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06-04-2023, 01:57 PM
She dug a shelled pecan out of the ground and broke her tooth! This happened just 30 minutes ago and I'm so desperate! What should I do?

Gia is recently recovering from MBD. Yesterday, I decided to give her access to her big enclosure outside where she has grass, a tree, and a couple of hideouts after spending 3 weeks going inside and in her smaller cage outside she was desperate to go but before I let her out needed to make sure I got all the pecans even dug some out from the ground. She's normally an outdoor wild squirrel but she likes to be in the house more than outside especially, in the summer.

Just about an hour ago I saw her she was active, running around, climbing up and down the branches. She was happy since this morning. I went to clean up her room and change her bed when I saw her cleaning the dirt off a pecan. ran out to get it but she ran off to the highest point of her enclosure and began to open it. I went back inside finished cleaning her room, and got her lunch ready when I went to call her I found her curled up in her tunnel to the enclosure in pain. I'm so disheartened, she just got better, and now this happened.


06-04-2023, 02:51 PM
Is it broken? Can you actually see tooth still in the gum?

You can help her with the pain with infant ibuprophen. You will need a 1cc syringe to dose it with, and give us some idea of her weight. It will help a lot.

Hopefully it is just broken. If so, it should re-grow - it is meant to do just that. You will need to not release her until it does, though, because it is highly likely that the tooth that opposes it will overgrow - too long - and you will need to keep it trimmed to the proper length until the broken tooth has grown out again.

06-04-2023, 03:35 PM
She dug a shelled pecan out of the ground and broke her tooth! This happened just 30 minutes ago and I'm so desperate! What should I do?

Gia is recently recovering from MBD. Yesterday, I decided to give her access to her big enclosure outside where she has grass, a tree, and a couple of hideouts after spending 3 weeks going inside and in her smaller cage outside she was desperate to go but before I let her out needed to make sure I got all the pecans even dug some out from the ground. She's normally an outdoor wild squirrel but she likes to be in the house more than outside especially, in the summer.

Just about an hour ago I saw her she was active, running around, climbing up and down the branches. She was happy since this morning. I went to clean up her room and change her bed when I saw her cleaning the dirt off a pecan. ran out to get it but she ran off to the highest point of her enclosure and began to open it. I went back inside finished cleaning her room, and got her lunch ready when I went to call her I found her curled up in her tunnel to the enclosure in pain. I'm so disheartened, she just got better, and now this happened.


Hello Ollie & Gia:
I have been wondering how Gia has been doing and it sounds like she has be doing quite well; until this very recent event! I have several questions and comments.
Which tooth seems to be involved and as CritterMom stated; do you actually see that the tooth has been broken from the remainder of the tooth which is still retained withing the jaw AND is properly aligned? IF the tooth is only broken away from the part of the tooth closest to the root AND that remaining portion of the broken tooth is both in its normal alignment with the adjacent tooth AND it is not loose and unstable; Gia should ordinarily be fine except for the adjacent tooth continuing to grow as CM pointed out which may necessitate trimming the uninjured tooth at some time in the future. Squirrel incisors have no pain sensors in the body of the tooth and a break or active trimming does not cause pain.

My concern from knowing Gia's recent medical history as having MBD (which takes months to resolve) and from the mechanism of this current injury is for the possibility of damage (specifically a fracture) to the bony structure of the jaw that retains the tooth. If this has occurred, Gia should be seen by an experienced Squirrel Veterinarian so that the broken tooth and the broken bones of the jaw can be realigned so that the broken bones can heal in their normal positions and the tooth can be aligned in its normal direction. I have included you photos numbers 2, 3, & 5 in the "quote" which seem to show the left upper incisor not aligned with the right upper incisor and pointed laterally (to the side) and maybe a bit caudally (pointed toward the tail) as well. This may simply be the appearance in the photo and the alignment is normal but please verify. Again, IF the alignment of the tooth has changed significantly this, especially in a Squirrel with MBD, suggests damage (fracture) of the jaw and if so, I feel Gia should be evaluated by a Vet!

06-04-2023, 03:40 PM
It looks like it's bent out of place. not broken. Now, I'm not sure if she fell or the nut that caused this. I found her pecan in the corner as she placed it there. There is a scratch and blood in her nose as you can see in the picture. She doesn't let me handle her because she was never raised as a pet so it's hard to take a good look. Im thinking about taking her to a vet but, I live in San Antonio, Texas. I'm afraid she will get taken.

06-04-2023, 03:47 PM
This is the pecan she had.

06-04-2023, 03:51 PM
Somehow her tooth got twisted. My husband wants to put push it back into place! I think this could be too painful for her.

06-04-2023, 03:58 PM
Hello SamtheSquirrel, I will try to get her inside and take a better look.

06-04-2023, 04:06 PM
It looks like it's bent out of place. not broken. Now, I'm not sure if she fell or the nut that caused this. I found her pecan in the corner as she placed it there. There is a scratch and blood in her nose as you can see in the picture. She doesn't let me handle her because she was never raised as a pet so it's hard to take a good look. Im thinking about taking her to a vet but, I live in San Antonio, Texas. I'm afraid she will get taken.

Yes, that is the focus of my concern expressed in my recent post. This suggests a fracture of the jaw structure that contains and stabilizes that tooth (and maybe even the incisor adjacent to this!)! This would be quite painful and I would suggest the use of Metacam (Meloxicam) or if that is not available, Ibuprofen. CritterMom or one of the other Admins can help you with the dosing. Please check to see what you might have and post the names of the medication and the strengths. Ibuprofen comes in Infant Drops (50mg/1.25ml) and Children's Drops (100mg/5ml).

I do not know of a Vet in San Antonio but I would suggest trying to contact one of the Exotic Animal Veterinarians in that region. I just did a search and one of the Vets that seemed to be a possibility as they see "pocket Pets" Is Vanguard (https://www.thrivepetcare.com/locations/texas/san-antonio/vanguard-veterinary-clinic-redland?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_4GW0q-q_wIVCWdMCh0GywqLEAAYAiAAEgK-gvD_BwE). You would of course as with any Vet, ensure the best you can that they will not only see a Squirrel but that they will not confiscate or euthanize Gia and will let your stay with her and they will return her to you following treatment! Another is Broadway Oaks (https://www.broadwayoaksanimalhospital.com/exotic-pets/pocket-pets.html). I know that Summertree Animal and Bird Clinic in Dallas will see Squirrels and some of our members have taken their Squirrels there with good reports that followed! Of course this would be a long drive.

