View Full Version : Need help finding predisone

09-21-2023, 02:55 AM
We have recently rescued a male gray approximately year n half ish. He was onside of our country road late night, disoriented and had talon marks on his lower back/hips. It did not take long to gain his trust and capture him. He does not climb only scoots. His wounds healed no problems or complications with infection. He has been with us for 3 weeks and has great appetite and pottys fine but still no improvement in getting around. I've been advised to give him prednisone and see if that helps him, but don't know anyone around the area to aquire it from. He has movement in all legs can move his tail but don't move it much. His balance is horrible and he falls over everything he tries to walk. But does not show any signs of pain, he's happy Lil guy, smart and adapting great on figuring out how to do everything as far as eating and drinkingbeens he can't hold his food and his head bobs along with falling over when he stops. We have ruled out raccoon round worm with help of a neighbor who is a vet, but we're open to any suggestions on how to give him the best life we can, and realize he's probably always gonna be a special needs Lil guy. We have another Lil guys already and are fully prepared to provide him with a home just looking for pointers on how to make sure he has everything he needs, and help locating prednisone . Thanks in advance for any help provided

09-21-2023, 07:01 AM
The neighbor vet cannot help out with some prednisone? You'll only need a pill or two... if dosing assistance is needed, we can help with that.

09-21-2023, 07:16 AM
If that doesn't work, do you live in an area that has one of those "neighborhood" social media sites - it would let you reach out to people close enough to go get the stuff that you have likely never met. I might be a little circumspect about treating a squirrel - not only can you get in trouble for doing it, a lot of (tiny, closed minded) people hate squirrels... He could become a dog, perhaps, and there could be an issue with his vet being away and nobody will call in the prescription and you only need a fewpills which you should offer to PAY FOR in the initial plea...

09-21-2023, 09:42 PM
Thanks for the responses, I have posted on neighborhood board, no luck so far. Unfortunately my neighbor is 2 miles down the road and I haven't seen him home when I have been down his way but I left him a note to contact me but no response yet, it's possible he's on vacation. But fingers crossed we find this happy handsome little fella what he needs.

09-22-2023, 08:52 PM
Thanks for the responses, I have posted on neighborhood board, no luck so far. Unfortunately my neighbor is 2 miles down the road and I haven't seen him home when I have been down his way but I left him a note to contact me but no response yet, it's possible he's on vacation. But fingers crossed we find this happy handsome little fella what he needs.

I wish you were closer and I could give you some. I would mail it but it may be illegal.