006, 07:54 AM
He was on antibiotics for about 3days.I consulted the vet & asked him if its ok to stop the antibiotic.He said ok & now the antibiotic is stopped.I hope his gut will get well soon.
island rehabber, for your previous question, those are the begining of the 3 lines.He has small fur on them now.Also he has a soft toy with him.But he just sleeps under it. The " Sock Buddy " sounds like a good idea.Must give it a try.
Good...I'm thinking he got you up the other night because he was thirsty, since everything was going right thru him. Antibiotics apparently upset the "gut flora" in the squirrel's tummy -- the so-called good bacteria, as well as killing the bad bacteria. Hence the soft stools....let's hope this helps. Yes, the sock buddy will give him a little warm 'body' to sleep next to so he won't feel as stressed. Squirrel babies are not normally alone in the wild, so we need to make him feel as if he has littermates with him. One thing's for sure, he's got a great papa taking care of him. :)
Secret Squirrel
06-03-2006, 03:22 PM
Hey GhosTS,I am so glad your wee man is doing well. Sounds like you are in good hands with the folks at TSB and Spark is in good hands too!!! When the esbilac arrives you need to introduce the new formula gradually instead of a total switch over which could be a shock to his digestive track. Just ask about mixing it when the new formula arrives. The rehabbers here will guide you correctly.
Best wished.
06-03-2006, 08:01 PM
Sparks is doing better today, in the morning.He didnt ask for any milk at night other than when I give it to him.He didnt poo this morning, yet.I'll keep you updated.Thanx for the support.
Momma Squirrel
06-03-2006, 09:33 PM
GhosTS, keep up the good work, sounds like things are staying steady and improving. We are all pulling for Sparks :grouphug Please continue to keep us posted and hope you two have a great night.
06-04-2006, 04:08 AM
I really hope so Momma Squirrel.Sparks poo isnt watery as it were yesterday.& he doesnt squirt out poo colored water like he did yesterday.But it is still soft.I think its due to my formula.I hope everything will get better soon.
06-04-2006, 07:10 AM
Got a funny pic of Spark, thought I might share.
island rehabber
06-04-2006, 09:45 AM handsome he is! And what a long, black tail! He looks great, Ghosts.
06-04-2006, 10:36 AM
Would you give the little feller a kiss from Aunt Janet? He's adorable!:crazy
06-04-2006, 11:32 AM
OH WHAT A SWEETIE!!!! He sure is a little trooper! Kiss him for all of us...don't want to kill him will will kissing all day!!! :crazy I am so glad that he is holding his own, that is fabulous!! Tell Spark that he needs to be strong...the Squirrel Board needs an International Mascot!!!! Thanks for keeping us all updated...I know that most of us check, daily, to see how he is doing!!! :thankyou
06-04-2006, 01:15 PM
And How! I have to know several times a day how he is doing. If this little Trooper makes it we will all feel so joyful and excited and like we all here helped in some way if only in hopes and prayers for this sweet little life. And if all goes well and he makes it to adulthood you still must keep us updated because it will be sort of lonely not being able to check on and see Sparky everday.
06-04-2006, 01:23 PM
Oh yes, I think that Squerly should take all of this and move it to a forum specifically dedicated to SPARKY and let General Discussion go back to General because NOTHING about SPARKY is General!!!!!! He's Top Shelf!!!!
Secret Squirrel
06-04-2006, 02:43 PM
He is so precious and tiny in your hands ghosts!!! Kiss him once for mee do kiss him don't you????? It's Ok for a guy to kiss a squirrel!!!! You are his momma get to kissing!!!! It's wonderful you are sending up pics!! Thank you!
06-04-2006, 08:28 PM
Thanx all.You have been a great help.This is indeed a great board.The greatest I'v been.:thankyou
Sparky is doing good this morning.Now he doesnt keep asking for more milk after his tummy is full.He just stops at the right amount.Learning to behave I think.
Also he has his Lower incisors now.
It really means alot to him that he has alot of kind people care about him.:grouphug
& of coz I kiss him.I'v given him kisses for you too.I really love this fella.
I'll keep you updated.
06-04-2006, 10:25 PM
hi ghosts
i wasn't here when the past five pages were written (lol) but i felt like jumping in anyway.
sparks is adorable. i've never seen that type of squirrel! he's soooo young, he reminds me of a grey squirrel that we had a while ago.....that one didn't make it. it's so hard, cause you invest so much in these little guys, but sometimes it's not enough. sparks looks so healthy though, and you've gotten him this far, so i'm positive he'll make it. :)
have his stools gotten better?
island rehabber
06-04-2006, 10:47 PM
Oh yes, I think that Squerly should take all of this and move it to a forum specifically dedicated to SPARKY and let General Discussion go back to General because NOTHING about SPARKY is General!!!!!! He's Top Shelf!!!!