I do feel very strongly that Gia needs to be seen by a Vet ASAP! Please keep posting updates. I'm sorry for little Gia's new tooth injury! Please convey to Gia my very best wishes!

06-04-2023, 04:25 PM
Somehow her tooth got twisted. My husband wants to put push it back into place! I think this could be too painful for her.

I would recommend NOT doing this for two reasons; one as you mentioned, this will be very painful and two, as the bones around the base of the incisor are no longer stable and maintaining alignment and functionality of the incisor, pushing it back in alignment would only be temporary as there is nothing to maintain the alignment! Most likely, Gia will need x-ray films and/or a CT Scan to see the condition of the bones in the region of both upper incisors. It may then be the recommendation of the Vet to have Gia anesthetized with an inhaled agent such as Isoflurane and then have any significantly displaced bone fragments repositioned and then have the loose unstable incisor sutured or wired to the adjacent incisor (hopefully this one is stable and the bones are not injured!) to maintain alignment and let healing take place. It will likely take somewhat long than normal for healing to take place if there is a fracture secondary to the underlying MBD! Gia of course will need a soft diet!

06-04-2023, 04:57 PM
I managed to lure her back into her room with a piece of avocado after she took a long nap. She's acting like nothing happened. Here is a video I just did of her eating avocado. https://youtube.com/shorts/85aLtmh_NkQ?feature=share

06-04-2023, 05:21 PM
All the vet places I found including Samthesquirrel's recommendation are closed today. I will try to call tomorrow. Hopefully, they can take her. I made her a soft boo ball with her calcium dose she ate a little and went to sleep. I do need help with the children's ibuprofen dose. I can go to the store and pick up any type. I'll try to get a stand on a scale.

06-04-2023, 05:38 PM
I got her to stand on the scale. She weighs 740 grams.

06-04-2023, 05:46 PM
She went back to bed again and now there's white fluid from her eye.

06-04-2023, 05:57 PM
I managed to lure her back into her room with a piece of avocado after she took a long nap. She's acting like nothing happened. Here is a video I just did of her eating avocado. https://youtube.com/shorts/85aLtmh_NkQ?feature=share

She does seem to be acting normal in the video! Just in case you are not aware of this, Squirrels and other rodents should NOT eat the pits or the skin of avocados although the fruit itself is ok!

06-04-2023, 06:07 PM
She went back to bed again and now there's white fluid from her eye.

If this is from the Left Eye, I would be even more concerned about a fracture and this injury interfering with drainage of tears which occurs through ducts in the corner of the eye that lead to the nose from which they finally drain.

06-04-2023, 06:11 PM
All the vet places I found including Samthesquirrel's recommendation are closed today. I will try to call tomorrow. Hopefully, they can take her. I made her a soft boo ball with her calcium dose she ate a little and went to sleep. I do need help with the children's ibuprofen dose. I can go to the store and pick up any type. I'll try to get a stand on a scale.

The Infant Ibuprofen Drops (50mg/1.25ml) would be the easiest to dose.

06-04-2023, 06:37 PM
Yes, Sam, I'm aware of avocados. I normally don't give her that much but she had not eaten anything since her blocks this morning and is the only thing I have available that is soft.

Yes, the white fluid is from the left eye. Hopefully, I can get her to a local-friendly vet tomorrow. We will drive her to Dallas if necessary just not sure if the drive would be too stressful for her.

Her weight is 740 grams.

Thank You

06-04-2023, 07:04 PM
I sent you dosing by PM for both of the ibuprophen so you have it regardless of which you end up getting.

06-05-2023, 06:20 AM
Hello again Olly & Gia:
I have been thinking of Gia during the night and another option I would like to recommend that you consider (in addition to contacting a local Vet be to try to contact Dr. Alicia Emerson at the Ravenwood Veterinary Clinic in Port Orange Florida ( https://ravenwoodvet.net/contact/ ). They open at 7am EDT! Dr. E has very extensive experience with Squirrels in general and in particular with Squirrel Dental issues including Dental Injuries. She has performed many dental surgeries including those very complicated procedures for treating odontomas. I would suggest sending a brief narrative along with the photos of Gia's tooth to Revenwood (
frontdesk@ravenwoodvet.net ) now and then call the office when it opens. It would be a good strategy to get Dr. E's opinion and recommendations for a treatment plan!

06-05-2023, 08:07 AM
Please let me know if you need other resources for a vet. I know of a couple of vets near San Antonio, but can’t confirm they take squirrels….it’s worth calling, though. I know there’s a vet in Grapevine, TX that sees squirrels.

If the tooth is broken, it will undoubtedly grow back provided the tooth bed hasn’t been damaged. I have a released squirrel that has broken a top tooth a couple of times and it regrew. What you will need to watch for is the lower tooth over-growing in the meantime. It may require a trim until the top is fully grown.

06-05-2023, 08:44 AM
Please let me know if you need other resources for a vet. I know of a couple of vets near San Antonio, but can’t confirm they take squirrels….it’s worth calling, though. I know there’s a vet in Grapevine, TX that sees squirrels.

If the tooth is broken, it will undoubtedly grow back provided the tooth bed hasn’t been damaged. I have a released squirrel that has broken a top tooth a couple of times and it regrew. What you will need to watch for is the lower tooth over-growing in the meantime. It may require a trim until the top is fully grown.

Thanks Mel:
The facility in Grapevine is Texas Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital. Unfortunately, they also invariably have at least a 2 week waiting list for appointments! It would be worth checking, however! Of great concern, though, is that if TAEAH is unable to timely schedule an appointment, their receptionist (as well as their after hours message) makes a referral to an associated Emergency Veterinary Clinic that I talked with personally in the fairly recent past and was informed that if a Squirrel is brought there, they will confiscate it! I would of course strongly recommend NOT using that Emergency Facility. I recently did call Texas Avian and Exotic Animal Hospital and at that time, they were still willing to to see Squirrels and not confiscate or euthanize them but if anyone is considering using TAEAH, (or really any facility!), it would be wise to verify at the time you place your call to make an appointment that they still safely see and treat Squirrels. The same advice goes for Summertree Veterinary Hospital in Dallas that I had mentioned in this Thread. They have consistently been Squirrel Friendly and Squirrel Experienced but it would be advisable to check with them at the time of making an appointment to verify that this is still true!

