View Full Version : Bug bite infection? HELP!
06-28-2023, 05:28 PM
This little girl and her brother has bites of some kind on them. I did not notice them till yesterday. Put neosporin on and today this is worse. I put it here in emergency because I've never seen one of their veins go dark like this with an infection, and I've done many squirrels and have been a member of this board for almost 10 years.
I gave them 1 drop Baytril each immediately upon noticing the change. Washing all bedding. I'm panicking here guys. They are only 17g each.
ANY advice would be appreciated 🙏
06-28-2023, 06:03 PM
Should I sub q the baytril instead ?? She so uncomfortable, squiggling around like she can't get comfortable to sleep. I gave a little infant IB also, but don't know if that or any of the AB got into her.
??? SUB Q ??? I don't wanna lose her.
06-28-2023, 07:12 PM
NEVER done a baby this young, so...
First, stop the neosporin. The triple antibiotic salve we have been smearing on everything for the last multiple decades has a lot to be allergic to.
I would wipe the baby down with diluted beradyne 10% povidone iodine (1/4 teaspoon to 1/4 cup water) paying attention to those marks. If these are bites of some kind, you may be looking at a histamine release - an allergic reaction to the bites. Do you have or can you get some Children's strength diphenhydramine (generic Benadryl)?
06-28-2023, 07:58 PM
I am wondering if this might be a result of a run in with a saddleback caterpillar or similar... sorta looks like it to me. Anyone that has a run in with one will agree it is very uncomfortable!!!
The benadryl is a good idea for caterpillar stings and a paste of baking soda (just use some water to make into a paste)...
06-30-2023, 07:23 PM
Worse today. The little boy is getting streaks too.
I did the iodine as well as baytril. Please pray. Thanks all for advice.
06-30-2023, 08:09 PM
Has anyone ever seen this before?? Looks like blood poisoning... aside from antibiotics, I am at a loss.
She is still eating and going potty ok. But this looks soo bad and only getting worse.
06-30-2023, 08:22 PM
It continues to appear like a caterpillar type sting to me... did you apply a baking soda paste or administer benadryl (antihistamine)?
06-30-2023, 09:10 PM
Prayers are with you both!! Poor baby! Soo tiny. I hope they pull through this. It does appear as if it may be some sort of infection that has turned systemic. My prayers are with you, desperately hoping the Baytril helps! Asap. 🥰😍🥰🥰
Wish there was more I could offer or say to help. Thank you for being there for this little one!
07-01-2023, 08:00 AM
It continues to appear like a caterpillar type sting to me... did you apply a baking soda paste or administer benadryl (antihistamine)?
I haven't tried benadryl yet.. I gotta pick some up.. Haven't used it in a long time. Have to hunt down the dosaging chart.
07-01-2023, 09:40 AM
I PM'd a link for the Benadryl dosing chart... :thumbsup
07-04-2023, 12:54 PM
Ok now the trouble is I believe these are bots. Has anyone dealt with these on babies this small? I'm gonna get some clear pictures next feed.
They are 2 or 3 weeks old i believe and only about 23 grams.
Please advise. I am going to be contacting all my local vets and see if any of them has the experience and willingness to work with me on this.
07-04-2023, 01:39 PM
If they are indeed bots, they would have to be removed - an adult bot is HUGE in a baby that size. I cannot see any reason why it couldn't be removed surgically without too much trouble, but anesthetizing a baby that size???
07-04-2023, 08:38 PM
The red streaks are going away bit the girl has 3 bots and the boy 1.... so far... I will do everything I can to get these babies well.
07-04-2023, 08:42 PM
Here is recent pics.
07-04-2023, 08:47 PM
If they are indeed bots, they would have to be removed - an adult bot is HUGE in a baby that size. I cannot see any reason why it couldn't be removed surgically without too much trouble, but anesthetizing a baby that size???
I know. That's exactly what I'm struggling with. I have a vet tech friend that's willing to pull with forceps. But they not bog enough for that and if they get too big.. detrimental 😔
Like I said I want to find a vet willing and experienced. I'm trying my best with supportive care, extra fluids and ab's.