Timber, hope you don't mind me clearing something up for all of us, but Ghosts' little Palm Squirrel baby is "Sparks", while Squirrel Lover's baby boy is "Sparky", LOL! If we start calling both babies Sparky we are really gonna get we've got Sparks in Sri Lanka and Sparky in Squirrel Lover's house in the good old USA. And of course, they're both perfect in every way. G'nite everyone.:peace
06-05-2006, 05:40 AM
Sparks looks a little bit thin than he was before.Should I be concerned about that.Should I take some action.
& you are right island rehabber, his name is Sparks, I call him sparky sometimes.Sort of like a nick name.:grouphug
island rehabber
06-05-2006, 05:48 AM
Hi Ghosts! The bout with diarrhea may have worn him out a bit, which is why he looks thin. I know grey squirrels are supposed to gain about 7 grams per day at his age, but since he is a much smaller squirrel that's probably unrealistic. Of course he should gain a little bit every day, not lose weight. You may want to increase his formula amount a bit -- just a bit. Does he look thinner in the morning and then fill out later? Greys do that soon as they get liquids they plump up. Keep an eye on this situation and maybe Nutz4sqrls (Chris) has good advice for you, too.
06-05-2006, 06:09 AM
With a name like "SPARKY" , my "SPARKY" said he must be a great little guy!!!!!!:crazy
06-05-2006, 07:40 AM
He looked a bit thin all throughout the day.Must be because he struggled with diarrhea.But something keeps bothering me.When I start feeding him, he drinks like no tommorow.But on the half way he stops drinking.Rejects is the correct word.he just wants to walk around my hand.Is this because my feeding time is too close.But when I start feeding his stomach is empty.But he doesnt drink enough to fill up his stomach.
06-05-2006, 10:38 AM
O.K. it is my Old Timers Disease. And Yes I know how great "Sparky" is. And hopefully "SPARKS" will grow up to be as Great. Anyway I appologize because I understand. I am always having to correct people and businees over my name.
They alway see the first 3 letters of my name and asume that Pam is Pamela they don't look at the whole spelling which is PAMELIA. Pronounced PaM-e-Lee-A. So I was guilty of the same mistake. Sorry!
Secret Squirrel
06-05-2006, 11:56 AM
Ghosts.....Spark should be gaining weight daily...however don't be in a rush to fatten the boy up. He has had loose stools and I think he is on the orginal formula still. He was also on is that going since he is off of them?? He should have firmer stools, unless the formula is upsetting his tummy. When the Esbilac arrives from may notice a big difference in his progress once the formula is introduced to Spark. Be sure to let the board know when the care package arrives so Chris can assist you ( or one of the other rehabbers) Not trying to step on toes here on the board. We just have so many good folks with a world of information to lend.
Post more photos when you can. Are you in medical school? Tell us a little about yourself too we would love to know more about you and your country and the wildlife.
island rehabber
06-05-2006, 04:10 PM
He looked a bit thin all throughout the day.Must be because he struggled with diarrhea.But something keeps bothering me.When I start feeding him, he drinks like no tommorow.But on the half way he stops drinking.Rejects is the correct word.he just wants to walk around my hand.Is this because my feeding time is too close.But when I start feeding his stomach is empty.But he doesnt drink enough to fill up his stomach.
Ghosts I'm going to throw out some ideas to it possible the formula gets too cool as you are feeding him? Do you keep the mixed formula on heat while you are feeding, or maybe keep the syringe(s) you fill in a cup of hot water? Some squirrels just hate lukewarm formula and will stop eating.
How many cc's does he eat each time? Do you have any idea what he weighs right now? He's obviously hungry when he starts so that's good...maybe the stuff just doesn't taste all that great and hopefully he will like the Esbilac better. :) When he walks around your hand, is he seeking the nipple but not finding it? It really is frustrating sometimes how they will stop sucking, then flail around trying to find it, then go in the exact opposite direction even tho you're sticking it right in their mouths! Be patient....I'm sure you are already...once his eyes open it will be much easier!
06-05-2006, 08:43 PM
I have 2 good news.First, I got the package from Chris.Second, Sparky is all well this morning.He drinks milk up to the amount I give him.He just had a bad day I think.& I think my formula doesnt tastes good too.( You should see his face when drinking ).His weight is 13g.He has been 13g s for a few days.( I bought a scale just to measure him ).He drinks about 1-1.5cc.( more than 5% of his weight, but 0.65cc s are not enough for his tummy to get full.But im very careful not to overfeed him.
About me....well im one of those people who has too many interests.I'm a film maker by profession.& an artist.But I studied Bio Science.I always wanted to be with the animals.I go to forests & study animals.& many call me crazy.