06-05-2023, 09:28 AM
All very good info StS. If this is simply a broken tooth, there may not be an emergency and the poster can make an appointment at a safe vet…be it the one in Grapevine or another one. The appointment will verify what’s going on with an X-ray and possible trimming. So two weeks out might be an ideal option so the trimming can take place, if necessary.

06-05-2023, 09:40 AM
Thank you Sam and Mel,

I gave her the infant ibuprofen last night. She slept well. This morning she was all perked up excited about for her breakfast as usual. The swelling on her lip and mouth its pretty much gone. I gave her soft boo balls I made for her yesterday. She ate that and some banana then went out to her smaller cage outside.

I will call Dr. E in a little bit, running some errands right now. We probably just going to drive her to Dallas if they are willing to take her in.

06-05-2023, 09:47 AM
I will call Dr. E in Florida. We can drive her there too just worry about how stressful this could be for her.

06-05-2023, 10:20 AM
Please keep on with updates. If you travel, have a safe journey!

06-05-2023, 03:02 PM
Thank you, Sam

Looks like going Florida it’s the last hope for Gia.
Called 3 places they won’t take her and sent 2 email. One to summer tree this is their response: Good afternoon. From the images and description it looks like the tooth may need to be extracted. Our best recommendation would be to reach out to Texas Avian & Exotic Hospital, as they are the referral hospital for more complex exotic dental procedures. Their phone number is (817) 853-8560.

As Sam mentioned taking her there she will not be returning home. I’m still waiting for a response from the Florida clinic.

06-05-2023, 03:25 PM
Thank you, Sam

Looks like going Florida it’s the last hope for Gia.
Called 3 places they won’t take her and sent 2 email. One to summer tree this is their response: Good afternoon. From the images and description it looks like the tooth may need to be extracted. Our best recommendation would be to reach out to Texas Avian & Exotic Hospital, as they are the referral hospital for more complex exotic dental procedures. Their phone number is (817) 853-8560.

As Sam mentioned taking her there she will not be returning home. I’m still waiting for a response from the Florida clinic.

NO NO NO!!! Texas Avian & Exotic Hospital, itself, has a history of seeing, treating and returning Squirrels (but double check with them anyway to make sure nothing has changed! I was speaking ONLY about the Emergency Animal Clinic they refer to. That ER facility told me on two occasions that they will confiscate a Squirrel that is brought to them. DON"T Take Gia there! Please consider checking with the TAEH, itself, NOT the ER. My concern with them is that they usually have a relatively long wait! It would be much closer to go to Dallas but I doubt if many or any have more Squirrel Dental experience than Dr. E! IF Dr. E is an option for you, it would probably be the very best option!

06-05-2023, 03:28 PM
Got it! Thank you Sam.

06-05-2023, 03:32 PM
I believe StS said Texas avian and exotic clinic has successfully seen and released squirrels back to their owners, however the wait time is 2 weeks. It is the EMERGENCY clinic they refer out to after hours and such, that will confiscate. But either way, it’s worth reaching out to them to inquire about how far out an appointment would be, and also verify they are still willing to treat squirrels and let them go back home with you.

However if you are willing to make the drive to Dr.E she is the BEST. And has EXTENSIVE experience performing quite complicated surgeries on squirrels with dental issues. If you could get an appointment to see her and are willing to drive, do it! I’m all the way on the west coast, so she was never an option for me if I needed one. So I was always jealous of those in adjacent states to her :)

Wishing you the best with your girl! I’m happy to hear she is doing much better in regards to the MBD. And I’m sorry for this unfortunate setback. Poor baby.

BTW your outdoor enclosure is AMAZING! It’s a PALACE! Did you just build it for her? It’s incredible! All the tunnels and everything it’s fabulous, great job!

However, I’m not sure exactly how far she is in her MBD treatment, but my understanding is it takes quite a bit of time for her bones to actually get strong again. I worry maybe she did have a fall in the enclosure which could have caused the nose bleeding and tooth/jaw issue. She may not be healthy enough to be somewhere so tall and risk a fall and broken bones. Just a thought, others will chime in I’m sure. But I definitely think she should be in a smaller cage until they figure out what happened and what’s going on with her teeth/jaw.

Prayers are with you both! 💖💖

06-05-2023, 03:43 PM
StS must have been typing at the same time as me :)

06-05-2023, 04:40 PM
NO NO NO!!! Texas Avian & Exotic Hospital, itself, has a history of seeing, treating and returning Squirrels (but double check with them anyway to make sure nothing has changed! I was speaking ONLY about the Emergency Animal Clinic they refer to. That ER facility told me on two occasions that they will confiscate a Squirrel that is brought to them. DON"T Take Gia there! Please consider checking with the TAEH, itself, NOT the ER. My concern with them is that they usually have a relatively long wait! It would be much closer to go to Dallas but I doubt if many or any have more Squirrel Dental experience than Dr. E! IF Dr. E is an option for you, it would probably be the very best option!

The vet you want to see at Texas Avian and Exotic hospital is Dr. Natalie Antinoff. She has a long history of treating squirrels and is very good. Summer tree Animal and Bird Clinic in Sugarland also supposedly treats squirrels. The doctor there is Dr. Siu Rawks. I do not know how proficient this doctor is and I’d confirm they’re squirrel friendly before going there.

As I said before……I do not know if this qualifies as an emergency so a couple of weeks wait for an appointment is not a problem, in my mind. It would probably take that long to get in to see Dr. E plus you have the travel time. I believe Dr. E only works 3 days a week.

06-05-2023, 07:28 PM
The vet you want to see at Texas Avian and Exotic hospital is Dr. Natalie Antinoff. She has a long history of treating squirrels and is very good. Summer tree Animal and Bird Clinic in Sugarland also supposedly treats squirrels. The doctor there is Dr. Siu Rawks. I do not know how proficient this doctor is and I’d confirm they’re squirrel friendly before going there.

As I said before……I do not know if this qualifies as an emergency so a couple of weeks wait for an appointment is not a problem, in my mind. It would probably take that long to get in to see Dr. E plus you have the travel time. I believe Dr. E only works 3 days a week.

