View Full Version : Missouri Squirrel Momma

07-07-2023, 04:18 AM
Hello, everyone. I have been here for a few months now but could never figure out how to post. I am a new squirrel momma, something I never thought would be attached to my resume...lol. I have raised orphaned kittens and puppies, but never a squirrel. I must say I was completely TERRIFIED!! Peanut came into our lives at around 3 weeks old. I watched everything I could on YOUTUBE and read everything I could get my hands on to help our little guy, but there is so much conflicting information out there. It only made matters worse for me. The only good information I got was about the powdered Esbilac I should be giving him, but then I wasn't sure how much or how often. I spent many sleepless and tearful nights worried that I was killing our little guy. Was I overfeeding him? Underfeeding him? Handling him too much? Etc.... I finally came across the Squirrel Forum and met the most wonderful man named Dave. I know he is a member here, but I don't know his handle, sorry. He reassured me that I could do this and that he would walk me through it, every step of the way, and that he did! I know there had to be times he dreaded seeing my number come up on his phone, but he took the time to help me anyway. I am forever grateful to him!!
Our little Peanut is now about 5 months old and healthy and active as can be. My husband literally cut down a small tree from our back yard and secured the branches to the ceiling of his office for Peanut to have an indoor playground. Alan, my husband, has also secured a cat's scratching post to his work bench and I am literally baking dirt for Peanut to play in. I stop at the produce stand every other day for fresh fruits and veggies. He loves sugar snap peas, green beans, and blueberries. He also gets the Healthy blocks from Henry's and lately, I've been making him Boo Balls, both fruit and veggie versions. You could say he has us well trained. We are Peanut's minions.... lol
Again, I want to say thanks to Dave. Not sure Peanut would have made it w/out him. If I can ever help anyone, please don't hesitate to let me know. If you are in my area, maybe I can do more. I also wanted to share a little trick I used w/Peanut when he was little. I could not find a heating pad that did not shut off after 2 hours, so I used the Hot Hands packets under very thick bedding. It's a pleasure to meet all of you and here is my Amazing Mr. Peanut....
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07-07-2023, 04:20 AM
I swear my husband isn't holding Peanut upside down. I don't know why the picture rotated weird...lol.

07-07-2023, 05:29 AM
All I need to know someone is a squirrel person is see their hands! Your husband's tell a pretty clear story! Just an FYI, Benadryl topical gel does a dynamite job killing the itching from the spiderweb of little scratches.

It looks like you succeeded - he is a lovely little boy!

07-07-2023, 07:28 AM
Thank you. He is a very much loved little boy.:Love_Icon