Now what do I do next with the milk sent by chris. ( She really is an angel )
Momma Squirrel
06-06-2006, 08:16 AM
Ghosts so glad to hear things are still improving, many smart and knowledgable people to help guide you through this. Thanks so much for being there for this little guy, you are both very lucky to have found each other. And you aren't crazy, they are, they just don't realize what they are misssing by not enjoying animals and nature. Geez sounds like my grandmother :crazy but it is true. Give me animals any day over humans. You and Spark have a great day and thanks so much for the updates, you guys are in my thoughts each day.
Secret Squirrel
06-06-2006, 08:39 AM
I have 2 good news.First, I got the package from Chris.Second, Sparky is all well this morning.He drinks milk up to the amount I give him.He just had a bad day I think.& I think my formula doesnt tastes good too.( You should see his face when drinking ).His weight is 13g.He has been 13g s for a few days.( I bought a scale just to measure him ).He drinks about 1-1.5cc.( more than 5% of his weight, but 0.65cc s are not enough for his tummy to get full.But im very careful not to overfeed him.
About me....well im one of those people who has too many interests.I'm a film maker by profession.& an artist.But I studied Bio Science.I always wanted to be with the animals.I go to forests & study animals.& many call me crazy.
Now what do I do next with the milk sent by chris. ( She really is an angel )
Has someone PM ghosts? I am courious about the formula Chris sent too? As far as wanting to be with the animals ghosts....thats your calling and gift.:peace
06-06-2006, 09:03 AM
i'm glad to know that sparks is doing better. you had me worried for a while.
everyone has already said a lot, so i don't have much to say.....
have you felt his stomach up much? maybe he had some kind of stool blockage for a while, and maybe it passed, or broke down, or went away.
the bad tasting formula can be fixed, but double check with Chris before trying anything cause i don't know the chemistry of the formula she sent you.
i like to mix the formula with apple-flavored pedialyte. you have to be careful with pedialyte though, cause microwaving it while it's in the formula can destroy some of the nutritional value. we heat it up by placing it in a little glass jar and putting the jar in very hot water. i've also read about people mixing whipped cream or yogurt with the formula, but i've never done that myself.
argh, the digestiv track is the hardest thing to figure out. sometimes it's a simple change in portions, and sometimes it's a crazy infection in their stomach. not to scare you or anything. :)
06-06-2006, 10:50 AM
Chris gave me instructions how to use the milk.Its Esbilac powder.I started giving him that as instructed by Chris.Sparks seems to love it.
Ill keep you updated.
06-06-2006, 11:10 AM
Just an off topic question, I've heard on the board that some squirrels are neutered. Is there any reason to do this.
island rehabber
06-06-2006, 11:10 AM
Chris gave me instructions how to use the milk.Its Esbilac powder.I started giving him that as instructed by Chris.Sparks seems to love it.
Ill keep you updated.
Ghosts that's GREAT news! I held back from replying to your question because I was trying to look up whether there is a certain method to "switching" babies from one formula to the other....I couldn't find it, but in the meantime, Chris has explained everything to you and she is The Word on baby squirrel feeding! So you are in the best hands and Sparks. I'll bet he loves that nice rich taste and he'll do beautifully. Don't be surprised, though if he has a little adjustment period with the new formula -- either loose poop or the opposite -- because it does often take them a day or so to get used to new food. I am working outside all day today but I am so glad I stopped in to check the Board :)
06-06-2006, 11:33 AM
GhosTS;I had my squirrel nutered for 2 reasons. One I know that in rabbits and rats if they are not nutered and not bred reqularly they have a high rate of cancer. I certianly didn't want to risk that. Also squirrels can sense a female in heat for up to 2 miles away and Males tend to get a little irratable when they sense a female in season. So to keep him calmer..well...snip,snip. And if he doesn't know what he is missing he won't be miserable missing it. But to give you an example of how males can sense females, a friend of mine who has a little 2 yr old girl took her in to have her fixed because she was in heat and being a real witch. Any way, while they had her in surgery, preparing her for the operation, the clinic Cat was having a fit at the back door. So one of the clinic staff went to let him out thinking that he needed to use the toilet. When she opened the door,there stood a male squirrel clawing at the door trying to get in. Now this was not a tamed squirrel or a hand rehabed one. Just a wild male that the Doctor said could smell Brystel (that is my friends girls name) in heat from all the way inside the building.
06-06-2006, 04:03 PM
you could get sparks neutered, but you probably shouldn't if you plan on releasing him back to the wild. i'm not sure if you are, so this is just a heads up.
ouch! i feel bad for those horny little squirrels, lol.....
06-06-2006, 08:14 PM
I'm planning on releasing him.I hope I will be able to sucessfully teach him the ways of the wild.
