View Full Version : Baby Sasha's Bald Spot

Samuel L. Squirrel
09-28-2007, 10:39 PM
One of my orphans that I am raising had a sore on his side several weeks ago. I think it may have been a spot of dried Esbilac that the others couldn't help but over clean. Anyway, I trimmed the fur, cleaned the wound and applied an antibiotic cream. The sore healed up nice but now that spot is completely hairless!! Not even any fuzz growing yet and it has been just over 2 weeks. The patch is about the size of a half dollar. Any ideas? He is about 7 or 8 weeks old-still fed 4 times a day.

09-29-2007, 12:17 AM
hmm....interesting story, to be sure.

what cream did you put on it? has the spot changed in size at all? have you seen any more "sores" on the squirrel since the last one?

only thing i can imagine is that the cream somehow stunted his fur's growth. could we have pictures? :D

09-29-2007, 12:59 AM
Has the bald area changed in size? Does the exposed skin look completely normal?

One of my dogs had dental work done 6 weeks ago and we shaved an area on her front leg to place an IV catheter. The hair there has just barely begun to grow back. I wish my hair grew fast! It doesn't. (where's the ''pout'' smiley?) The point is that sometimes hair doesn't grow back as quickly as we think it should.

In the mean time, carefully observe the condition of your baby's skin, not only in the bald area but everywhere.

Odds are that everything's OK, but if you notice further problems let us know.

I like your ''signature''........it's so literal :) !