View Full Version : Squirrel instinct and aging

09-14-2023, 03:28 PM
Hi everyone I'm new here and have been hoping to get advice from a larger group of knowledgeable squirrel people. I'm sure our situation is common. Our boy squirrel (Eastern grey) who we raised from a few weeks old and released at 10 weeks old is now just over 2 years of age. We are located in the North east of Ontario, Canada with woods adjoining our property.

At 2 years are they suddenly wilder, wanting to roam and become nomadic? We have always maintained contact and never have gone more than a week without seeing him. We would supplement his food but he was generally self sufficient and as an only squirrel we were proud that he integrated into the squirrel community seemingly well. It's been two weeks now where he haven't seen him and our last few encounters he seemed more distant and less needy is how I'd best describe it. We are happy if he's fully embraced the wild life but we do worry something has happened.

We do realize that this is a busy time before winter and acorns and mushrooms are at their peak but we never lost contact last fall but wonder if it's more of a maturing aspect where he no longer requires the safety net of his humans.

thanks for any insight

09-14-2023, 04:42 PM
There are definitely many different possible scenarios. You basically hit on the most obvious ones; preparing for winter, becoming more independent, or worst case something could have happened to him. (Hoping that ISNT the case!)

He also could be having some territorial issues with more dominant males &/or protective mamas who recently gave birth.

They can also roam quite a ways during mating season, in search of females to mate with or during mating chases.

hopefully he comes back around again soon and eases your worries! Keep us posted!

09-15-2023, 07:44 AM
Everything you and Tashahaven already said. If it's any consolation, I go months without seeing a lot of my male wilds who are "tamer", and have given up on seeing one or another ever again when he suddenly reappears. Hoping your boy pops in for a visit to ease your worries.