07-04-2023, 11:00 PM
Hello Kastillo:
I have just read through your thread. I'm going to offer some comments and my opinion on what has been going on and what is currently going on with these two little Squirrels. In you initial photos, where the red lines are noted, I suspect a similar cause as Spanky proposed, that being a caterpillar or other insect bite or sting. It was also noted that there was concern about "blood poisoning" based upon the red lines. In people, most of the skin is iof course quite visible and we have all seen photos (or the real thing) of red streaks usually leading up an arm or leg. This is commonly called "blood poisoning" but it truly is not! The red streaks are from lymphangitis which is an inflammation and usually an infection involving lymph channels. This usually occurs when there is a an infection in the skin that "seeds one or more lymph channels. "Blood poisoning" is what is called Septicemia and this is where bacteria and/or another infectious entity is present in the blood itself! It can easily lead to local and systemic infection and organ failure! This is NOT what is happening with these babies, at least not yet!
Are the babies are still on the Baytril? Did you verify the proper dose and dosing interval? Have you stopped the Neosporin as CritterMom suggested? You may have seen some of my other posts where Neosporin is mentioned but the potential problem with this is that Neosporin contains an antibiotic called Neomycin and of all of the topically applied antibiotics, Neosporin is the one most likely to cause a skin sensitivity reaction and sometimes, it can be so severe it can mimic the appearance of an infection.
Next I would like to make some comments about the "bumps" we are now seeing on your Squirrrels' skin. I know that when we see a bump on a Squirrel, one of the first things most of us in Squirrel-World think about is a "bot." While I might be wrong in my assessment, I would like to at least state the evidence I am using to render my opinion that these "bumps" are NOT Bot Fly warbles and most likely in my humble opinion are small abscesses (pus pockets). For one, the appearance of these bumps is not really consistent with that of a "bot" or warble. These specialized bumps that contain the Bot Fly larva and each "Bot" has a "breathing pore" that is usually at the tip end of the "bump" and is very obvious! None of the bumps that are seen on these babies have any evidence of a "breathing pore!" Further, while it is certainly not impossible for a pinkie to develop these "bots," it requires them to be in contact with Bot Fly eggs and usually these are not found in the Squirrels nesting area although the eggs could certainly be carried by the mother to the nesting area. The appearance of the "bumps" seem to indicate that the skin of the bump is rather taught on a couple of them, the skin seems in spots to be a bit whitish. I suspect that those area are just stretched skin and underlying pus is faintly visible through the now translucent spots. The skin of the warble is relatively loose as it is really just a sac containing the larva and has a relatively large hole at the tip which makes it difficult to become taught even if they might become infected which does occur; usually when the lava dies and often that is after "we" become tempted to try to remove the Bot Fly larva rather than let it run its usually uneventful course and fall from the hosts skin. The risks associated with our intervening in this manner are rarely justified and are potentially risky.
It seems from your initial post that you are an experienced "Squirreler" and if you might feel inclined to perform a relatively simple surgical procedure called an I & D (incision and drainage) and determine if these "bumps" contain pus or other fluid rather than a Bot Fly larva. I would be glad to help you with suggestions if you desire these via Private Messaging. I would rather not provide this type of information on the Open Board.
07-05-2023, 12:11 AM
Bots are of the devil, sending good vibes and prayers :grouphug
07-05-2023, 11:29 AM
Hello Kastillo:
I have just read through your thread. I'm going to offer some comments and my opinion on what has been going on and what is currently going on with these two little Squirrels. In you initial photos, where the red lines are noted, I suspect a similar cause as Spanky proposed, that being a caterpillar or other insect bite or sting. It was also noted that there was concern about "blood poisoning" based upon the red lines. In people, most of the skin is iof course quite visible and we have all seen photos (or the real thing) of red streaks usually leading up an arm or leg. This is commonly called "blood poisoning" but it truly is not! The red streaks are from lymphangitis which is an inflammation and usually an infection involving lymph channels. This usually occurs when there is a an infection in the skin that "seeds one or more lymph channels. "Blood poisoning" is what is called Septicemia and this is where bacteria and/or another infectious entity is present in the blood itself! It can easily lead to local and systemic infection and organ failure! This is NOT what is happening with these babies, at least not yet!