Hi Mel:
Thanks! The concern I have is that the tooth is NOT visibly broken and is actually angled laterally and somewhat caudally. Gia also is being treated for MBD. The apparent displacement of the tooth along with the MBD suggest to me anyway that there is a fracture or fractures of the maxillary portion of the skull. Also, Gia had some leakage of white tears and this also suggests to me the possibility of a problem with drainage of tears into the the nose from the left eye which is on the side of the injured tooth. If this is what is going on it is probably secondary to swelling and/or at least partial blockage of one or both of the lacrimal canals or the nasolacrimal duct. It is my opinion that Gia should have an urgent imaging study and a detailed examination with sedation performed which would at least be several views of the skull via x-ray or a CT. This would make it possible to determine if there are any skull fractures and if so whether or not bone fragments are displaced and whether or not the involved incisor is fractured more proximally (toward the root) where it is not obvious in the photos. If the incisor is simply fractured near to the gum line it could easily be extracted and most likely the remainder of tooth would continue to grow out normally. If there is a fracture of the bone surrounding the tooth as I suspect, this would need to be addressed and if there is communication between the mouth and any fractures, infection is a risk! I'm sure that you are correct in that there is no immediate risk to life but I do feel that this is urgent. A plan of action beyond determining when will Gia be seen depends upon quality imaging studies and I truly feel that she should have a detailed exam of the mouth region that would most likely need to be facilitated with inhaled anesthesia for sedation. I do believe this should be done sooner than later but again but of course this is my opinion only.

06-05-2023, 10:15 PM
I believe StS said Texas avian and exotic clinic has successfully seen and released squirrels back to their owners, however the wait time is 2 weeks. It is the EMERGENCY clinic they refer out to after hours and such, that will confiscate. But either way, it’s worth reaching out to them to inquire about how far out an appointment would be, and also verify they are still willing to treat squirrels and let them go back home with you.

However if you are willing to make the drive to Dr.E she is the BEST. And has EXTENSIVE experience performing quite complicated surgeries on squirrels with dental issues. If you could get an appointment to see her and are willing to drive, do it! I’m all the way on the west coast, so she was never an option for me if I needed one. So I was always jealous of those in adjacent states to her :)

Wishing you the best with your girl! I’m happy to hear she is doing much better in regards to the MBD. And I’m sorry for this unfortunate setback. Poor baby.

BTW your outdoor enclosure is AMAZING! It’s a PALACE! Did you just build it for her? It’s incredible! All the tunnels and everything it’s fabulous, great job!

However, I’m not sure exactly how far she is in her MBD treatment, but my understanding is it takes quite a bit of time for her bones to actually get strong again. I worry maybe she did have a fall in the enclosure which could have caused the nose bleeding and tooth/jaw issue. She may not be healthy enough to be somewhere so tall and risk a fall and broken bones. Just a thought, others will chime in I’m sure. But I definitely think she should be in a smaller cage until they figure out what happened and what’s going on with her teeth/jaw.

Prayers are with you both! 💖💖

Thank You Tashahaven,

We will drive to Floria if we don't receive a response from the Texas Avian & Exotic Animal.

The MBD its still a big concern. She was doing so well eating her Henrys block in the morning. Now, I’m struggling with her new menu. Im making boo balls with the calcium dose, the rodent blocks, apple sauce and coconut oil. She ate 2 this morning but left 2 more untouched. She drinks water and I bough her a watermelon and blueberry.

Yes, my husband and I built the cage for her. It was for her and her brother during their pre-release phase. She also has a tree house but spends most of her time in her cage. The tunnel connects to 3 cages, the large one, then the smaller one connected to the window with pet door, then to her room where she has ropes and more hideouts. Her room used to be my studio but I gave her that space so she can get a good night's rest since my husband likes to watch tv loud and she enjoys the AC. I keep her door close at night and open during the day. The room worked out perfectly for her because it has a separate sink, and I wash all her dishes, clean towels, etc. everyday she’s so messy!

This is her tree house and when had her first baby.

06-05-2023, 10:30 PM
She slept most part of the day ate more boo ball for dinner then went to bed. I gave her more ibuprofen.

06-05-2023, 11:52 PM
I believe StS said Texas avian and exotic clinic has successfully seen and released squirrels back to their owners, however the wait time is 2 weeks. It is the EMERGENCY clinic they refer out to after hours and such, that will confiscate. But either way, it’s worth reaching out to them to inquire about how far out an appointment would be, and also verify they are still willing to treat squirrels and let them go back home with you.

However if you are willing to make the drive to Dr.E she is the BEST. And has EXTENSIVE experience performing quite complicated surgeries on squirrels with dental issues. If you could get an appointment to see her and are willing to drive, do it! I’m all the way on the west coast, so she was never an option for me if I needed one. So I was always jealous of those in adjacent states to her :)

Wishing you the best with your girl! I’m happy to hear she is doing much better in regards to the MBD. And I’m sorry for this unfortunate setback. Poor baby.

BTW your outdoor enclosure is AMAZING! It’s a PALACE! Did you just build it for her? It’s incredible! All the tunnels and everything it’s fabulous, great job!

However, I’m not sure exactly how far she is in her MBD treatment, but my understanding is it takes quite a bit of time for her bones to actually get strong again. I worry maybe she did have a fall in the enclosure which could have caused the nose bleeding and tooth/jaw issue. She may not be healthy enough to be somewhere so tall and risk a fall and broken bones. Just a thought, others will chime in I’m sure. But I definitely think she should be in a smaller cage until they figure out what happened and what’s going on with her teeth/jaw.

Prayers are with you both! 💖💖

Yesterday she completed the 3 weeks of her 600mg calcium carbonate daily dose. Today I began giving her a 100mg daily dose for the next 2 months. Before her injury, she was doing so well; active, running around, and desperate to go out she kept jumping in her smaller cage in a loop that's why I gave her access to the big enclosure area, and the next day, she got hurt. My heart dropped when I saw her face like that. :(

06-06-2023, 09:43 AM
She needs to be confined to a smaller area until she finishes her MBD treatment. Have you also reached out to Dr. Emerson at Ravenwood Vet Clinic in Port Orange, FL 386-788-1550? She doesn’t work very many days every month and fills up very quickly. She is the only vet at the clinic that sees squirrels.

06-06-2023, 10:49 AM
Yes, I called Dr. Emerson is out for the week for a family emergency, and she won't be available to see patients till Friday 16th.

Gia is now back in the smaller cage but seems stressed out, she wants to get to the larger enclosure. Every morning she gets like this and there white tears on the left eye. I only notice a fluid when she seems anxious.

