View Full Version : Revolution Works...??? Yahoo!!!

10-01-2023, 02:57 PM
October 1st, 2023

A little background.

I decided this spring to try and wean away as many as I could of the 25 - 30 squirrels that I had attracted to afternoon feeding. It was getting expensive and I was afraid some were getting dependent and if something happened to me...

So I started feeding them at different times of the day, going longer between feeding, and then skipping a day, then two, etc., etc.

Fast forward to now. It worked. It went from 25 to 20 then 15 and now less than 10 a day, which is manageable. Yesterday I only had about 5 show up with activity going on. So if anyone has gotten stuck in this rut from their own soft heartedness, or hard headedness, it works.

Now the real reason for the post...

I treated Coco, her daughter, and an older squirrel I call halftrack, because she's missing half of her tail, and roughly 6 to ten more random wilds with Revolution. A tiny drop on a pecan half, let dry and cover with a skim of peanut butter.

Each capsule would treat 10 to 12 squirrels. I started mid may, then again in June and July, Coco got a fourth treatment in August I saved for her.

The bots usually show up here with the oozing pore around the 1st week of September. Hang around in the squirrel about three weeks and start falling out around the 1st of October.

So far this year I have seen NO BOTS....That's "ZERO BOTS" in any of my wilds or Coco!

I am tickled pink. I hope it's not just a fluke year.

I'll keep the board posted if any bots show up later. Fingers crossed.

Short video of Coco showing off her white, bot free underbelly while getting a treat this morning.