Are the babies are still on the Baytril? Did you verify the proper dose and dosing interval? Have you stopped the Neosporin as CritterMom suggested? You may have seen some of my other posts where Neosporin is mentioned but the potential problem with this is that Neosporin contains an antibiotic called Neomycin and of all of the topically applied antibiotics, Neosporin is the one most likely to cause a skin sensitivity reaction and sometimes, it can be so severe it can mimic the appearance of an infection.
Next I would like to make some comments about the "bumps" we are now seeing on your Squirrrels' skin. I know that when we see a bump on a Squirrel, one of the first things most of us in Squirrel-World think about is a "bot." While I might be wrong in my assessment, I would like to at least state the evidence I am using to render my opinion that these "bumps" are NOT Bot Fly warbles and most likely in my humble opinion are small abscesses (pus pockets). For one, the appearance of these bumps is not really consistent with that of a "bot" or warble. These specialized bumps that contain the Bot Fly larva and each "Bot" has a "breathing pore" that is usually at the tip end of the "bump" and is very obvious! None of the bumps that are seen on these babies have any evidence of a "breathing pore!" Further, while it is certainly not impossible for a pinkie to develop these "bots," it requires them to be in contact with Bot Fly eggs and usually these are not found in the Squirrels nesting area although the eggs could certainly be carried by the mother to the nesting area. The appearance of the "bumps" seem to indicate that the skin of the bump is rather taught on a couple of them, the skin seems in spots to be a bit whitish. I suspect that those area are just stretched skin and underlying pus is faintly visible through the now translucent spots. The skin of the warble is relatively loose as it is really just a sac containing the larva and has a relatively large hole at the tip which makes it difficult to become taught even if they might become infected which does occur; usually when the lava dies and often that is after "we" become tempted to try to remove the Bot Fly larva rather than let it run its usually uneventful course and fall from the hosts skin. The risks associated with our intervening in this manner are rarely justified and are potentially risky.
It seems from your initial post that you are an experienced "Squirreler" and if you might feel inclined to perform a relatively simple surgical procedure called an I & D (incision and drainage) and determine if these "bumps" contain pus or other fluid rather than a Bot Fly larva. I would be glad to help you with suggestions if you desire these via Private Messaging. I would rather not provide this type of information on the Open Board.
Thank you for taking the time to study this case throughly. I swear that there is a hole on each one. I would love to pm you if we could determine they are not bots. I don't know how to send video., but when I block the "pore" it seems like something pops up then withdrawal. Its light in color. I've seen pics if immature bots so I figured they started out like the color of a fly maggot.
I'll try to get video. I'll be in touch. Thank you.
07-05-2023, 12:08 PM
Thank you for taking the time to study this case throughly. I swear that there is a hole on each one. I would love to pm you if we could determine they are not bots. I don't know how to send video., but when I block the "pore" it seems like something pops up then withdrawal. Its light in color. I've seen pics if immature bots so I figured they started out like the color of a fly maggot.
I'll try to get video. I'll be in touch. Thank you.
Hi Kastillo:
It's not possible to post a video itself on TSB but you can upload a video to YouTube and then post a link to the video as part of a post. Be looking forward to talking with you again!
07-05-2023, 12:17 PM
Hi Kastillo:
It's not possible to post a video itself on TSB but you can upload a video to YouTube and then post a link to the video as part of a post. Be looking forward to talking with you again!
Got it now thanks!
07-05-2023, 04:33 PM
I might learn something new that will cause me to unlearn what I had thought I learned and have held the same "knowledge" for quite a long time. If memory serves it was initially a discussion with my vet whilst she was extracting bots from one of my squirrels and she shared the info with me. I think. :thinking
My understanding of squirrel bot fly (uterebra emasculator) development is that they enter the host squirrel via mouth, nose, butt and travel about week before ending up under the squirrel's skin.... and Googling today confirmed:
"If a first instar contacts a potential host and is able to transfer to it, the larva may enter an orifice (mouth, nostrils, anus) or wound and begin a journey through the host's body that lasts about a week. It then settles underneath the host's hide, molts to the second instar, and creates a hole to the exterior. This "warble pore" provides access to air for breathing and a route for elimination of liquid excrement."
