View Full Version : Teaspoon

08-30-2023, 05:30 PM
Long story short. I have a 5-6 week old female. She came in with two others. Around the same time they all developed AP possibly. Teaspoon came to me at 64g and was barely a live. Another rehabber already had to do CPR on her. I’m really good and triage so I go get her. She sounds super wet when breathing. Started her on Baytril as soon as I got home with her. So fast forward to day. She has tried to check out on me a couple times today. Nope not happening. We are staying the course of Baytril and I went and purchased a nebulizer. I don’t have any albuteral. This little girl is fighting like crap to stay alive. I am doing everything I know and yea I’ve made some phone calls as well. So she is on Baytril we have done a steam bath, nebulizer with just saline (cause that’s all I have). She is taking hydration and just very little food. Help me help her. Yes I named her Teaspoon…

Charley Chuckles
08-30-2023, 08:04 PM
I have some Albuterol but it's Ancient I'd hate for you to use it, can Dr Marie get you any quickly 🤷🙏

08-31-2023, 12:16 PM
So I have to say this was a really tough loss for me. This little Teaspoon fought so hard to live. She rallied for me one last time and 2:30am with a fire I haven’t seen in her eyes. I waved a syringe with 1.5cc in front of her face and she couldn’t get it in her mouth fast enough. She drank every last tiny drop. She was happy and full for the moment. I put her back down to sleep with a some what full belly. She curled up and knocked right out. At 6 am I got up to check on her and she had passed in her sleep. This stinks, I will never grow accustomed to this part of rehabbing. Please move this thread. Thanks to everyone that answered the phone to help.

Charley Chuckles
08-31-2023, 01:25 PM
I'm so sorry honey I know you did everything in your power 🙏
I too can't stand this part😥
Godspeed Teaspoon 🌈