View Full Version : Write a long PM without losing it ?

10-31-2023, 09:47 PM
This happened to me at least 3 times.... wrote a long PM reply, taking an hour or more to compose. only to lose it when i click submit... saying i have to relogin, after which the composed message is gone. It seems that i get logged off after a while without noticing it. :stepaway

11-01-2023, 05:21 AM
This happened to me at least 3 times.... wrote a long PM reply, taking an hour or more to compose. only to lose it when i click submit... saying i have to relogin, after which the composed message is gone. It seems that i get logged off after a while without noticing it. :stepaway

Ugh. Sorry about that - been there, done that!

When you first open the board and log in, there is a little box under where you type your password that says either "stay logged in" or "remember me" or something like that. If you click it after you type your password but before you submit it, you will stay logged in until you physically log out. Since nobody else has access to my computer, I haven't logged out in probably 10 years! When I open The Squirrel Board I am ready to go - don't even have to type my password.

11-01-2023, 08:37 AM
Many of us have seen time and thought vanish in one click. :stepaway

Another option for long messages that require more time is to use another application such as Notepad, Word or your own personal email application... compose, then copy/paste into the PM.

Charley Chuckles
11-01-2023, 08:46 AM
Many of us have seen time and thought vanish in one click. :stepaway

Another option for long messages that require more time is to use another application such as Notepad, Word or your own personal email application... compose, then copy/paste into the PM.

Yep that's what I usually do now after numerous times losing a long post 🤦

11-01-2023, 12:24 PM
I can handle word :w00t

11-01-2023, 04:22 PM
Happens to me too. So before I hit Reply, I do a Copy of the text. If logged out, just login and paste the text.

In addition, I notice a yellow alert in lower right corner saying Auto Saved but sometimes it saved only half the post text.

11-01-2023, 04:29 PM
Happens to me a lot too! I don’t get logged out but I get an error message and the text vanishes!

I too have gotten in the habit of highlighting and copying the message/post before hitting send. Just in case!