These babies seem to be less than a week old on intake... I am not convinced that the larva travel through a mother to babies in the uterus. At the very least, I'd remain open to non-bot fly possibilities.
07-05-2023, 05:26 PM
I might learn something new that will cause me to unlearn what I had thought I learned and have held the same "knowledge" for quite a long time. If memory serves it was initially a discussion with my vet whilst she was extracting bots from one of my squirrels and she shared the info with me. I think. :thinking
My understanding of squirrel bot fly (uterebra emasculator) development is that they enter the host squirrel via mouth, nose, butt and travel about week before ending up under the squirrel's skin.... and Googling today confirmed:
"If a first instar contacts a potential host and is able to transfer to it, the larva may enter an orifice (mouth, nostrils, anus) or wound and begin a journey through the host's body that lasts about a week. It then settles underneath the host's hide, molts to the second instar, and creates a hole to the exterior. This "warble pore" provides access to air for breathing and a route for elimination of liquid excrement."
These babies seem to be less than a week old on intake... I am not convinced that the larva travel through a mother to babies in the uterus. At the very least, I'd remain open to non-bot fly possibilities.
I sent a PM to you, Spanky!
07-05-2023, 06:23 PM
Since this is something quite rare and largely unknown... should we start a new thread under specific ailments/bots/neonates???
07-05-2023, 08:37 PM
I might learn something new that will cause me to unlearn what I had thought I learned and have held the same "knowledge" for quite a long time. If memory serves it was initially a discussion with my vet whilst she was extracting bots from one of my squirrels and she shared the info with me. I think. :thinking
My understanding of squirrel bot fly (uterebra emasculator) development is that they enter the host squirrel via mouth, nose, butt and travel about week before ending up under the squirrel's skin.... and Googling today confirmed:
"If a first instar contacts a potential host and is able to transfer to it, the larva may enter an orifice (mouth, nostrils, anus) or wound and begin a journey through the host's body that lasts about a week. It then settles underneath the host's hide, molts to the second instar, and creates a hole to the exterior. This "warble pore" provides access to air for breathing and a route for elimination of liquid excrement."
These babies seem to be less than a week old on intake... I am not convinced that the larva travel through a mother to babies in the uterus. At the very least, I'd remain open to non-bot fly possibilities.
I think it's entirely possible if they contracted the eggs at birth. Probably from the very first time they nursed on their mother. I'm down in South Alabama where the bot warbles are terrible and this summer is hot and wet and it does nothing for keeping the bot population off of our babies.
I wish it was something different. (No rudeness intended. I consider and respect ALL advice given)
Link to video:
Please note: I am being as gentle as possible with this baby. The baby is squirming so much cause of the bot larva moving. They only move like this when I cover the pores with Vaseline. The first time I did that was to be sure with the bot test. Then again to film it. I don't want to do it anymore unless necessary because it makes them so uncomfortable when the larva move
07-05-2023, 10:12 PM
I think it's entirely possible if they contracted the eggs at birth. Probably from the very first time they nursed on their mother. I'm down in South Alabama where the bot warbles are terrible and this summer is hot and wet and it does nothing for keeping the bot population off of our babies.
I wish it was something different. (No rudeness intended. I consider and respect ALL advice given)
Link to video:
Please note: I am being as gentle as possible with this baby. The baby is squirming so much cause of the bot larva moving. They only move like this when I cover the pores with Vaseline. The first time I did that was to be sure with the bot test. Then again to film it. I don't want to do it anymore unless necessary because it makes them so uncomfortable when the larva move��
Hi Kastillo:
For the record; Kastillo and I have done some Private Messaging prior to this post while the possibilities were still being "tossed about." It appears that the the diagnosis is now definitive and the issue now becomes to formulate a plan. The "infective" stage in the Bot Fly life cycle is the 1st Instar Lava. The eggs contain the 1st Instar. The 1st Instar is present inside the egg but it must hatch and be free to be infective. It may be that there were eggs near where Mother Squirrel was and she brought them back and they hatched or she brought some of the 1st Instars back with her in her fur when she returned to the nest and they got on the babies.
