View Full Version : Looking for help for baby gray squirrel (severe skin issue and weight)

09-04-2023, 09:58 PM
I’m entirely new to all things squirrels. I live in WV, where apparently it’s illegal to operate as a rescue/rehabber so I’m on my own with this baby that fell out of my tree. I’ve had her for three weeks now. I did everything I could to get her momma to come back for her (removed her deceased siblings, nailed a warmed basket to the tree, played baby sounds, etc.) with no luck. Unfortunately, she was the only surviving baby of 3 when I found her. I’ve ordered specialty formula and nipples which I’m waiting to arrive but in the meantime she seems to do well with the goat milk recipe (the same as I’ve seen recommended here). My big issue and the reason I’m making this post is that after about the 4th or 5th day of caring for her, she developed super dry patches of skin. She’d been in a plastic container with fleece bedding so I added a little sponge to the corner and her skin improved, BUT one of those patches (on her shoulder) will not heal. I’ve tried every topical OTC product I’ve seen mentioned here but it hasn’t improved. It will scab over and return, or slough off and also return. Can anyone tell me what could be causing this? I’m also a little concerned about her weight, as she doesn’t have those “full” arms and legs that I see described. She pees and poos like a champ and seems to eat until she’s no longer hungry (probably only 2-2.5 ml every 3 hours). As I said, any help would be greatly appreciated as I’m completely on my own and have no knowledge of squirrel care. Hoping this photo shows up

09-04-2023, 10:03 PM
Maybe this photo is better?

09-04-2023, 11:32 PM
I would use some diluted betadine solution... about 20 drops in a cup of water, looks like weak tea when diluted. Wipe that down about 4 times a day, just let is dry and then apply some coconut oil a couple times a day to the area after the betadine has dried up.

I am not sure what specialty formula you ordered but he best thing for her at this age would be Esbilac puppy formula, the powdered version. It will have a white puppy or Burmese puppy on the label. The goat's milk formula is intended to be a temporary formula until the Esbilac can be obtained. Tractor Supply and big box pet stores sell this brand.

09-05-2023, 08:20 AM
Thank you SO much. I’ve seen so many contradictory things (both about puppy formula and treating skin issues). I’d ordered the Fox Valley 20/50, as with the delivery time it would put her over 4 weeks. I’m completely open to other suggestions or better alternatives to this, though. Again, I don’t know what I’m doing. I’ve been on vacation for the last week (with the squirrel) and will stop for puppy formula and betadine as soon as we make it back home. Thanks again, I so appreciate your response. I’ve scoured these posts and have not found anything that looks/sounds like the skin issue we’re dealing with.

09-05-2023, 10:17 AM
The formula I personally prefer for babies 3.5 - 4 weeks through wean is actually half and half: Half Esbilac and Half Fox Valley 20/50!

That is 1 Part Esbilac powder, 1 Part Fox Valley 20/50 mixed with 4 parts water.

island rehabber
09-05-2023, 07:56 PM
You're in the best of hands with Spanky :great. I'm just thinking that the scabby area could be a burn -- sunburn, or from a hot pavement or street. If you can get some Silvadene ointment (it's Rx but can be ordered online thru certain sites without a scrip) that would be excellent for anything like a burn.

09-06-2023, 04:55 AM
We had a baby on here a few weeks ago that had been laying in the sun somewhere down south for hours and her entire body was sloughing away much wore that this little cutie. Spanky's regimen of Betadyne wipe downs and coconut oil rubs brought this baby back to normal in a relatively short period.

The betadyne is sold in drug stores - there - it is 10% povidone iodine and they will have a store brand that s less money that is fine to get. It is a very powerful antibiotic and an antifungal and does all that without burning or stinging at all. It will keep any bacteria that may land in the damaged areas from being able to gain a foothold and cause problems. The coconut oil will provide a softening barrier over the wound. Mix 1/4 teaspoon of the betadyne with 1/4 cup of water (best is to boil the water for a few minutes and cool), then dab the area of the would with a cotton ball dipped in the mixture. You don't even need to touch the wound, you can just drip the mixture on the baby, then tuck her into her WARM baby box until she is dry.

