View Full Version : Weight Loss/Loss of Appetite in 9 Year Old Captive

Abbi's Mama
07-11-2023, 10:33 AM
I'm not sure if it's actually life threatening or not.....but it's not great right now.
My girl turned 9 in February. She's lost quite a bit of weight since December (not sure of exact amount, but at least 1/2 her body weight I'd say), but I'd been trying to get her to lose because she was pretty chunky, so I wasn't SUPER concerned. She was still bouncing around her cage, eating, drinking, going potty, just fine.
She's been eating her squirrel block, but refusing most vegetables/fruits I've offered. I've also offered junk food (cheetos, crackers, etc) just to see if she'd eat SOMETHING and for most of those she would, but even some of the junk she was turning her nose up at.
Sunday she seemed pretty lethargic and didn't want to eat much, yesterday she did better, but today she's barely moving out of her bed and her eyes don't seem focused well, kinda glazed over. She definitely doesn't feel good. I just gave her some peanut butter mixed with syrup to see if it'll help perk her up, but wanted to ask for suggestions.
I can't even remember the lifespan...I know she's getting up there, but I really thought we had a few more good years together.

Any help would be appreciated. She's been on Henry's block her whole life and has had a mostly good diet, aside from some junk food. Like I said, lately, junk and block is the only thing she'll eat. Attached is a pic of her this morning...you can tell she doesn't feel good. :(
Thank you!

Abbi's Mama
07-11-2023, 01:51 PM
I'm not sure if she can really rest. It seems her head kinda keeps twitching/bobbing. When I hold her and love on her it doesn't do that, but when she's trying to rest in her cage alone, that's when it bobs. I did just get her to eat an almond, but even that took some effort.
I'm afraid this may be the end (hopeful it's not) and I'm just trying to keep her comfortable.

07-11-2023, 02:07 PM
Aw, I remember you and your pretty little girl. She IS getting on in age. I lost my beloved Mister P at 9.5 years.

Does Abbi have a vet? Later years mean all sorts of things that we can't really help in the way of fixing a diet for someone or giving advice on antibiotics for a definitive illness, but all of Abbi's issues are so vague. They can get diabetes, they can have kidney issues, they can get any of the things that human seniors are plagued with, but it required diagnostics we don't have access to - blood tests, xrays, ultrasound.

If you can provide any more clues to what you see and have been seeing, maybe something will trigger an idea. In the meantime, I would do whatever makes her happy - hold her, feed her naughty foods, and don't forget to tell her how ridiculously much you love her.

Abbi's Mama
07-11-2023, 02:19 PM
Thanks for the response CritterMom! I've missed you! <3 So sorry to hear about Mister P.
My vet has changed hands, unfortunately and my vet tech friend moved to Knoxville...I'm not sure if it's an option any more. Ugh.
It definitely makes it hard to try to narrow down anything or help without bloodwork and such (diabetes def. crossed my mind and I mentioned it to my husband, but we can't do much).
Thankfully my boss is letting me work from home today to keep an eye on her...I guess I'll just try to keep her as comfortable and happy as I can. Either this will pass, or she will....
I'm trying to love on her as much as I can without annoying her too much. Apparently she's been thirsty, but would only drink when I brought the water bottle to her.
Just keep us in your thoughts I guess. <3

Aw, I remember you and your pretty little girl. She IS getting on in age. I lost my beloved Mister P at 9.5 years.

Does Abbi have a vet? Later years mean all sorts of things that we can't really help in the way of fixing a diet for someone or giving advice on antibiotics for a definitive illness, but all of Abbi's issues are so vague. They can get diabetes, they can have kidney issues, they can get any of the things that human seniors are plagued with, but it required diagnostics we don't have access to - blood tests, xrays, ultrasound.

If you can provide any more clues to what you see and have been seeing, maybe something will trigger an idea. In the meantime, I would do whatever makes her happy - hold her, feed her naughty foods, and don't forget to tell her how ridiculously much you love her.