I have never seen warbles on pinkies! Others may have and hopefully others on TheSquirrel Board will post their comments and recommendations!
Healthy adult Squirrels tolerate warbles very well and it is usually safer and far easier to simply let them follow their course and have the final stage larva drop out and the the warble heal by itself. With a healthy adult Squirrel as host to warbles their is usually little if any risks. This evolutionarily speaking makes considerable sense! If a Bot Fly larva would kill it's host, it would also be the end its own life life and would also eliminate any future descendants as well! If this happened with any regularity, this would also spell the demise of the Bot Fly species itself! Over what has probably been many millions of years of natural selection, these Bot Fly Larva rarely do any harm to their common hosts and both survive to meet again in a sense!
One of my major concerns, however, is that infants are not the typical host; healthy adults are; and while I personally have no evidence (documented or experiential) with which to judge risk, intuitively, it would seem that being a baby and having several warbles would increase risk of problems. I don't know for sure! It may be worth trying to remove these larvae. This is still relatively early and the larva would most likely be in the 2nd Instar phase which lasts approximately 1 week. This may be the best time to attempt removal if it was going to be done, but there are risks including leaving part of the lava within the warble and the Squirrel subsequently developing an infection or have what has been proposed to be a form of immune reaction to the remains of the larva!
Again, if this was a healthy adult Squirrel, there would be no issue and the warble would be left alone by anyone knowledgeable of them. With babies, I suspect this is not so definitive and removal may be a better option.
I am hoping others who may have had to deal with a baby Squirrel with Bots might comment upon what they opted to do for their baby! Did they try for removal of the larva or did they leave the warble undisturbed and wait until the larva dropped out on its own? What was the clinical outcome after any intervention or no intervention? Does anyone have any recommendations for or against attempting removal of the larvae from these babies?
07-06-2023, 06:53 AM
Since this is something quite rare and largely unknown... should we start a new thread under specific ailments/bots/neonates???
I would not start a new thread so that all the info stays in one thread, but after this comes to resolution we can move this thread and rename it as well for folks to find and refer to down the road... for now I'd leave in Emergency section.
I believe bots on a pinky represent a real danger and they need to be removed. This is something I would definitely bring to my vet to handle (I understand that is not an option for these babies), so I am just "spitballing" how I think I would proceed if I had to deal with it myself... and you also have the advantage of hands on and seeing things in person, so that might sway things as well.
With Sam's guidance I'd select the healthiest baby and the largest warble on that baby and perform the extraction / I&D. Then I would wait a day or a few to see how well the baby tolerates the procedure and how well the wound heals before deciding next steps on the remaining warbles and babies.
If this were an older squirrel, I would wait until the warble pore were large enough to extract the bot via the pore, but I don't see that as a viable option with these pinkies and the number of bots they have.
07-06-2023, 11:31 AM
I would not start a new thread so that all the info stays in one thread, but after this comes to resolution we can move this thread and rename it as well for folks to find and refer to down the road... for now I'd leave in Emergency section.
I believe bots on a pinky represent a real danger and they need to be removed. This is something I would definitely bring to my vet to handle (I understand that is not an option for these babies), so I am just "spitballing" how I think I would proceed if I had to deal with it myself... and you also have the advantage of hands on and seeing things in person, so that might sway things as well.
With Sam's guidance I'd select the healthiest baby and the largest warble on that baby and perform the extraction / I&D. Then I would wait a day or a few to see how well the baby tolerates the procedure and how well the wound heals before deciding next steps on the remaining warbles and babies.
If this were an older squirrel, I would wait until the warble pore were large enough to extract the bot via the pore, but I don't see that as a viable option with these pinkies and the number of bots they have.
