View Full Version : UK squirrel help/advice

09-17-2023, 02:38 PM
Found a little guy a couple days ago and been doing all sorts of research since, mostly coming here as its been so helpful
The thing I've been struggling with is finding these rodent blocks I've seen mentioned many times, can't find them online to order so I'm assuming uk doesn't have them? Idk
What would be as close to these I can use? Am I getting them confused with what are called suet balls here? Any advice helpful and appreciated

09-18-2023, 12:23 AM
Found a little guy a couple days ago and been doing all sorts of research since, mostly coming here as its been so helpful
The thing I've been struggling with is finding these rodent blocks I've seen mentioned many times, can't find them online to order so I'm assuming uk doesn't have them? Idk
What would be as close to these I can use? Am I getting them confused with what are called suet balls here? Any advice helpful and appreciated

Hi Abbie:
I'm sorry that you have not yet had a response to your post! Her is a link to Henry's Pets excellent Baby Squirrel Care Guide. It is only 6 pages and the first three will be the major focus for the baby Squirrels: ( https://www.henryspets.com/1-baby-squirrel-care-guide/ )

How old is your Squirrel? What are you feeding your Squirrel now? If your Squirrel is under 5 or 6 weeks of age, she will not be able to regulate her temperature and a heating pad is essential! Also, she will need to be stimulated to pee and poop. Henry's explains all of this and much more, very well! For Babies and though weaning which usually takes up to 16 weeks and sometimes longer to finally occur; formula should be the primary source of nutrition. We add Blocks usually once their eyes open around 5 weeks but the formula feeding must continue.

Quality Blocks include Mazuri Rat and Mouse Diet, Envigo 2018 or Oxbow Regal Rat Blocks. Hopefully one of these will be available to you in the UK! Here is another link from Henry's that is a Healthy Food Pyramid with the most essential and nutritious foods (blocks) at the base and as your go toward the tip of the pyramid, you will go from the secondary food sources to the treats at the tip of the pyramid: ( https://henryspets.com/healthy-diet-for-pet-squirrels/ ).


09-18-2023, 06:51 AM
Thank you so much for responding. His eyes were open when we found him. Going by several pictures I'm guessing about 10 weeks old. He's on kitten formula milk at the moment about 10ml/cc per feed 4 times a day and had a little nibble on some walnut this morning. Honestly clueless to all this so been reading everyone else's questions and comments which has been super helpful. He's also had a problem with his genitals/sucking and a warm bath helped. He's been so much more alert and active than when we found him, he looked so fragile and cold I didn't think he'd survive the night but he's a fighter

09-18-2023, 07:21 AM
It would be good to see pics of this baby.

Kitten formula is not what they should be eating. Cats have much higher protein requirements than squirrels do. If you can find Royal Canin babydog powdered formula, that is an excellent formula for baby squirrels.

Starting to feed walnuts now is a really, really bad idea. They cause some real issues with diet and illness. Since we are not sure what IS available, you need to start doing some research. You are looking for a RAT or RAT AND MOUSE food. They have a diet extremely close to squirrels. You do NOT want rat food that consists of a bag of sunflower seeds and corn and stuff like that. You are looking for a manufactured diet - something that looks sort of like the pellets they make for rabbits. You may want to check some UK rat sites for people who keep them as pets for sources.

09-18-2023, 07:23 AM
Thank you so much for responding. His eyes were open when we found him. Going by several pictures I'm guessing about 10 weeks old. He's on kitten formula milk at the moment about 10ml/cc per feed 4 times a day and had a little nibble on some walnut this morning. Honestly clueless to all this so been reading everyone else's questions and comments which has been super helpful. He's also had a problem with his genitals/sucking and a warm bath helped. He's been so much more alert and active than when we found him, he looked so fragile and cold I didn't think he'd survive the night but he's a fighter

Hello again Abbie:
I will be at work most of today but will try to monitor your thread. Others are available to help. Please read the information contained in the links I provided in my prior post! The amount of formula to feed with each of the daily feeding and the frequency of feedings throughout the day are based upon the weight of the Squirrel. An accurate weight in grams utilizing a digital scale should be obtained every morning before the Squirrel's first meal and this is used to calculate the volume of EACH feeding for that day. It is calculated by finding 5-7% of the Squirrel's weight in grams and then giving that number in milliliter (cc's) of formula. As an example, let's say your Squirrel weight 100 grams. To find the range for the amount of EACH feeding for that day, your would multiple the weight x 5% and then the weight x 7% (this would be 100 x 0.05=5ml and 100x 0.07=7ml) so you would ordinarily feed an amount within that range during each feeding. Again, this is explained very well by Henry's! Please weigh your Squirrel and post his weight. Ideally, a Squirrel over 4 weeks of age should be getting Fox Valley 20/50 formula or half FV 20/50 and half Esbilac Puppy Milk Replacer that made from Powder (not the liquid). I do not know what might be available in the UK. Royal Canin may be a good alternative if that is available! Please check on this and check on what Blocks are available in the UK!

All, that being said, it sounds as if your Squirrel is doing relatively well and thank you for your concern and love of this Little One!


09-19-2023, 01:53 AM
Hi again
Sorry the site keeps signing me out and I forgot to check in for any updates
Rats about the formula! I was clueless unfortunately and asked my local pets tore for some advice as wildlife rescue centres were not getting back to me, thought I got it right getting the powder and the box said suitable for wildlife. I will go get puppy powder today instead
Oh I know the blocks you mean, I've seen them before think they're called pellets or something here I'll look for that too
Thank you for the advic3 about the walnut, I don't know how old he is so wasn't sure if just the milk would be enough. The tip of his area is quite sore looking and scabby I read males can do that if they're hungry
I have some photos just need to figure out how to upload haha