06-06-2006, 08:15 PM
hey, that's what we're here for. ;)
how old is sparks right now? sorry if you said it recently, but i can't find it if you did. :peace
Secret Squirrel
06-06-2006, 08:16 PM
I agree TS he has a loooong way to go before the big snip....I know it was just a question ghosts........... that Sparked your intrest!!!! hee hee!
06-06-2006, 09:34 PM
Ya..I just have too many questions.Im very interested to learn more about animal rehabilitation, although there s no such thing in my country, I just love to learn the process.
Sparky is 4weeks old to my account.He has his lower teeth.& he has been with me for more than 2 weeks now.
Another question.When should I add Whipping Cream to the milk.& how much should I add.
Also I think Sparks stomach is all better now.His stools are back to normal.Not soft as it has been in the past week.But he is skinny.I wonder wether my feeding time is far off.I feed him every 3 hours now.& after about 2.5 hours from feeding his stomach is all empty.
Lot of questions.I hope someone will take time to answer all these.:bowdown
Secret Squirrel
06-06-2006, 10:07 PM
My opinion only....forget the whipping cream...if he is on Esbilac that's all he needs right now unless Chris sent you other supplements in the squirrel package. GhosTS can you PM nutz4squirrels or call her since she is the rehabber you are dealing with for food supplies right now. (My opinion only and please don't take offense at my statment...none intended on my guys are the best....I feel GhosTS just needs the plain facts to get Spark on the right road and cut to the chase.)
I think your feeding times are right on and he SHOULD be out of the dark (danger) unless there is something unforeseen in his genetics. That's Gods plan not ours. Best wishes for you and Spark....always.
06-06-2006, 10:33 PM
Hi Ghosts, sounds like Sparks is doing good. I would not bother with any cream in his diet, he is getting all the nutrition he needs with the Esbilac. He's had to much change up to now with his diet, now that you have the correct formula he should do wonderful for you. Everyone has been great here with the help and info. I wish I had more time lately to spend on the board to help out, it's a real crazy time of year for me now, "Tis the Season" lol. Nutz (Chris)
island rehabber
06-07-2006, 06:58 AM
Hi Ghosts & Sparks! Yes, you are in great hands with Chris. I would give your little guy a chance to fill out now that he's on the Esbilac -- may take a few days. Also, remember that none of us are familiar here with Palm Squirrels. The babies of our various squirrel species differ in the way they look -- for example, grey squirrel babies look long and gangly compared to chubby fox squirrel babies, and greys' legs are much longer. Maybe a Palm Squirrel baby is normally not too round looking, y'know? Send pics of him whenever you can...if he's 4 weeks his eyes should open soon. We've gotta have a transcontinental party when that happens :) Keep up the great work!
06-07-2006, 07:46 AM
Hey I am new but have a comment. I raised two squirrels from the pink baby stage. I kept them on a heating pad to keep them warm and fed them infamil for human babies. I got the kind that is powder form. this is the best formula to use for them not cows milk. Hope you will try this as mine grew to be huge squirrels.
island rehabber
06-07-2006, 07:59 AM
Hey I am new but have a comment. I raised two squirrels from the pink baby stage. I kept them on a heating pad to keep them warm and fed them infamil for human babies. I got the kind that is powder form. this is the best formula to use for them not cows milk. Hope you will try this as mine grew to be huge squirrels.
Lasswaffo, first let me :Welcome you to the Squirrel Board! I'm glad your squirrels grew up big and healthy but I have to say "for the record": any HUMAN milk formula, like Infamil or Ensure, is NOT recommended for raising infant squirrels. The Best, proven formula is Esbilac Puppy Formula (powder), by Pet Ag....Fox Valley also makes a very good formula for squirrels. It's easy to understand if you remember that humans are omnivorous (we eat both meat and veggies, most of us, LOL!) and human formulas contain high meat fats and proteins. Squirrels are almost completely vegetarian and require low-protein, high fat formulas to grow properly. Experienced rehabbers who have raised thousands of squirrels swear by Esbilac powder, or Fox Valley.
06-07-2006, 09:26 AM
Thanx all..No Whipping cream for Sparks then.& another you would remember, I stopped an antibiotic course half way.Do I need to start it again.Sparks doesnt make sounds on his chest while he is fast asleep.But when he is up & drinking milk or looking for it a hell lot of sounds comes from his chest.should I be worried.
I think he will have about 1 1/2 weeks more before opening his eyes.He is getting white fur on his belly now.
The image is a few days old.He has a bit more hair than this now.But still it isnt full.
06-07-2006, 10:50 AM
Here is my favourite pic of Sparks till now.He looks so cute in it.
