View Full Version : Abscess

06-19-2023, 08:14 PM
Hi, Bullwinkle is my baby squirrel I rescued and found 3 days before his eyes opened. I noticed his eye was swollen, and have read it is a common problem, an abscess but could lead to death if his breathing is hindered. I cannot find a vet that treats squirrels near me and want to know what antibiotics to give him and if there is an ointment I should apply to the affected area. Thanks so much. I estimate Bullwinkle is 4 months old.

06-20-2023, 07:37 AM
Hi, Bullwinkle is my baby squirrel I rescued and found 3 days before his eyes opened. I noticed his eye was swollen, and have read it is a common problem, an abscess but could lead to death if his breathing is hindered. I cannot find a vet that treats squirrels near me and want to know what antibiotics to give him and if there is an ointment I should apply to the affected area. Thanks so much. I estimate Bullwinkle is 4 months old.

Hi Bullwinkle and welcome to The Squirrel Board! I'm apologize about you not getting a response as of yet! I am at work and get only limited opportunity to be on TSB as time and internet access are limited. I will check back as often as I can but there are many others here who can be of great assistance to you!

First of all, my comments and suggestions are based upon my assumption from what I have read in your post that there is no way you will be able to get Veterinary care. If that is not so (OR maybe one of our members knows of a Vet or Rehabber in your area who could possibly help with Bullwinkle), I would strongly recommend Veterinary care by an experienced and Squirrel Friendly Vet who will NOT confiscate or euthanize your Squirrel!

Would you please post some photos of what it is that you are noticing and also describe the size, whether or not you have noticed any drainage and if so, what color was it (examples would be red, clear, clear but tinted, white), presence of skin redness, swelling of the skin, location on Bullwinkle's body and any other details you can describe. Also, you mentioned that your Squirrel's "eye" is swollen; did you mean the eye itself (actual swelling of the eyeball is extremely uncommon) or did you mean the eyelids or surrounding skin? Is there any drainage from around the eye itself?

An abscess is a pus pocket and usually implies an infection. Antibiotics may be be of some benefit for a pus pocket itself, especially if it is small but many abscesses are ideally drained. In the wild (and often in captivity as well), abscesses commonly drain spontaneously so no surgery is necessary. Antibiotics can also help if there is infection in the surrounding skin (called a cellulitis). The surgery for draining an abscess is called an Incision and Drainage (I & D) and while it is on the scale of things, usually a very simple procedure; you should have some guidance by one of our experienced members before even contemplating the performance of this procedure!

From what you have described so far, I would not at this time anyway, recommend using any ointments, creams or topical medications. Do you have access to any antibiotics, either directly or through friends or family. Often, only 1 tablet or capsule is all that will be needed. Please post what antibiotics you have available (such as Amoxicillin + Clavulante [Augmenting is a brand, Cipro, Bactrim [SMZ-TMP]) or whatever you have AND the strength in milligrams of each (example only-100mg). Also, it is essential that we have a current and accurate weight of Bullwinkle (preferably in Grams obtained with a digital scale). With this information, one of our Admins can help you by providing mixing and dosing instructions by sending Private Messages to you. It would also help to obtain a 1cc syringe withOUT a needle with which to administer the medication. It would be best to obtain a couple or three of these syringes if possible to have spares.


06-20-2023, 10:39 PM
I have a 500 mg amoxicillin and a doxycycline 100mg. I'm not sure of his weight but will try to get it. The swelling is on the tissue around his eye, his eyelid mostly and above. It is not draining at all. Two mornings ago it was matted shut like a cold in his eye, though and I put a warm washcloth on it the best he would let me, and it became unmatted. I will try to get a picture but he is really fast!!

06-21-2023, 12:51 AM
I have a 500 mg amoxicillin and a doxycycline 100mg. I'm not sure of his weight but will try to get it. The swelling is on the tissue around his eye, his eyelid mostly and above. It is not draining at all. Two mornings ago it was matted shut like a cold in his eye, though and I put a warm washcloth on it the best he would let me, and it became unmatted. I will try to get a picture but he is really fast!!

The Doxycycline would likely be far more appropriate and effective than the Amoxicillin BUT, please make sure that this is plain amoxicillin. IF this is really Amoxicillin plus Clavulanate (if so it would have a designation similar to 500/125), then that would in my opinion be the best choice. So, if the "Amoxicillin" is plain amoxicillin and NOT in combination with Clavulanate, I would recommend using the Doxycycline BUT if the "amoxicillin" is really Augmentin (amoxicillin plus clavulanate), I would recommend using that. Please check and make sure as to what it is! Please post photos and obtain a the weight.
