View Full Version : Baby squirrels. I need help .

07-24-2023, 06:09 PM
I have 8 baby squirrels. Slightly dehydrated. They are all eating goat milk puppy replacer every 2 to 3 hours. I gave them some pedialyte yesterday and they started pooping solid and today super soft and orangeish. Any help would be very much appreciated. Please help my squirrels

07-24-2023, 06:11 PM
This is a 6 page long primer on baby squirrel care... I'll post this for review while I type up a more direct reply....


07-24-2023, 06:26 PM
I have 8 baby squirrels. Slightly dehydrated. They are all eating goat milk puppy replacer every 2 to 3 hours. I gave them some pedialyte yesterday and they started pooping solid and today super soft and orangeish. Any help would be very much appreciated. Please help my squirrels

It is important to make sure babies are warm and hydrated before feeding any formula. A dehydrated baby cannot properly digest formula, and while a hydrate baby does get it's hydration from formula, feeding formula to a dehydrated is actually counterproductive and will not achieve proper hydration.

Dark poops are from mommy's milk, super soft and orange-ish is from the wrong formula and / or too much.

For squirrels, Esbilac Puppy Milk Replacer (the powdered version, liquid is NOT the same and will cause diarrhea in squirrels) is the preferred formula up to about 3 - 3.5 weeks of age. After that, Fox Valley 20/50 (can only be bought on-line) is the preferred formula. Personally, I prefer a mix of 1 part Esbilac and 1 part Fox Valley 20/50 from 3 weeks until wean.

Pedialyte (for humans) has more salts than we'd like to use with squirrels, so diluting the Pedialyte 1 part Pedialyte with 1 part sugar water (1 cup water with 1 teaspoon of Molasses/honey/syrup or sugar (in order of preference) is more suitable for baby squirrels.

If you are certain in the assessment that they are only slightly dehydrated, I would substitute a formula feeding with the 1 part Pedialyte and 1 apart sugar water solution and then resume formula feeding. If you are using the Esbilac Goat's Milk Formula, I'd encourage you to replace that with the powdered Esbilac Puppy Milk Replace; the GMF is likely the culprit to the loose orange stools. "Good" stools on Esbilac / Fox Valley are "golden" or dark mustard colored.

I am attaching chest sheets for feeding amounts and frequencies... 8 babies at the same time, that is going to be baptism by fire! But we are here to help, let us know if there are more / other questions!


07-25-2023, 08:07 AM
I got a PM and responded to Mark and I am strongly encouraging his return to this thread where he can get walked through not just the pinky stage but every stage through release (with some help from everyone!)...

07-25-2023, 03:30 PM
Thank you Spanky!!! I hope he returns!

I know how scary it can be to raise ONE pinkie! I cannot imagine EIGHT!? How I’m tarnations did you get 8 all at once? They couldn’t possibly have been from the same litter?

We are here for you mark! ❤️

07-25-2023, 04:30 PM
hello, sorry for the late appearance. i need clarification on what formula to feed them. all are eating the the goat milk puppy replacer with pre and pro biotics they have gained roughly 6 grams in the four or five days ive had them. only one of the eight is slightly dehydrated. what common warning signs should i be looking for. i just finished the can of formula and i have to get a can before their next feeding.

07-25-2023, 04:42 PM
This one:

07-25-2023, 06:08 PM
another question. if i have to hydrate using pedialyte how much do i give them?

07-25-2023, 06:14 PM
another question. if i have to hydrate using pedialyte how much do i give them?

Pedialyte should not be used for more than 24 consecutive hours or so.. after that, switch to sweetened water. Pedialyte has a lot of salt, formulated for humans.

Never feed a severely dehydrated baby formula, it does more harm than good.

Supplemental hydration for these little would be just 1 -2 ml of sweetened water in between feedings.

For severe dehydration, substitute hydration for formula until the baby is fully hydrated (never feed a severely dehydrated baby formula, it can do more harm than good).

07-25-2023, 06:44 PM
I have conflicting charts. One says to feed .75 ml and one says 1-2 ml. Any one know which is true? They weigh19 grams

07-25-2023, 07:17 PM
I have conflicting charts. One says to feed .75 ml and one says 1-2 ml. Any one know which is true? They weigh19 grams

Feeding is by weight; 5% - 7% of body weight per feeding.

For 19 grams that is roughly 0.95ml (5% X 19) minimum, up to 1.3ml (7% X 19).

I suspect the 0.75 might be a feeding by "age" chart? If it is, toss it out... A 3 week old WI grey can be 30% heavier than a 3 week old GA grey... not to mention the same differences can exist within GA as well as Wisconsin. Don't get me started on the variance of weights per age reds versus greys versus foxes (and flyers). For all of them, the guidance is 5% - 7%.