06-06-2023, 11:03 AM
I also called the Texas Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital in Dallas and they told me they only take squirrels if I'm a licensed rehabilitator. ;(

06-06-2023, 08:27 PM
Hi Ollie&Gia:
I just got home from work and will be headed back there shortly. I just noticed your posts indicating that so far, there is no Vet who is able to see Gia. I'm very sorry! It's also disappointing to find that Texas Avian and Exotic Hospital has now decided to require that a Squirrel must be accompanied by a licensed rehabber before they will agree to make an appointment.

One of the Rehab Facilities that Mel has noted is the Austin Wildlife Rescue Intake Center (512-472-9453). I wonder if they might have a suggestion for a Squirrel friendly and experienced Vet who can at least perform the initial evaluation of Gia which in my non-Vet opinion should at the very least include x-ray films of the skull and a focused exam of Gia's mouth and teeth which almost certainly require anesthesia!

How is Gia doing now?


06-06-2023, 08:43 PM
What about summertree vet in sugar land?! It looks to be 2hr 45 min from you… I have seen posts over the past 10 months, from folks who had many good things to say about them. Have you reached out to them?


06-06-2023, 09:06 PM
I booked an appointment with Dr. E So we're driving to Florida next week.
Gia was so much better today, the swelling went down completely. I gave her a diced-up Henry's block and with the one straight tooth, she took little pieces and ate it slowly. I really appreciate your concern and all your help and everyone else here.

06-06-2023, 09:10 PM
What about summertree vet in sugar land?! It looks to be 2hr 45 min from you… I have seen posts over the past 10 months, from folks who had many good things to say about them. Have you reached out to them?


Tried that one too, and they redirected me to the Texas Avian & Exotic Animal Hospital.

06-06-2023, 09:22 PM
I booked an appointment with Dr. E So we're driving to Florida next week.
Gia was so much better today, the swelling went down completely. I gave her a diced-up Henry's block and with the one straight tooth, she took little pieces and ate it slowly. I really appreciate your concern and all your help and everyone else here.

I’m glad you got something set up for Gia to be seen. You’ll be in good hands with Dr. E. :w00t

There is a LaQuinta Inn at exit 256 off of I95 which is the Port Orange exit which you take to get to Dr. E’s office. It is squirrel friendly and very close to the office if you need a place to stay for a night or two.

06-06-2023, 09:24 PM
I’m glad you got something set up for Gia to be seen. You’ll be in good hands with Dr. E. :w00t

There is a LaQuinta Inn at exit 256 off of I95 which is the Port Orange exit which you take to get to Dr. E’s office. It is squirrel friendly and very close to the office if you need a place to stay for a night or two.

Sweet! Thank You so much Mel

06-06-2023, 09:24 PM
What about summertree vet in sugar land?! It looks to be 2hr 45 min from you… I have seen posts over the past 10 months, from folks who had many good things to say about them. Have you reached out to them?


Hi TH:
Thanks for mentioning Summertree but this is one of the facilities I had suggested earlier to O&G and they did contact them were referred to the Texas Avian and Exotic Hospital because of the nature of Gia's problem:

Called 3 places they won’t take her and sent 2 email. One to summer tree this is their response: Good afternoon. From the images and description it looks like the tooth may need to be extracted. Our best recommendation would be to reach out to Texas Avian & Exotic Hospital, as they are the referral hospital for more complex exotic dental procedures. Their phone number is (817) 853-8560.

Thanks again TH and we appreciate you being here on TSB!

06-06-2023, 09:30 PM
I booked an appointment with Dr. E So we're driving to Florida next week.
Gia was so much better today, the swelling went down completely. I gave her a diced-up Henry's block and with the one straight tooth, she took little pieces and ate it slowly. I really appreciate your concern and all your help and everyone else here.

I'm so glad that Gia is doing better and that she is going to be seen by Dr. E! Have a safe journey! Please keep on with posting the "Giagrams!" We like to hear how your little Squirrel is doing!

06-06-2023, 09:37 PM
I'm so glad that Gia is doing better and that she is going to be seen by Dr. E! Have a safe journey! Please keep on with posting the "Giagrams!" We like to hear how your little Squirrel is doing!

Thank You, will do :Love_Icon

06-06-2023, 10:22 PM
If you want to make a last ditch effort to finding a local vet, it was suggested to me by a member that you call Universal City Animal Hospital 210-658-6326. I do not know if they work on squirrels, but you could call and ask. Many times vets that work on exotics or birds also may work on squirrels. Of course there’s no guarantee they’re squirrel safe.

06-06-2023, 11:43 PM
If you want to make a last ditch effort to finding a local vet, it was suggested to me by a member that you call Universal City Animal Hospital 210-658-6326. I do not know if they work on squirrels, but you could call and ask. Many times vets that work on exotics or birds also may work on squirrels. Of course there’s no guarantee they’re squirrel safe.

Thank you for finding that info. I will call them tomorrow.

06-07-2023, 12:16 AM
I’m so glad you were able to get an appt with Dr E! She is able to do the VERY BEST for your baby! Thank goodness. And PLEASE keep us updated along the way!

I can’t wait to see her and your updates/pics :)

Charley Chuckles
06-07-2023, 09:04 AM
Thank you for finding that info. I will call them tomorrow.

Make sure to ask if they work on squirrels.
If they do teeth.
I don't know how to word it but to make sure they are safe and won't confiscate.

06-07-2023, 09:17 AM
Yes, please do your due diligence by asking tons of questions about confiscation and ability to treat. You can also call around to other vets that treat exotics or birds and see if they will see Gia. Be very cautious….unfortunately your state is far from squirrel friendly. Having an appointment with Dr. E is your ace-in-the-hole and gives you a little time. It would be wonderful if you could find somewhere local that could take an X-ray so you could have Dr. E look at it prior to your travels. Maybe she’d have a treatment suggestion that would avoid you having to travel across country. :dono:dono

06-07-2023, 09:32 AM
Sorry I can't help the vets we deal with aren't to experienced with squirrels. They just do basic check-ups and give meds and we tell them what is good and bad.🙄
They told us the would take it and we are licensed wildlife rehabilitators.
Dr.E is they best bet especially with a broken tooth with MBD.

Charley Chuckles
06-07-2023, 09:54 AM
Sorry I can't help the vets we deal with aren't to experienced with squirrels. They just do basic check-ups and give meds and we tell them what is good and bad.🙄
They told us the would take it and we are licensed wildlife rehabilitators.
Dr.E is they best bet especially with a broken tooth with MBD.

