View Full Version : Squeaking alot/weight gain

09-20-2023, 12:49 PM
Hello, so I have two 7 week old babies. One of them is gaining weight wonderfully, the other is not. Right now the one that is gaining weight good is at 126grams and the other is at 110. They both eat their formula great but they still seem really hungry after. They go crazy once they are done and try to get to the syringes and suck on them again. After I put them back into their cage, they both start squeaking and go crazy wanting out. If I hold them they go right to sleep but they have trouble sleeping when I put them back in the cage. I ordered some Fox Valley ultraboost for the one that is not gaining wieght. I have been keeping Henrys food blocks along with some arugula and brussel sprouts in their cage. They have been munching on the blocks but dont really touch the veggies. Should I try a different type of veggie? I put in a strawberry cut in half for them a couple times and they LOVE it. However the one that weighs more tries to push him out of the way once she is done with her berry. Is that maybe why the boy is not gaining weight is that he is not getting enough food? Does squeaking mean they just want to be held? I'm at a loss with that because I give them a lot of attention lol.