07-11-2023, 03:08 PM
So the drinking thing. Or NOT drinking thing. Any idea how long that has been happening? Because keeping yourself vaguely dehydrated is bad in any number of ways, but one for sure is that you are much more likely to get a UTI. And those usually respond well to antibiotics.

And do you have access to any? Not necessarily animal meds - human antibiotics. Cipro, Amoxicillin clavulanate, SMZ-TMP - but anything you can dig up or get from someone can go on the list of possibles.

Abbi's Mama
07-11-2023, 03:32 PM
Today is the first I've noticed her not drinking. She's in our living room and it's a noisy water bottle, so we hear her every day. You know how it gets though....sometimes you don't realize you haven't paid attention. I do have some Cipro on hand....but it expired in 2014.....500mg. I thought I had some amoxicillin, but I can't find it right now. I MIGHT be able to get something from one of the dog rescue ladies I work with though if absolutely necessary.
I can try to get her weight this evening. I ended up putting a heating pad in the cage to see if it'd help and I just got done moving her around for that...I'd hate to move her again just now.

So the drinking thing. Or NOT drinking thing. Any idea how long that has been happening? Because keeping yourself vaguely dehydrated is bad in any number of ways, but one for sure is that you are much more likely to get a UTI. And those usually respond well to antibiotics.

And do you have access to any? Not necessarily animal meds - human antibiotics. Cipro, Amoxicillin clavulanate, SMZ-TMP - but anything you can dig up or get from someone can go on the list of possibles.

07-11-2023, 04:01 PM
We will be happy to dose this for you. I have used old Cipro before with no ill effects and no sign of it weakening in strength. If you can provide her weight and you will need a 1cc syringe with clear markings on it to dose her.

If there are any other things that have been maybe nagging the back of your mind lately, spit them out. I wouldn't have reached for a UTI without your comment on the water drinking!

Abbi's Mama
07-11-2023, 04:50 PM
I'm gonna say she's about 370g (she was wiggling during weighing, but that's about right). She did finally go to the water bottle on her own...but that's the first time I've seen her do that today. I moved it to the bottom of the cage where she's been staying.

325309 325308

We will be happy to dose this for you. I have used old Cipro before with no ill effects and no sign of it weakening in strength. If you can provide her weight and you will need a 1cc syringe with clear markings on it to dose her.

If there are any other things that have been maybe nagging the back of your mind lately, spit them out. I wouldn't have reached for a UTI without your comment on the water drinking!

07-11-2023, 05:13 PM
Dosing sent in PM.

Heavens, I hope it helps!

Abbi's Mama
07-11-2023, 06:59 PM
Thank you! She's just been dosed! *crossing fingers*

Dosing sent in PM.

Heavens, I hope it helps!

Abbi's Mama
07-12-2023, 08:02 AM
Well she's still alive this morning (I checked multiple times last night...not much rest here for either of us). Just got her 2nd dose of Cipro. I can't tell if she's actually doing better or not...but she's a bit feistier LOL She didn't really want breakfast this morning (She took some formula yesterday), but I'm gonna try again later.
Please continue to keep her in your thoughts. <3

Abbi's Mama
07-13-2023, 07:56 AM
Quick update. After speaking with CritterMom, in addition to the Cipro we're also proceeding with MBD treatment as the symptoms make sense. We've religiously given HHBs, but as she's gotten older she's started hiding them more and eating snacks and I've read that seniors may not be able to maintain their levels as well anyway.
This morning she actually got out of the bed when I got up this morning and went to her water bottle.
I'm having a hard time getting her to take her Cipro and Calcium though. Suggestions on how to get her to take it? She won't let me pick her up right now so I'm having to chase her around one handed in the bottom of her cage and try to corner her and shove the syringe in her mouth. As she's started feeling better, the chase has become lengthier. This morning I finally broke down and mixed the Cipro with a tiny bit of peanut butter and she licked it off the butter knife, but I feel like using peanut butter is counter productive with MBD. I'm also not sure if that will even work more than once. She's gotten VERY picky about what she eats now and it makes everything difficult.
Thanks for the help!