Please PM me the extracting/ I&D. I need to know if there is specific supplies I need. Making an order today. Thanks!
07-06-2023, 02:54 PM
One of the real issues is leaving bits behind. What does anyone think of doing a prophylactic antibiotic?
07-06-2023, 03:42 PM
Please PM me the extracting/ I&D. I need to know if there is specific supplies I need. Making an order today. Thanks!
PM sent
07-06-2023, 04:08 PM
One of the real issues is leaving bits behind. What does anyone think of doing a prophylactic antibiotic?
The babies were initially taking Baytril but no longer as the original skin manifestations are resolved except for what now seems to be Bots! Also, the time frame for accomplishment of any procedure and possibly the actual procedure itself that would be performed is not yet established. IMHO, a short course of 3 days or so utilizing some additional Baytril may be worth considering when the time-frame and actual procedure is finalized. If these "bumps" must be Bots; it would be nice to have a mature Breathing Pore develop through which to consider carefully expelling the larva intact and hopefully without instrumentation! I would recommend following this that the inside of the warble sac be irrigated with a gentle stream of clean warm water or saline to remove any debris.
07-06-2023, 04:11 PM
Hi Kastillo:
Has there been any further evidence of development or further development of Breathing Pores?
07-06-2023, 10:31 PM
There's no way to extract through the pore yet. Still too tiny. I wouldn't think of it until I can get as much information as possible. But the babies are eating and frisky when hungry. The little girl is dealing with bloat. I picked up simethicone this evening. Can some PM me a dose? She is 30g.
07-07-2023, 11:51 PM
Well, my main veterinarian says take them out or they will surely die but the surgery could prove fatal too. So that was a gut punch today. I mean, I kinda already knew that, but to here her say it... cried on the way home from her office.. I am so in love with these two. Just like I always get.
I called my other vet who wants to look at them Monday. Says he's "intrigued " by the case. He's young, eager, and has worked with me squirrels and other wildlife in the past.
Other than that, they're eating, pooping, and sleeping, and the d*mn bots are growing. And I just keep praying and doing my best for them.
Edit: bloat on girl is clearing up.
07-08-2023, 05:37 AM
Well, my main veterinarian says take them out or they will surely die but the surgery could prove fatal too. So that was a gut punch today. I mean, I kinda already knew that, but to here her say it... cried on the way home from her office.. I am so in love with these two. Just like I always get.
I called my other vet who wants to look at them Monday. Says he's "intrigued " by the case. He's young, eager, and has worked with me squirrels and other wildlife in the past.
Other than that, they're eating, pooping, and sleeping, and the d*mn bots are growing. And I just keep praying and doing my best for them.
Edit: bloat on girl is clearing up.
Hi Kastillo:
Thanks for the update. I sent a PM to you of some of my opinion only, regarding what the Vet had to say and options for avoiding surgery the nature of any surgery that might be considered.
Also, any further evidence of development of the breathing pore? "Ordinarily" this would be quite obvious by this time but things may be different with babies. Again, this is relatively uncharted waters for most of us and certainly for me! The skin tissues that make up warble itself would "ordinarily" become somewhat hypertrophic (built up and dense) by this time. It may be that these responses are mitigated to some degree with babies but the relatively large breathing pore itself would seem to be essential because it is through the breathing pore that the larva will extricate itself from the warble when that time arrives. In adults there is drainage from the breathing pore that most likely is excretory material from the larva and cellular debris and maybe lymph and cellular fluids. This too. IMHO, should be occurring by now. From my limited experience and from my reading (also limited), moulting to the 3rd Instar should take place in about a week and these larvae are dark in color and would be quite noticeable, I would think through the thin, hairless skin of the babies. Are you still observing movement that is definitely from within the "bumps?"
I'm now off to work!
island rehabber
07-08-2023, 08:48 AM
SamtheSquirrel, thank you for stepping in here and offering to help off the board. In my almost 20 years of rehabbing and many many pinkies, I have never seen anything remotely like these pics. Eagerly awaiting to learn what they turn out to be! :eek
07-11-2023, 12:11 PM
07-11-2023, 01:58 PM
Hi Kastillo:
That is most amazing! Good job! I hope the babies are doing well after the procedure!