06-07-2006, 11:44 AM
Oh, what precious photos. It makes me just want to reach through this computer and hold him and kiss his little head and those tiny feet. Makes me want another baby to raise but Timber wouldn't be to happy about that. So I will just have to go kiss my big oooh..ugh... one of my chihuahuas is sitting in my lap and just farted.:nono Well that can kill a train of thought Oh yes, I will just have to go and kiss my big baby (Timber, not my husband) all over.
island rehabber
06-07-2006, 12:24 PM
LOL!! Timber your dog should be on a remote island somewhere with my cat! Nobody clears a room like Sinbad!!! :shakehead
Ghosts those pix are wonderful. I can see how his little face is different already from a grey squirrel's....SO CUTE!
06-07-2006, 09:30 PM
I know its a bit too early to be concerned about this,But Im very concerned about sparks every move.
Last night Sparks stoped pooping in the middle.Poo was not hard as a rock.or not soft either.But he stopped in the middle of it without finishing it.I saw that he had more poo on his rectum.He tried to push that out a couple of times but he couldnt do it.& today morning he didnt poo either.
Should I be worried.
( Sparks Vet says that Im overconcerned about him.But I am.I cant help it )
06-07-2006, 10:11 PM
awww, that's sweet. not everyone cares about squirrels like we do.
the night before sounds like he fell asleep during pooping, or just got tired. since he's so young, sometimes that'll happen, cause he's just building up his little rectum muscles and such and such. the fact that he didn't poop today, though, is a little more worrying. it is possible that he didn't need to go cause he went on his own or something, so check his enclosure/bed for poopies.
if he doesn't poop by tomorrow, you may want to take action. unfortunately i don't know of any cool medicines or treats that would help with constipation in a squirrel, but i'm sure some other people do. :D
he's very's just nerveracking when they're that young, at least for me. they seem so lifeless cause they sleep most of the time. he looks healthy though. :)
in addition to the comments above, i agree; keep him on the esbilac! it's good stuff. no young squirrel has passed through my hands without having some. ;)
06-07-2006, 10:27 PM
Damn I hope this little guy makes it. :grouphug I'm a nervous wreck over here...
06-07-2006, 10:36 PM
So I will just have to go kiss my big oooh..ugh... one of my chihuahuas is sitting in my lap and just farted.:nono Well that can kill a train of thought
Hey Squerly, Don't you think this should be in the favorite quotes thread?
:rolf :rolf :rolf :rolf :rolf :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4 :rofl4
06-07-2006, 10:43 PM
Ghosts, You're so far away and yet with those pictures we can almost feel Sparks heart beating.....He's so sweet and you're such a good Daddy! You may worry alot, but it's better to be very observant. I wish you both well.....:grouphug
island rehabber
06-07-2006, 11:01 PM
Ghosts I wouldn't be too concerned about the poop problem yet....remember I said his little system might be "off" for a few days because of the change over to Esbilac? And mild constipation is always preferable to diarrhea, so don't be overly concerned. As for the stopping in mid-poop (LOL!) even my older squirrels do that just sort of hangs there, for awhile, until they jump around again and then...kerplop! See how Sparks does tomorrow...if he's still a little blocked you may need to add some more water to the formula for a couple of days. And you are right to study him and question everything so closely....he's a wild animal whose needs are still mostly a mystery to us. We can only make educated guesses about how to best help him survive, and questioning everything is the way to do that. :peace
06-08-2006, 07:54 PM
No Poop from Sparks in 24 hours.Im worried now.His stomach is not enlarged in any way.If its bloat his stomach will enlarge, right.He Urinates, but not as much as before.This may be due to he is urinating on his sleep coz many times I saw he has urinated on the bed.But he hasnt pooped in it.So what must I do.I increased the amount of water added to the formula for a start.Whats next.
island rehabber
06-08-2006, 08:17 PM
Ghosts, I know you do the stimulation thing after each time you feed him, but he might need a little extra help. Try a very warm, wet cloth and just gently persist, from side to side, to see if you can get him to go. Sometimes that works, sometimes not but it's worth a try...could take 5-10 minutes. (I nodded off once trying to get a pinky squirrel to poop late at night.) Is he eating well and acting normally otherwise? Adding the water to his formula is a good idea. Chris --if you're out there -- any better ideas?
06-08-2006, 09:16 PM
Hi Ghosts, he should be having some bowel movement, are you sure he isn't going and you're just not seeing it. You can soak him in warm water up to his chest and while soaking him massage his belly and genital area. This will help stimulate him to go. Be real careful he doesn't slide out of you hand while soaking. Do you have Mylanta out your way? If so you can give him a small drop in case he is gassy, that will also bloat him. Mylanta is safe but just a drop. Nutz
06-08-2006, 09:19 PM
Me again, he doesn't look to me like he's going to open his eyes for a while, comparing to a grey squirrel (which I know he's not) he only looks about 3-4 weeks old. I don't think he's going to open those eyes for at least another 2 weeks. I could be wrong but he looks real young still. Nutz
06-08-2006, 09:19 PM
He is eating well.Only thing is that he doesnt poop.He plays like always.I'll try the wet cloth thing.Any other sugestions.