Exactly that's why so many travel to Dr Emerson from all corners of the state👍
Fun fact.... Dr Emerson recently went to Vietnam I believe it was to do odatoma surgery, she also had vets look on to teach them, she also went to Canada for same surgery as I understand.
Wow it's amazing squirrel love😍 🐿️

06-07-2023, 05:31 PM
If you want to make a last ditch effort to finding a local vet, it was suggested to me by a member that you call Universal City Animal Hospital 210-658-6326. I do not know if they work on squirrels, but you could call and ask. Many times vets that work on exotics or birds also may work on squirrels. Of course there’s no guarantee they’re squirrel safe.

They said they're not taking squirrels and sent me a list of rehabbers near my area from a Texas parks and wildlife site.

06-07-2023, 05:38 PM
Sorry I can't help the vets we deal with aren't to experienced with squirrels. They just do basic check-ups and give meds and we tell them what is good and bad.🙄
They told us the would take it and we are licensed wildlife rehabilitators.
Dr.E is they best bet especially with a broken tooth with MBD.

It's so frustrating can't get any local help for her :(

06-07-2023, 05:42 PM
Yes, please do your due diligence by asking tons of questions about confiscation and ability to treat. You can also call around to other vets that treat exotics or birds and see if they will see Gia. Be very cautious….unfortunately your state is far from squirrel friendly. Having an appointment with Dr. E is your ace-in-the-hole and gives you a little time. It would be wonderful if you could find somewhere local that could take an X-ray so you could have Dr. E look at it prior to your travels. Maybe she’d have a treatment suggestion that would avoid you having to travel across country. :dono:dono

I would travel across the globe for her. Just worry this long trip would be too stressful for her.

06-08-2023, 10:31 PM
Getting things ready for Gia's trip to Florida. What are some recommendations and things I should get to make her feel less stressed during the trip?

06-09-2023, 08:24 AM
Prepare her travel cage with her favorites like her cube and any other items she’s accustomed to that are in her regular cage. While traveling cover her cage with a blanket/sheet. I have found that squirrels travel very well this way.

06-09-2023, 10:14 AM
A lot of folks use rescue remedy, I believe it is a mixture of various flower extracts which are shown to have a calming/soothing effects. I think you can put some on a treat to help her be more relaxed. But you should consult with the vets office to verify it is safe and won’t affect or interact with what they will use to sedate her.

Keep things in the vehicle as quiet and comfortable as possible, temperature/radio/music.

Wishing you the best of luck!

06-16-2023, 02:00 PM
Just an update on Gia, we made it to Florida despite the crazy storms all the way. She just got in for her appointment. We will wait for a call. Thank you so much everyone for your help.❤️ Now just going to pray for my little princess to come out well of this. 🙏

06-18-2023, 11:08 AM
Update on Gia, her surgery went well yesterday she was prescribed 4 different types of medications and a nasal drop in case there was any breathing congestion. When we got to the hotel room she was already making a little noise when breathing at around 10 pm she went out of bed and was almost hyperventilating loud. We took her out the cage and gave her the Nasal drops. That helped then at around 12 she started hyperventilating again so we took her to the emergency hospital, just about getting her in we noticed her breathing was better and waited there for an hour. We drove back to the hotel room. Later at around 3 am she got really bad again (see video in link) we took her back to the hospital and she was admitted right away and been in oxygen support since then till tomorrow morning she we will get her to be seen by Dr. Emerson. We were recommended to buy her a nasal spray if there was any sound of congestion. We got her that and gave to her it helped but only for about a couple of hours.

06-18-2023, 11:15 AM
Video link


06-18-2023, 07:53 PM
Update on Gia, her surgery went well yesterday she was prescribed 4 different types of medications and a nasal drop in case there was any breathing congestion. When we got to the hotel room she was already making a little noise when breathing at around 10 pm she went out of bed and was almost hyperventilating loud. We took her out the cage and gave her the Nasal drops. That helped then at around 12 she started hyperventilating again so we took her to the emergency hospital, just about getting her in we noticed her breathing was better and waited there for an hour. We drove back to the hotel room. Later at around 3 am she got really bad again (see video in link) we took her back to the hospital and she was admitted right away and been in oxygen support since then till tomorrow morning she we will get her to be seen by Dr. Emerson. We were recommended to buy her a nasal spray if there was any sound of congestion. We got her that and gave to her it helped but only for about a couple of hours.

I'm so sorry Gia's breathing problems but hopefully this will be quick to resolve issue in Gia's recovery! I'm so very glad that there was an ER available for you and that Gia was admitted. I suspect that this is not a true setback and only a transient problem. I believe that what is being seen with Gia's changes in breathing is secondary to the fact that Squirrels are what are called Obligate Nose Breathers as are human infants and quite a number of animal species. What this means is that Obligate Nose Breathers normally breath only through their noses and they cannot simply go to breathing through their mouths as we adult humans can. We could easily, even though there would ordinarily be no reason to do so, alternate each breath through the nose and then through the mouth. Obligate nose breathers have great difficulty transitioning to breathing through their mouths although they can do this if necessary but it always appears that they are struggling. A human infant with nasal obstruction or swelling exhibit similar difficulty breathing through their mouths. I believe that is what is happening with Gia and that her nasal passages are obstructed after the surgery and Dr. E will be able to help with this tomorrow morning! I do not believe that Gia's apparent difficulty breathing is due to any lung problems but again, this is my opinion only and a definitive diagnosis and treatment plan will depend upon evaluation ASAP by Dr. E. Thanks for posting the video and thanks for your love of little Gia!

06-18-2023, 10:10 PM
Thank you Sam,
What you said makes sense. We been talking about her situation all day and wondering what’s causing her breathing problem. She was like in the video then soon as we got her in the car to the ER she began breathing normal again. So strange, second time it happened I had to record her so they didn’t think we were crazy! Hopefully, Dr. E can tell us what’s really going on.

The tooth accident was probably a good thing it happened because they found 2 odontomas! They removed one and she’s schedule to have second surgery Monday. Not sure if this will be possible because we’re are starting the drive back to Texas tomorrow Monday after they see her. It has been extremely stressful situation, we don’t want to lose her.

06-19-2023, 08:17 AM
Good morning Olly&Gia:
I hope Gia is doing better and that she will be seen soon by Dr. E! Please keep us updated!

06-19-2023, 11:43 AM
Good morning Olly&Gia:
I hope Gia is doing better and that she will be seen soon by Dr. E! Please keep us updated!