It may be that the presence of Bots in pinkies in the wild may not be that uncommon as we have no real means for determining that; but, nevertheless, it is likely unheard of until now by the majority of us in Squirrel-World! Although, obviously very rare in captive pinkies; this condition will forevermore need to be seriously considered as a possible cause by those who notice similar bumps on pinkies in their care!
It would be my humble request to the Admins, that this thread be added to the Stickys for this reason!
07-11-2023, 05:37 PM
Thanks everyone! We still gotta go through recovery time. Little girl is underweight at 30g where her brother is at 38g. She had the 3 bots, so they were compromising her health.
The only article I found of interest is linked here. This is a rare case according to this study by a Florida entomologist.;2/BOT-FLY-DIPTERA--CUTEREBRIDAE-INFESTATION-OF-NEST-BOUND-INFANT/10.1653/0015-4040(2002)085%5B0369:BFDCIO%5D2.0.CO;2.full
07-12-2023, 12:35 PM
Wow, this is really good news...
It looks like a vet clinic assisted with the bot removal... if that is the case... was it a conscience decision to wait a bit until the warble had developed so they could be (more easily?) with the warble breathing hole? Less invasive, etc.
Is there any other information that you can add to assist others encountering bots on / in pinkies?
Thanks for keeping us updated, I certainly was fascinated and learned new things! :Thankyou
07-12-2023, 12:39 PM
Since this is something quite rare and largely unknown... should we start a new thread under specific ailments/bots/neonates???
The thread can be moved to the bots specific ailment information... I think updating the thread title to read something like "Bot Flies in Pinkies: Yes, that DOES happen!" would be good... but I'll ask you to suggest a new title?
I have been an admin for a while but have never done a sticky but will give it a go after we know the new thread title....
07-20-2023, 10:04 PM
Omg! I just watched the video and am beside myself SPEECHLESS! How amazing they were able to help her and you AND get those AWFUL, HORRIBLE things out of that tiny sweet baby! I am SO HAPPY THEY ARE GONE! PLEASE tell me this strong, vibrant, sweet little soul is doing better! What a fighter! I can’t IMAGINE the discomfort and (at the same time) relief she must have felt when they were removed. I desperately hope to see an update soon on how this one is doing.
Dang. I am literally without words!!!
Charley Chuckles
07-21-2023, 05:45 AM
08-02-2023, 09:39 PM
I have NOT been able to stop thinking of this sweet little one! Any updates??
What a fighter!
08-14-2023, 07:04 PM
!!!!OK SQUEEPLE!!!! I'm sooooo very sorry it's taken me so long to give you all the update. The babies are doing great and they are so sweet!!
I was so worried for awhile there. I wish I was confident enough to have done this myself, but my vet is great and I am grateful 🙏 ❤
I've named them Nadie and Tuktuk and they are about 7 weeks now. Just moved them up to their midsized cage.
Thank you ALL for your concerns, prayers, advice and help. I forgot how much I loved this board.
I'll get some pictures later...yall know how hard it is to get a clear picture of moving squees!!🤣
Here's a couple videos.🙂
08-14-2023, 07:27 PM
!!!!OK SQUEEPLE!!!! I'm sooooo very sorry it's taken me so long to give you all the update. The babies are doing great and they are so sweet!!
I was so worried for awhile there. I wish I was confident enough to have done this myself, but my vet is great and I am grateful 🙏 ❤
I've named them Nadie and Tuktuk and they are about 7 weeks now. Just moved them up to their midsized cage.
Thank you ALL for your concerns, prayers, advice and help. I forgot how much I loved this board.
I'll get some pictures later...yall know how hard it is to get a clear picture of moving squees!
Thank you Kastillo for your update! I'm glad your Little Ones are doing well! The video of Nadie and Tuktuk eating together is beyond cute! Good job and please keep on with the updates! Are your plans for a soft release?