07-13-2023, 10:00 AM
If peanut butter gets her to take the cipro, go for it. The amount of bad the peanut butter will do is more than being helped by the calcium you are adding. Have you tasted the cipro? Go ahead, dip a finger in it and taste. You're welcome.

Here is an idea to push her back to the Henrys since she likes PB. Either drop a block in the food processor or a coffee grinder, or just use a big knife and chop chop chop until it is a pile of crumbs. Then begin adding in tiny amounts of peanut butter until you have the consistency of a stiff cookie dough. You want to be able to squish it into a ball without being sticky and gooey. The smell and taste of the PB may just convince her to eat them again.

Abbi's Mama
07-13-2023, 10:11 AM
Thank you! Makes me feel better to know that the other stuff should balance out the peanut butter. I'm really hoping she'll cooperate more moving forward LOL I'll definitely try mixing up the block with a bit of peanut butter though! Maybe that will help. I also just ordered fresh block from Henry's and calcium, rushed. Should be here tomorrow, fingers crossed.
I do think she actually managed to get some rest last night. She curled up in her bed like she usually does, unlike staying splayed out on top the last 2 nights.
Wish us luck!

If peanut butter gets her to take the cipro, go for it. The amount of bad the peanut butter will do is more than being helped by the calcium you are adding. Have you tasted the cipro? Go ahead, dip a finger in it and taste. You're welcome.

Here is an idea to push her back to the Henrys since she likes PB. Either drop a block in the food processor or a coffee grinder, or just use a big knife and chop chop chop until it is a pile of crumbs. Then begin adding in tiny amounts of peanut butter until you have the consistency of a stiff cookie dough. You want to be able to squish it into a ball without being sticky and gooey. The smell and taste of the PB may just convince her to eat them again.

Charley Chuckles
07-13-2023, 10:56 AM
Praying for your Abbi 🙏🙏🙏

Abbi's Mama
07-13-2023, 01:39 PM
Y'all! I just got home on lunch to medicate Abbi. Before I did so, she let me get her out and hold/love on her (hasn't done that since Monday night...she had just been screaming at me and clawing her way back into her cage), AND she climbed to the top of her cage! (Nevermind that it was because I was closing a bag and she wanted a bite LOL).
I just crushed up an HHB and added a bit of peanut butter and some tums and she seems to have eaten most of that! Yay!!!
She's definitely not 100% yet and I hope this isn't just a false hope kinda thing, but we're gonna keep doing what we're doing and pray for the best! Thank you guys!:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon

07-13-2023, 02:30 PM
I wonder if she had a UTI and the Cipro is doing it's thing, or if she was starting down MBD Road and it is the calcium? Regardless, do the 5 day on the Cipro (sorry, Abbi) and start trying to get her back ON the HHBs. Each block has roughly 130ish milligrams of calcium, 2 has 260 and that is half of our starting dose for MBD! So once she is back on the blocks, you can really start backing the additional calcium down.

I would stay where you are for at least a few more days and watch her behavior, then start backing off by about 100mg of calcium a day at a time.

Abbi's Mama
07-13-2023, 03:47 PM
CritterMom, I thought more about the UTI as well and the 2 or 3 days (plus a day or two maybe) before she really went downhill, on two separate occasions she intentionally peed on me through her cage bars. That's not super uncommon as you know, but it had been a really long time since she'd done it to ME (usually does it to my husband...she hates him), and I remember even saying out loud to her, "Omg, did you just pee on me? It's been a long time since you've done THAT. Ugh." It didn't smell bad or anything, but that doesn't mean anything sometimes. Just was odd.

The main reason MBD really perked my ears up (especially after it seemed she wasn't wanting to move or use her back end much on Tuesday) is because over about the last two months she'd been turning her nose up at what were usually her favorite foods - one by one -, sleeping more on the bottom of the cage (she's always liked it there, but she was sleeping there every night), sleeping MORE in general, but I chalked it all up to "well, she's 9. She's getting older." And I KNEW better! I remember obsessively reading about MBD over 9 years ago and I have the squirrel food suggestion list printed off and ON MY FRIDGE (and I utilize it, it's not just for decoration lol). But a bad snack here or there has turned into more than it ever should have. From here on out, definitely keeping a closer eye on her diet. No more peanut butter crackers or Cheetos.