Good morning,

She went in earlier this morning, we’re waiting to hear back from them. I’m concern about her diet and hydration. Not sure if she ate well at the ER hospital, they said she had a peanut. I never feed her peanuts; she doesn’t like them. She must have been really hungry. Just hope everything goes well and we can get her back home soon.

06-19-2023, 03:29 PM
We’re back on road. Gia had mucus buildup that was causing her the breathing problem. Soon as we got on road gave her watermelon and bit of soft boo ball with her calcium. She ate that. Now she’s sleeping ��❤️

We will be back in a couple of weeks or so for her second surgery. In the meantime she will continue her antibiotics.

06-19-2023, 04:21 PM
We’re back on road. Gia had mucus buildup that was causing her the breathing problem. Soon as we got on road gave her watermelon and bit of soft boo ball with her calcium. She ate that. Now she’s sleeping ��❤️

We will be back in a couple of weeks or so for her second surgery. In the meantime she will continue her antibiotics.

That's great news! I'm glad it was was only a nasal obstruction as I strongly suspected and also that it was mucus rather than dried blood can be far more difficult to remove than mucus which can oftentimes be removed with just gentle suction! But regardless, Gia is apparently breathing normally again, has an appetite, and is resting comfortably! Good job y'all and good job Dr. E! Please say hello to Gia for me when she wakes up!

06-21-2023, 12:55 PM
That's great news! I'm glad it was only a nasal obstruction as I strongly suspected and also that it was mucus rather than dried blood can be far more difficult to remove than mucus which can oftentimes be removed with just gentle suction! But regardless, Gia is apparently breathing normally again, has an appetite, and is resting comfortably! Good job y'all and good job Dr. E! Please say hello to Gia for me when she wakes up!

Yes! It was a big relief for us. Dr. E did a wonderful and fast job. We would've liked to personally say thank you but understand her busy schedule. We are now back home and settled after a long drive for the past 2 days. Gia ate, she is happy to be back home. her breathing sounds normal now. She wants to go outside but I'm not letting her yet. Thank you for all your knowledge it has really helped in her recovery.

Greetings back to you from Gia and family!

06-21-2023, 01:04 PM
Does anyone have any ideas on how to give her medicine? We are really struggling. I tried to wrap her in a towel but she fights and bites. Her breathing becomes so fast that I have to let her calm down. As I said before, she is not tamed. After she weaned off of her formula when she was a baby she didn't want to be handled so, I left it at that since we were planning to release her. She likes to climb us and eat sitting on my shoulder.

06-21-2023, 03:03 PM
Does anyone have any ideas on how to give her medicine? We are really struggling. I tried to wrap her in a towel but she fights and bites. Her breathing becomes so fast that I have to let her calm down. As I said before, she is not tamed. After she weaned off of her formula when she was a baby she didn't want to be handled so, I left it at that since we were planning to release her. She likes to climb us and eat sitting on my shoulder.

I have found the best way to give meds fast and with as little drama as possible is to use my bed for help. I have fairly stout gloves but not so much so that I can't maneuver. Put squirrel on bed, drop folded towel over him, and bend down over him (approach from behind him) using your hands and forearms to basically mash him down against the bed to hole him in place, while grabbing the syringe, sticking it the side of the mouth, shoot, and stand up and back away. I have a memory foam topper on my old mattress and it is nice and soft so it envelopes the bottom of the body and means you can hold them down fairly easily. Leaning over from behind him allows you a perfect shot at the side of the mouth. Have everything ready and you can get it done in just a few seconds.

If the dose is small and the taste isn't awful, you could *maybe* hide it in food. What is she getting - my guess is amoxicillin clavulanate and meloxicam? What size is the dose of them?

06-21-2023, 03:27 PM
I have found the best way to give meds fast and with as little drama as possible is to use my bed for help. I have fairly stout gloves but not so much so that I can't maneuver. Put squirrel on bed, drop folded towel over him, and bend down over him (approach from behind him) using your hands and forearms to basically mash him down against the bed to hole him in place, while grabbing the syringe, sticking it the side of the mouth, shoot, and stand up and back away. I have a memory foam topper on my old mattress and it is nice and soft so it envelopes the bottom of the body and means you can hold them down fairly easily. Leaning over from behind him allows you a perfect shot at the side of the mouth. Have everything ready and you can get it done in just a few seconds.

If the dose is small and the taste isn't awful, you could *maybe* hide it in food. What is she getting - my guess is amoxicillin clavulanate and meloxicam? What size is the dose of them?

I can try that. Not sure how would work for the drops in the nostrils while facing down. She's taking ciprofloxacin ophthalmic topical antibiotic drops for nose and stent, metacam for inflammation, buprenorphine for pain, clavamox oral antibiotic. There are different dose numbers on all these.

06-21-2023, 06:45 PM
I managed to give her the Clavamox and a drop on the stent. Got a few scratches but, at least she got something. Will try again when my husband gets back from work this evening. I need to give her formula too. She ate some fruit this morning and a few small pieces of pecan. She rejects everything else and just slept all day.

06-22-2023, 07:22 AM
I know what a struggle it is to give meds to an untamed squirrel. Here’s what I’ve done in the past. First, having the squirrel confined to a small space makes it easiest. I use a small birdcage when I have convalescing squirrels. It has a large door in the middle, but it also has two small lifting wire doors meant for feeding. I use the two small doors, one for each hand, with Kevlar gloves on my hands and a piece of fleece and trap the squirrel with the blanket and then hold it with its mouth along the edge of the wire while my husband squirts the medicine in its mouth. I have had to treat different squirrels for multiple weeks at a time and this has worked well for me.

Best of luck!

06-23-2023, 04:39 PM
Thank you for all responses. My husband grabs her firmly in her bed when she goes to sleep with gloves and I give her the meds fast. This seems to be only thing working for now. She’s eating like normal again. Her Henry’s block, fruit and veggies. Gets a small piece of walnut after her meds.

06-26-2023, 11:31 PM
Hi Y'all:
How is Gia doing?

07-07-2023, 10:22 AM
Hi Y'all:
How is Gia doing?

Hi 👋 Sam,

Thank you for checking on Gia, she is doing ok. The stent hole looks completely healed up. I noticed her tail is always down, almost dragging and occasionally the milky tear in her eye. Other than that she’s active in the mornings and eating normal. We’re planning the trip back to Florida soon so she can get her second odontoma removed. For now she’s still getting her antibiotics daily.

07-07-2023, 10:43 AM
Aw. Are you giving her probiotics? If not, I would start doing so. My guess is that the antibiotic she is on is Clavamox and the amoxicillin component of that med can be pretty nasty to the stomach. She may just feel a little "bleah" because of it.

