12-05-2023, 03:09 AM
Hello, I would like to ask if anyone has treated chipmunks for Squirrel Pox. If there is someone out there, is the same treatment as gray and red squirrels: that is, acyclovir?

Diggie's Friend
12-05-2023, 09:05 PM
Acyclovir (See island rehabbers thread on Pox virus for the various versions to knock down the virus's replication.


There is also a secondary infection associated with the squirrel pox virus. This is why the noted Antibiotic by island rehabber lent significant support towards improvement. This dual approach using (Acyclovir) to help block the virus and lower its spread and duration; and(SMZ-TMP) to address bacteria that opportunistically takes hold when the lesions break open, appears to be effective in countering both the severity and duration of this viral and secondary resulting bacterial infection it causes.


For more info on the various meals members have used to address this viral scourge, see other threads in this sub-forum.

A dual approach appears to be the most effective in limiting the severity of this virus and the secondary infection associated with it. Some have in addition used topical sources also that help dry out the lesions. Take it all in for you may need to use more than internal meds to reduce and shorten its course.

Black Squirrel
12-10-2023, 12:19 PM
There are several "treatments" out there. The one I.R. suggests is the most effective. I have used it with success on several occasions.

island rehabber
12-11-2023, 08:01 AM
:great My protocol is a combination of several experienced rehabbers' methods plus the original recommendation of acyclovir given to me over 15 yrs ago by the imminent Dr Anthony Pilny,
God's gift to squirrels, or 'St Anthony'
as we used to call him. :bowdown
Medical people will tell you that acyclovir can't work because "pox is not a herpes virus". Except it does.