View Full Version : Squeaky needs medical expense help

05-22-2023, 12:17 AM
I have posted a thread on here called my little squeaky needs help, my little guy isn't doing so great and has been in and out of the vet a few times now with little progress, I have to take him back in more for regular teeth trimming but also more medications, sending his x rays to a radiologist, and trying to figure out what is wrong with him. I'm honestly really worried about him. I'm not sure if this is an appropriate place to post this, I hate asking for help, but I'm desperate, my baby needs help! :( Anything helps. I have made a gofundme page to try and raise some money to help me pay for his bills, I work seasonal, and his vet bills have already cost me about $1500 since april. If anyone is able to help, even a little, id be seriously so grateful