View Full Version : Any Further Issues or Concerns with the New Esbilac Formula

05-17-2023, 11:14 PM
Hello y'all:
For those using Esbilac, I have some questions and would very much like to ask for comments. When PetAg changed the Esbilac Powder formulation and along with that, changed the picture on label from showing a White faced puppy to showing a Black/Brown faced puppy; there were reports from some of our members that their babies were getting diarrhea with the new formulation. I know that a number of you are reporting that you are use of Esbilac currently with your babies. Have you found a supplier of the "White faced formulation" or kept stashes of this? If not, and you are using the "Black/Brown Faced" formulation; what have you done to prevent development of diarrhea with this new formulation or did the early reports of of diarrhea that seemed to be associated with this formula simply not pan out and it is actually safe the new Esbilac Formulation is working out satisfactorily?

Another question; is anyone using Royal Canin Baby Dog Milk for pinkies or beyond? I had asked about this before and there were no responses so I assumed no one was using this or had never used this but I would like to ask again.


island rehabber
05-18-2023, 07:38 AM
Good morning StS. I still have some white puppy Esbilac left over so I cannot help with any experience with the changed formula yet. However I will say that the buzz in my area (NYC metro) is pretty quiet.... no reports yet of any problems. We all seem to be asking each other if anyone has had trouble. :dono You and I both know that the report we heard at the Gathering of severe diarrhea from the new Esbilac is from a very reliable source, so I guess we have to keep our ears and eyes open on this one before any kind of guideline can be developed.

05-18-2023, 09:45 AM
While Royal Canin sells their food here in the US, they do not sell the babydog formula. Perhaps some kind of no compete with Pet Ag? Who knows? A quick look at Amazon shows that the seller there is in Turkey. That of course means that no matter how bad the formula or condition of what is shipped, you aren't going to return it and get your money back! They show "only 4 left" on the page right now, so even having a reliable source is a problem.

I wish they DID sell it! RC is a fairly respected company, and things being equal, I would go for the babydog simply based on my distrust of Pet Ag, something they seem to reinforce every 3 or 4 years...

05-18-2023, 10:13 AM
I wish they DID sell it! RC is a fairly respected company, and things being equal, I would go for the babydog simply based on my distrust of Pet Ag, something they seem to reinforce every 3 or 4 years...

I had noted a few years back that my vet has (had?) babydog for sale but I have never bought / used it personally.

I prefer to use Zoologic 32/40 these days but cannot recommend it in good conscious to casual rehabbers as you have to buy 5lbs at a time.

A rehabber in my town (we help with each other's squirrels) has been using the new Esbilac this season with no issues, though switching to half Esbilac and half FV at 3.5 weeks.