06-08-2006, 09:26 PM
Is his belly looking bloated and extended, or is it going down to a smaller size in between feedings? Nutz (Chris)
06-08-2006, 10:08 PM
It is going to a smaller size in between feedings.He doesnt look bloated.I'll try soaking him in water.I dont think its gas coz his stomache is normal.Also he does pee.( Now he started peeing on himself while sleeping ) But he seems to have a hard time sleeping though.He doesnt go to sleep as soon as he is finished with the milk.He goes around a bit.Dont know why.
06-08-2006, 11:19 PM
definitely soak him. just get a small cup of warm water and lower him into it, then stimulate. we did this for a six week old girl that kept getting blockages over her anus. not only did it remove the poop, but she was able to make regular poopies as well, until the block came back. it isn't exactly the same situation but i still think soaking would help. :)
06-09-2006, 12:01 AM
He did it, He did it.Sparks pooped.I didnt even had to do anything.I just changed her bedding & put her favourite blanket.& he did it instantly.( I dont think that blanket thing has anything to do with it though ).The poop was perfect.:wahoo .He is sleeping now.I think Im just over concerned about him.What to do.Cant help it.:grouphug
06-09-2006, 12:05 AM
:wahoo :wahoo :wahoo :crazy :crazy :crazy :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :rockin :rockin :rockin
oh man, if only he was older, i'd tell you to give him all the peanuts he can eat. lol.
06-09-2006, 04:23 AM
Just a quick question.Im feeding Sparks with a dialuted formula.4 parts water to 1 part Esbilac.Will my normal feeding routine be sufficiant to provide the nutrients Sparks need to grow.Or do I have to change the schedule for a couple of days till I start to increase the strength of the formula again.
island rehabber
06-09-2006, 05:20 AM
Just a quick question.Im feeding Sparks with a dialuted formula.4 parts water to 1 part Esbilac.Will my normal feeding routine be sufficiant to provide the nutrients Sparks need to grow.Or do I have to change the schedule for a couple of days till I start to increase the strength of the formula again.
Lord, I'm so happy to read this today!! If my family knew I was up at 5:55am logging onto the computer to check on squirrel poop in Sri Lanka, they'd commit me to the local loony bin!!!! LOL!!! I probably belong there anyway.....:crazyYay, Sparks!!!
Ghosts, unless Nutz (Chris) tells you otherwise, my suggestion would be to gradually thicken the Esbilac until he's back up to regular strength (1 part Esbilac to 2 parts water. ) You can probably do this over the course of 24-36 hrs since he does eat so often. If he gets blocked up again, we know he just can't tolerate the 1/2 ratio, but he should be OK. As for him being more active after he eats, that's normal for a growing baby squirrel. Even before their eyes open they get really squirmy after 3-4 have to be careful he doesn't flip right out of your hands when you're feeding him, and don't be surprised if he starts crawling out of his bed or container even though he has no idea where he's going! . Good news, anyway....great way to start a day, Ghosts! :peace
Momma Squirrel
06-09-2006, 08:04 AM
GhoSTs that is such great news :wahoo I too am like Island Rehabber, I check the board daily to see what Spark's progress is. What a way to go into the weekend. You too are doing a great job :bowdown There will be a place for you and all the others who help so freely for all these little creatures.
06-09-2006, 10:44 AM
If my family knew I was up at 5:55am logging onto the computer to check on squirrel poop in Sri Lanka, they'd commit me to the local loony bin!!!! LOL!!! I probably belong there anyway
Thats something we all have in common I think.We all are nuts.:crazy
I'll increase the strength of the formula over time.Thanx.You've been a great help.
Thanx all.It's night here.Sparks is already sleeping. ( Have to wake him up to give milk again. )
Good night. I'll post an update on Sparks in the morning.
06-09-2006, 08:39 PM
Hi Ghosts, definately start strenghting the formula, he should have been on full strength by now! Don't do it instantly though, by tomorrow night he should be full strength. That is probably why he isn't having normal bowel movements. Nutz
06-09-2006, 09:09 PM
Thanx Chris, Im strenghtening the formula now.
Sparks is doing normal poop now.and more frequently.His formula will be on full strength by tomorrow.
