View Full Version : What's best for deep scratches?
09-28-2007, 01:11 AM
I have a 2 week old grey with many scratches from falling. One could almost be considered a small gash. I cleaned all with weak betadine, but have done nothing further. What's everyone's preferred treatment for minor wounds? Thanks.
Neosporin with pain releif is often used. I use Hypercal cream or Rescue Remedy cream from the heatlth food store. :)
09-28-2007, 02:11 AM
Ah, you've given me a forum to, once again, praise my favorite veterinary product of all time, Trypzyme-V. :thumbsup This stuff is so amazingly good at healing even the nastiest infected wounds that anyone involved in rehab should ask their vet to order it for them. Your vet can easily find their distributor at Available as a spray or a liquid it's applied twice daily. The spray is easily used on small animals by simply spraying the needed amount into the cap and applying it with a q-tip.
The first time I used the product was on my pet rat who had been prescribed twice daily sub-q injections of an antibiotic that was only to be injected IM. He developed dime to nickel sized ulcers all over his back. I credit Trypzyme-V with saving his life.
The first wild animal I used it on was a half-grown rabbit who had been hit by a car. He had a 8'' gash spiraling down his rear leg over the top of the knee which was very dirty and gaping approximately 1/2''. Knowing that an infected wound should not be sutured, I treated the wound with Trypzyme. It healed unbelieveably quickly, even over the knee. By the way, because the rabbit was as stressed as only a rabbit can be, and having complete faith in the product, I never attempted to clean the wound in any way.
This spring a rehabber friend of mine had a coyote pup whose foot had been mangled. The majority of the pad had been sheared off. The prevailing wisdom is that pads don't grow back. This baby's did! Guess what did it?
I've used the product on myself and it doesn't hurt at all which is an advantage in treating wildlife.
Since you don't mention that your baby's wounds are infected, you can safely treat them with an over the counter antibiotic ointment. Good luck :)
09-28-2007, 08:42 AM
I'm with Mars. Rescue Remedy cream has performed so many miracles on me that I even prefer it to Neosporin. Not only does it not sting, but the cooling cream seems to kill the pain (either that or it's my fevered imagination). I get a lot of cuts, burns, bruises, and smashed fingers, which I tend to neglect and they get infected. A gash on my knuckle wouldn't heal (of course) and by yesterday was so infected that the bone was hurting. RR with a bandaid to hold the medicine on it, and this morning it's healed over with healthy pink skin.
YOu can buy it at any health food store. It comes in a tube.
That Trypzyme-V stuff sounds great for more serious wounds. I'm going to try to get some. Thanks Hazel.
09-28-2007, 10:37 PM
I like to use Rescue Remedy cream on sore squirrely boy's weenies that have been mistaken for mom. I like the fact that the cream won't hurt anyone who continues to ''make the mistake.''
I can't honestly say that I've found the results of using Rescue Remedy Cream to be that impressive except for one application. Burns! For burns there is nothing better, especially when it's applied immediately.
How's the baby doing?? :crybaby
11-19-2007, 10:12 PM
And for you..when you get scratches..on your hands.from your squirrel...Vitamin great!!:thumbsup
11-19-2007, 10:27 PM
Good luck!!!
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