I wonder if she had a UTI and the Cipro is doing it's thing, or if she was starting down MBD Road and it is the calcium? Regardless, do the 5 day on the Cipro (sorry, Abbi) and start trying to get her back ON the HHBs. Each block has roughly 130ish milligrams of calcium, 2 has 260 and that is half of our starting dose for MBD! So once she is back on the blocks, you can really start backing the additional calcium down.

I would stay where you are for at least a few more days and watch her behavior, then start backing off by about 100mg of calcium a day at a time.

07-13-2023, 05:51 PM
I'm glad you came back to see us. Sometimes just having someone to throw ideas around with will trigger a memory that leads you down the right path. Or paths in this case!

Abbi's Mama
07-14-2023, 07:52 AM
Well, apparently that sprint to the top of the cage yesterday wore her out. That's the only time she left the bottom. She DID let me get her out 3 times to love on her yesterday afternoon, but that night she started growling again and didn't want to be picked up (she did let me get her out this morning, but growled a bit). She ate most of her peanut butter Cipro last night and again this morning. After eating the one HHB with some tums added yesterday for lunch, that's all she's eaten besides the peanut butter used for Cipro administration. (well, she also ate about a 3rd of another block at bedtime)
Fresh HHB should be arriving today and I'm hoping that'll be more enticing. Overall she's not worse than she was a couple of days ago, but I'm not sure how much better she is just yet either. Or if it's normal to have fluctuations.
I just hope she gets to feeling 100% very soon. Poor thing.

Abbi's Mama
07-19-2023, 08:29 AM
Just a quick update for anyone who cares.
Abbi seems to be doing MUCH better. This time last week she was functioning at about 15%-20% and as of today I'd say she's at 90%-95%. She's eating her block like she should and started eating her veggies and fruits again. She's climbing the cage and overall displaying normal behaviors again.
We're very thankful for the assistance we received. The antibiotics and/or calcium seem to have worked. :Love_Icon

07-23-2023, 02:19 AM
How's she doing?

button nose's mom
07-23-2023, 01:12 PM
awwww I just finished reading this whole thread, and she has stolen my heart. Such an adorable beauty! I'm happy for you and her that she's feeling better. I love her pictures. My babies don't cuddle at all. I was taking notes too. My "Crimpy" has not been eating well in the last 3 days and that isn't like him. He is famished every morning and eats his veges and later rodent block ground up with an almond in it, wetted with water and formed into a soft, non sticky ball he can hold. Just like your PB balls. This is the only way he'll eat kibble. He gets a henry's picky block once a day, but I had slacked off. I restarted him yesterday and he ate a little better today. He is 7 months old and is last of 3 not released yet. I'm still missing his sister who took to the trees a bit over week ago, my heart worries for her in the great outside. Is she finding food...water?...is she ok in this heat...is she alive?? It's hard not knowing. I wondered if Crimpy was just missing her too as they were bonded. I was aiming for a soft release and she just took off. I wanted them to go together and I really thought she would night over in her open cage. I spotted her for 2 days in an oak near my house until no signs. I went to look in that tree every day, calling her talking to her. Then last tuesday on the 19th, I was brought a day old pinkie. So now this is occupying my time and emotions. It's a girl I'm pretty sure.


07-24-2023, 11:00 AM
Button Noses Mom, If you are worried about your little boy, his appetite or behaviors…May I suggest you start a new thread in EM or NON-EM sections to be sure your concerns or questions are seen by more people, and you can get the answers you seek.

I would hate for your post to not be seen/overlooked/lost in another thread. 🥰

I hope your little boy is doing better today! When you start a new thread, please include a summary of his current diet ❤️