06-10-2006, 07:02 AM
Hi all.Sparks is doing fine.I got a new pic of him.A bit out of focus.But hey, thought i might share.He has more fur on his body now.And getting smooth white fur on his belly.
island rehabber
06-10-2006, 07:34 AM
awwwwww...such a pretty stripey boy!!! :Love_Icon
06-10-2006, 07:59 AM
He is just beautiful Ghosts! What a proud pappa you must be!:sunshine
06-10-2006, 09:43 AM
Ya..I'm very proud of him.
But today he is more concerned about sleeping.He isnt much enthusiastic about drinking milk too.He just starts to drink & I have to make him drink after few minutes.He is very playfull normally.Even for his age.Dont know why.Any guesses???
Mrs. Jack
06-10-2006, 10:13 AM
We're very late to the game.. but my son and I just read through this saga and Sparks should know that he has two new (very enthusiastic) fans. :)
06-10-2006, 06:54 PM
Something is definitely wrong with sparks.In the mid night feeding I almost thought that he was gone coz he isnt moving a bit.Now he is moving a bit but starts to cry as soon as I put him in to his bed.I have to keep him in my hand now.He looks very sick.Can anyone help.
Also what are the symptoms of aspirational pneumonia & bloating.( Besides the normal ones).I wonder whether he has both.I'm really scared for him right now & dont no what to do.
06-10-2006, 11:06 PM
Hi Ghosts - how is Sparks doing now? If he has pneumonia, you should be able to hear a 'crackle' or 'rattle' or 'clicking' sound when you hold him up to your ear and listen to him breath. You really need to PM Chris about this - she's a great source of help with squirrels. I sure hope he's doing better by now. I - and a lot of other people - care about him like he was one of our own. You've really done a wonderful job of caring for him, and for his siblings while you had them. I admire you for the time and effort and caring you have given to them all.
06-11-2006, 12:01 AM
He is doing much better now, Thank you.I talked with Chris about this.He gave me instructions and now im following them.I'll keep you updated.
06-11-2006, 07:34 AM
I started giving sparks the full strength formula as Chris adviced.But he doesnt seem to digest it.Now its about an hour passed his normal feeding time & he still has milk in his stomache from the last feeding.The belly looks fat, perhaps he is bloated.& he didnt poo in more than 24 hours now.Im taking him to the vet now to see whats going on.He drinks milk without a fuss but other activities are not quite normal.I stimulated him & also soak him in water and messaged him.Nothing worked.
Momma Squirrel
06-11-2006, 07:43 AM
GhosTS, please keep us posted, we are all pulling for Sparks. I too would like to say thank you for being such a devoted and caring parent. Sparks is a very luck guy. I hope this vet understands squirrels and the love we all have for them. Good luck and let us know what the vet says.
06-11-2006, 09:59 AM
The stomache is reduced.The vet said its almost normal.He also said to wait a bit more on the stools problem.He gave me a liquid ( I dont quite recall the name ) to give him if he continues to stay without pooping.I hope he will poo soon.
06-11-2006, 10:54 AM
this is the second time he's gone a while without pooping, right? we gotta get on that, babies need to poop. maybe you should dilute the formula a little bit? so that it's easier to pass? course, our squirrel has diarreah (i just KNOW i didn't spell that right) because she was fed formula that was too thick, that's kind of the opposite effect. i'd stick to Chris' advice, cause all i've heard is good news about his/her advice.
(by the way, is chris a guy or a girl? just wondering)
our squirrel has some aspirating problems too. she's on a medicine right now, i forget what it's called, but it's supposed to clear her up a bit.
Secret Squirrel
06-11-2006, 11:05 AM
Chris is a girl.....or should I say woman!!!!!:wahoo
06-11-2006, 11:26 AM
And she is great. My SPARKY can vouch for that. Don't know what I would have done without her. I ran up on her before this board, so she had a jump start on helping Sparky. Since the board started he owes many thanks to many great people here.
06-11-2006, 03:29 PM
Listen, I haven't tried to offer to much advice on Sparks problem because I figured that Sparks had more dire problems than I was capeable of helping with and that you were getting some really good advice from others here. But I can't stay quiet much longer. One of your biggest problems is that there have been so many formula changes. This little ones system has not had long enough to adjust. You are going to have to get with one thing (and I support the Esbalac) and stay with it. Constant changing of diet (formula) will cause diarreah and or constapation. I have seen this before. Did Chris send you any bene-bac? I found 1 small drop of it helps with my babies when they are in distress. Anyway, I hope and pray that Sparks makes it. He sure has put up the good fight and any thing that fights that hard to live deserves the chance. I just wish that we could all just go over there and hold him and help you with him.
06-11-2006, 03:32 PM
Yes, Sparks HAS TO MAKE IT. He's the poster child (squirrel) for The Squirrel Board. :grouphug
Secret Squirrel
06-11-2006, 05:58 PM
Hi all!