08-14-2023, 07:57 PM
YAY!! Thank you for the update! They look great!
you’re a pro with the one handed, two squee feeding!
Such cuties!
08-14-2023, 08:34 PM
Yes these 2 cuties that I have grown so attached to are going through a nice slow soft release process I already have the outdoor cage and plenty of woods. These 2 little ones have my heart and I'm going to do everything possible for them to have a safe and happy release with a long healthy life in the trees.
08-15-2023, 04:11 AM
It’s IMPOSSIBLE not to fall in love with them! The love and bond shared between human and squirrel is one of a kind! I hope you continue to keep us updated along the way 🥰
08-15-2023, 08:33 AM
The thread can be moved to the bots specific ailment information... I think updating the thread title to read something like "Bot Flies in Pinkies: Yes, that DOES happen!" would be good... but I'll ask you to suggest a new title?
I have been an admin for a while but have never done a sticky but will give it a go after we know the new thread title....
It would be an honor for Nadie and Tuktuk! And, of course me 😉😊
08-15-2023, 08:37 AM
YAY!! Thank you for the update! They look great!
you’re a pro with the one handed, two squee feeding!
Such cuties!
I had to develop that technique when I have had 3 or more babies all wanting to eat at the same time. Thank you for the compliment ☺
08-24-2023, 12:13 PM
Nadie and Tuktuk says hello!:grin2325741
08-24-2023, 08:09 PM
Awe! They grow so fast! Looking good!
08-25-2023, 04:20 AM
Nadie and Tuktuk says hello!:grin2
Look at those beautiful little Squirrels! Thanks Kastillo!
08-26-2023, 12:23 PM
Just seeing this, LOVE the videos! So precious!
09-02-2023, 06:42 PM
:sereneHappy September We've graduated to the big condo and are a few weeks away from going to the soft release cage!!
-Nadie & Tuktuk 🐿🐿
10-09-2023, 02:40 PM
Nadie and Tuktuk went to the SRC... self released 2 weeks early. Nadie was immediately building a nest above the cage in a tree while lazy little brother, Tuktuk, was exploring the ground eating dirt, 😅🤣😂
Here is a couple videos. More to come!
10-09-2023, 09:59 PM
Well, my main veterinarian says take them out or they will surely die but the surgery could prove fatal too. So that was a gut punch today. I mean, I kinda already knew that, but to here her say it... cried on the way home from her office.. I am so in love with these two. Just like I always get.
I called my other vet who wants to look at them Monday. Says he's "intrigued " by the case. He's young, eager, and has worked with me squirrels and other wildlife in the past.
Other than that, they're eating, pooping, and sleeping, and the d*mn bots are growing. And I just keep praying and doing my best for them.
Edit: bloat on girl is clearing up.
I'm so sorry to bust in on your thread because I don't know anything about bot flies, but did you say you are in South Alabama? I am in Central Alabama and no vets here will look at a hurt baby I have and there are no longer rehabbers nearby. Could you pm me the names of the vets you use? I am definitely willing to drive my little guy to someone. Sending prayers for your little babies �� Just realized this is an old post. I'm still reading. Lord I must need to go to bed. So glad they are ok!
10-10-2023, 07:35 AM
Nadie and Tuktuk went to the SRC... self released 2 weeks early. Nadie was immediately building a nest above the cage in a tree while lazy little brother, Tuktuk, was exploring the ground eating dirt, 😅🤣😂
Here is a couple videos. More to come!
Thank you so much for the update on Nadie and Tuktuk and for the videos! W'ell be anxiously awaiting the "more to come!" You did a great job with these Little Ones! Those are two very special Squirrels!
03-22-2024, 09:58 PM
NADIE went wild and she may be one of the females I still see, but I can't be sure. I released 4 boys and 4 girls total 2023.
Another set of boys released 2023: Roy and Skid
03-23-2024, 12:39 AM
Hello again Kastillo:
Thank you for your update! You did a great job with your Little Ones! Please keep on Rehabbing and please stay in touch on TSB!
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