View Full Version : Fur Loss in SweetiePie - Should we treat with Revolution?

09-14-2023, 02:03 PM

Newbies here, never posted before. So grateful a site like this exists! SweetiePie is a wild gray. We live in Oakland CA. As you can see from the photos she is developing significant fur loss. She is very friendly with us, allows us to feed her from our hand and even allows petting and scratching her head. Because we have this level of intimacy with her, assuming this is the beginning of mange, we were thinking Revolution applied to the back of her neck might be the safest way of treating her. I think I read on another thread that applying one or two drops to the skin (using Revolution for kittens and puppies) and then following up 10 -14 days later to deal with eggs that may have hatched in the meantime would be a reasonable and safe approach. Some questions for those who know a great deal more than us:
1) Does this look like mange?
2) Not comfortable with Ivermectin as the dosing issues worry me. Selamectin seems to be a known quantity for small mammals and sounds like it is effective, not only for mites but fleas as well.
3) Is it always the case that in the United States you need a prescription for Revolution or is it sold in vet supply stores sometimes without prescription? If it is always the case that prescription is required, perhaps that is why folks have recommended the https://www.canadavetexpress.com/ obviously in Canada.
4) There is a generic version of Revolution called Revolt that seems significantly less expensive. Would this be identical to Revolution?

Thank you so much for any replies. I love to see there are so many squirrel lovers! We interact with 6 - 8 furry friends in our backyard, about 4 of whom allow us to touch and pet them.


Diggie's Friend
09-14-2023, 04:55 PM
Yes, this is Sarcoptic mange, caused by the Sarcoptic Mange Mite.

Revolution requires one drop be placed between the shoulder blades. If the squirrel will hold still while eating a piece of nut, and not run off, then you can use this treatment.

Revolution (Selamectin for kittens up to 5 lb.)


Although (Ivermectin) i stronger, it is easier to use. One single (needle drop) from a (1 ml) syringe placed upon a small piece of pecan or walnut kernel hand fed to the squirrel. As long as you use this exact dose there will be no issues. I've used this a number of times for one of our yard squirrels.

09-14-2023, 05:07 PM
Yes, you want plain selemectin - Revolution has a new one for cats that has another drug added that you should avoid. Canada Vet Express is one vendor who sells it without prescription.

Compare the two drugs and if they are the same strength they can be used. Make sure you compare "Puppies and kittens" strength.

Selemectin can be dosed orally on a pecan. Put one or two drops on a pecan half, allow to dry, and cover the spot with a little blob of peanut butter.