Give probiotics as far from the antibiotic as you can, i.e., if giving meds morning and evening, try to give the probiotics at noonish. Give them daily. I take them myself - I started BECAUSE of the squirrels - and use those - just a tiny pinch between your fingers is plenty and the powder inside the capsules is sort of bland/sweet so it will hide in and on anything.

07-07-2023, 11:35 AM
Aw. Are you giving her probiotics? If not, I would start doing so. My guess is that the antibiotic she is on is Clavamox and the amoxicillin component of that med can be pretty nasty to the stomach. She may just feel a little "bleah" because of it.

Give probiotics as far from the antibiotic as you can, i.e., if giving meds morning and evening, try to give the probiotics at noonish. Give them daily. I take them myself - I started BECAUSE of the squirrels - and use those - just a tiny pinch between your fingers is plenty and the powder inside the capsules is sort of bland/sweet so it will hide in and on anything.

I can get them. What kind and brand you recommend?

07-07-2023, 11:43 AM
I can get them. What kind and brand you recommend?

Literally anything on this page: https://www.walmart.com/search?q=probiotic+capsules will do. I usually get the store brand wherever I am.

If you want some made for animals they sell a ton at places like Petco. I actually prefer using human meds if they work because they are manufactured under much stricter policies.

07-07-2023, 12:29 PM
Hi �� Sam,

Thank you for checking on Gia, she is doing ok. The stent hole looks completely healed up. I noticed her tail is always down, almost dragging and occasionally the milky tear in her eye. Other than that she’s active in the mornings and eating normal. We’re planning the trip back to Florida soon so she can get her second odontoma removed. For now she’s still getting her antibiotics daily.

Thanks! Y'all are great Squirrel-parents!
Hi Gia; sorry for your hardships, Little One! I'm glad you are recovering well! You are loved from near and far!

Diggie's Friend
07-07-2023, 01:28 PM
In the wild, juveniles and adult squirrels can be seen pulling up tufts of grass which they flip over to chew on the soil surround the roots, which contain the healthy bacterial forms that support their digestion. Seen this myself with a squirrel we released in late spring.

With over 70 % of the body's immune system in the gut, supplying a replacement source of, "soil based probiotic" and prebiotic for squirrels cared for in captivity from weaning on, is merited. Although the most common sources of prebiotic included with probiotic products, is (FOS), a sugar compound which promotes indiscriminate growth of both healthy and unhealthy; this most prominently when it is used following AB treatment in rodents, as a research study confirmed.

"Pet Flora" contains a soil based probiotic and prebiotic, which counters both unhealthy bacteria forms, while supporting the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. This prebiotic also is strongly anti-viral, which is why it can block viruses from attaching to the cell walls, thus inhibiting their growth in the body. The product page notes that the prebiotic has recently been increased to lend greater support to the immune system. The company, "Vitality Science" explained that their product , "Pet Flora" is suitable to support not just dogs and cats as the label features, but also other small mammal pet species. It has no fillers or additive, or flavoring. (See under 'description' on product page)
This probiotic has been endorsement veterinarians. This source was used for a number of years by a fellow member for a southern NR gray squirrel that lived past 11 years.

https://www.amazon.com/Vitality-Science-Pet-Flora-Gastrointestinal/dp/B005PJN2HO/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=pet+flora+vitality+scienc e&qid=1688750291&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

Though there is a near identical source produced by another company; this source supplies a lower dosage, which makes it easier to reduce the dosage to support tree squirrels on a daily basis. A friends vet recommended to increase the daily dosage when using AB for infections. 1/16 Tsp. mixed into a wet food split fed with meals ( 1/32 Tsp.) https://www.amazon.com/New-Star-Foodservice-42924-Stainless/dp/B00KH9PSNI?th=1

Good advise on giving the probiotic/prebiotic hours apart from the AB.


07-07-2023, 08:27 PM
Thanks! Y'all are great Squirrel-parents!
Hi Gia; sorry for your hardships, Little One! I'm glad you are recovering well! You are loved from near and far!

Awe 🥹 ❤️ Thank you. We are so grateful to have found the board, all your help and others here. Sending lots of love and appreciation from us and Gia!

07-07-2023, 08:34 PM
[QUOTE=Diggie's Friend;1359801]In the wild, juveniles and adult squirrels can be seen pulling up tufts of grass which they flip over to chew on the soil surround the roots, which contain the healthy bacterial forms that support their digestion. Seen this myself with a squirrel we released in late spring.

With over 70 % of the body's immune system in the gut, supplying a replacement source of, "soil based probiotic" and prebiotic for squirrels cared for in captivity from weaning on, is merited. Although the most common sources of prebiotic included with probiotic products, is (FOS), a sugar compound which promotes indiscriminate growth of both healthy and unhealthy; this most prominently when it is used following AB treatment in rodents, as a research study confirmed.

"Pet Flora" contains a soil based probiotic and prebiotic, which counters both unhealthy bacteria forms, while supporting the growth of healthy bacteria in the gut. This prebiotic also is strongly anti-viral, which is why it can block viruses from attaching to the cell walls, thus inhibiting their growth in the body. The product page notes that the prebiotic has recently been increased to lend greater support to the immune system. The company, "Vitality Science" explained that their product , "Pet Flora" is suitable to support not just dogs and cats as the label features, but also other small mammal pet species. It has no fillers or additive, or flavoring. (See under 'description' on product page)
This probiotic has been endorsement veterinarians. This source was used for a number of years by a fellow member for a southern NR gray squirrel that lived past 11 years.

https://www.amazon.com/Vitality-Science-Pet-Flora-Gastrointestinal/dp/B005PJN2HO/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?keywords=pet+flora+vitality+scienc e&qid=1688750291&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1

Though there is a near identical source produced by another company; this source supplies a lower dosage, which makes it easier to reduce the dosage to support tree squirrels on a daily basis. A friends vet recommended to increase the daily dosage when using AB for infections. 1/16 Tsp. mixed into a wet food split fed with meals ( 1/32 Tsp.) https://www.amazon.com/New-Star-Foodservice-42924-Stainless/dp/B00KH9PSNI?th=1

Good advise on giving the probiotic/prebiotic hours apart from the AB.

Thank you for informative response! I will check the links and order it. I saw her digging in the grass and eating some dirt about 2 days ago. I wonder she’s craving it or looking for pecans.