Spark is on Esbilac now at the proper mix ratio 1 part powder to 2 parts water. :crazy It just took time to get spark switched over to the new Esbilac and the change HAD to be a gradual introduction, so it wouldn't shock his newly developing internal organs.
Chris and GhosTS are PMing and due to the time difference :timer it feels like this has been going on forever for us at TSB. I can hardly wait to check up on spark and ghosts two to three times a's wearing me out :jk !!!!
Ghosts has all the proper formula and is worried like a new father should be....maybe even more since this is his first and was a pinkie to add to the equation.
I can only imagin how nervious and worried this young man is......:grouphug God Bless and Gods speed.
island rehabber
06-11-2006, 06:15 PM
Ghosts has all the proper formula and is worried like a new father should be....maybe even more since this is his first and was a pinkie to add to the equation.
I can only imagin how nervious and worried this young man is......:grouphug God Bless and Gods speed.
My heart goes out to him...I took in my first pinkies late last year and I was so nervous I couldn't sleep....I set the alarm for 1:00am, 3:00am and 5:00am to check on them or feed them....I was a wreck. One did beautifully, the other failed and it damn near killed me! I'm sure you guys who've had 10 pinkies at one time think I'm a wimp, but damn it was scary! Ghosts, you just hang in there baby!! :grouphug
06-11-2006, 08:30 PM
Hi all.The Vet medicine ( Its not an actual medicine, more like some natural thingy ), it worked like a miracle.Sparks did a bed load of poop.Some without my help & some with my help.( I think thats the biggest load of poop Sparks ever did.:crazy ).
I'm giving him full strength Esbilac now, so there are no changes in the diet from now on.
The first load of poop was very dark in color ( I hope its nothing to worry about ), The rest is brownish yellow & it was solid.
He drinks formula without a worry now.
I'll keep you updated on his condition.& I feel very lucky to find people who care about Sparks this much.I dont know how to thank you.:bowdown :bowdown .
Momma Squirrel
06-11-2006, 08:53 PM
:wahoo :wahoo That is SUPER news, it is you we all thank. When Sparks is feeling better post more pictures, just love looking at the little fellow. Have a great evening.
06-11-2006, 08:54 PM
Whew.....that load from his butt is a load off our minds!!!!!:crazy You've got a lot of people here pulling for you and Sparks:grouphug
island rehabber
06-11-2006, 09:20 PM
Whew.....that load from his butt is a load off our minds!!!!!:crazy :grouphug
My entry for Quote of The Month on The Squirrel Board!!!!
:rolf :rolf :rolf :rolf !!!!!
06-11-2006, 10:03 PM
As I sit here laughing my a-- off I can't help but agree with IslandRehaber! I think that will also be my new philosophy for life!!
06-12-2006, 06:07 AM
I have had to by pass the young and restless to keep up with Sparks. Sparky and I get up every morning to make sure the little guy is doing ok. I so look forward to the day you tell us he is up and playing.:wahoo
06-12-2006, 08:05 AM
Thanx all.Sparks is doing well.He looks a bit dehydrated.He doesnt pee quite as much as he used to.Hope it will come around.Im giving him rehydration solutions in between feedings.Everything else is going well.He started to poo normal now.I'll keep you updated.
06-12-2006, 08:18 AM
:thankyou Ghosts, Have a great day with Sparks and thanks again for keeping us posted!
06-13-2006, 01:03 AM
Today I noticed something like dandruff on Sparks skin.It was only on a couple of locations.Also there is something like a healed wound crust near his tail.The only thing is he didnt had a wound.What is this skin issue??
06-13-2006, 10:33 AM
Hi all.Squirlgirl sugested that there should be a thread dedicated to sparks only.And I think now is the time to make it.( I gotta stop flooding Squerlys Emergency help )
Here is the link.
I hope everyone will follow the new thread as you did for this thread.I will need more help.So keep those posts coming.
06-13-2006, 11:15 AM
OOOOO..GHOSTS...thanks for the new thread!! You were not flooding the Emergency Thread!! I just think we all would LOVE a place dedicated to Sparks know/see his every move!!! Every new hair, poop, when his eyes open...EVERYTHING! I know that I am not the only one that checks on Sparks, daily!!! Also...if he does have a little issue here and there along the way!! He has become so dear to all of us. PLEASE...if he does have an it on the EMERGENCY THREAD, as a new folks that join, not knowing Sparks and his large fan base...may have great input, also the same with NON-LIFE others can learn also!! Thanks Again...I am looking forward to watching Sparks grow!! Maybe we should start a college!!
06-13-2006, 12:03 PM
Sure thing Squirlgirl.I will post Emergencies in the emergency forum.& keep the normal day to day stuff in the Sparks's own thread.I think its better that way.Thank you.
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