Be sure you have her in a plastic container, not a cardboard box. Cardboard sucks water out of anything near it which is why boxes kept in a basement are a soggy, mildewed mess in no time. They will pull it right out of the body of a baby kept in cardboard.

09-06-2023, 08:25 AM
Thank you all SO very much for the advice. I was unsure it could be from a sunburn, only because of how long it took to develop (4-5 days after having her inside). I’ve been doing the betadine/coconut oil treatment and it’s looking somewhat better, but I’ll definitely look into the RX ointment as well. I can tell that it’s bothering her, as when I apply any sort of ointment/oil she seems to perk up. I’ll keep at it. Thanks again!!

09-07-2023, 10:45 AM
So, I can’t find the particular Esbilac that you mentioned anywhere near me; my husband came home with the liquid, which I see is not recommended. Is there another that works? Or do I need to order it? According to Amazon, the Fox Valley formula will be delivered tomorrow. If she’ll be missing something from the Esbilac I’d rather go ahead and order it. I’m also wondering if there’s a preferred method of switching, to prevent tummy issues.

09-07-2023, 12:36 PM
You really need to get the Esbilac since the Fox Valley 20/50 is not suitable for pinkies (babies under 4 weeks per label, I start transitioning at 3.5 weeks).

09-07-2023, 01:23 PM
Got it- thanks so much!

09-11-2023, 04:22 PM
I hope it’s alright that I post under this thread, it does relate to my previous comments but I’d be more than happy to post a new thread if necessary. I did get the correct Esbilac and no matter how much I diluted it (with the goat milk recipe or with water) she refuses it. I’ve been getting her to eat a bit, but definitely not as much as she should be getting. She’s also not been pooping much since starting this (still peeing great and no other signs of dehydration that I can tell). I’ve stimulated until I can tell that it’s really bothering her, given diluted apple juice and plain water, and a warm bath with no results. However, I’ve heard that they will not poop if they are not eating as much as they should be, which could very well be the case right now. Currently I’m still offering food every 4 hours (more like 6 some nights). I have the FV 20/50 and am ready to try that as long as it’s safe to; either diluted/mixed with something else or on its own. She has been with me for 4 weeks now- as of today, actually. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

09-11-2023, 04:33 PM
The most common issue with babies not wanting to take the formula is that the formula is not hot enough for their liking. They want it hot... hotter than we'd feed a human baby... like 105 - 115 Fahrenheit hot.

09-11-2023, 04:53 PM
Thanks! I also have a (human) baby at home, so maybe I’m subconsciously keeping it too cool. I thought I burned her once and have been overly cautious since. So just to confirm, you’d stick with the 50/50 Esbilac/FV combo? I haven’t introduced the FV yet because I didn’t want to upset her system with too many new things too quickly. Which also may be a subconscious thing; my son had major issues while dealing with switching formulas during the shortage last year and slowly including new formulas helped to ease his discomfort. I probably should have asked here beforehand but I assumed the same might happen to a squirrel baby.

09-11-2023, 06:03 PM
Thanks! I also have a (human) baby at home, so maybe I’m subconsciously keeping it too cool. I thought I burned her once and have been overly cautious since. So just to confirm, you’d stick with the 50/50 Esbilac/FV combo? I haven’t introduced the FV yet because I didn’t want to upset her system with too many new things too quickly. Which also may be a subconscious thing; my son had major issues while dealing with switching formulas during the shortage last year and slowly including new formulas helped to ease his discomfort. I probably should have asked here beforehand but I assumed the same might happen to a squirrel baby.

You bet it will - stay paranoid. The slower you transition from one formula to another, the less likely you are of seeing digestive issues. And Spanky is right - they like the formula hotter than their mama could ever produce it!