View Full Version : Advice weaning 6 wk old Southern Flyer

04-28-2023, 07:16 PM
I need help weaning my 6 week old Flying Squirrel. He seems completely healthy, energetic, and he absolutely demolishes any formula I give him. However, even after 2 weeks of continuously introducing him to rodent block (Henry's HB, to be specific) and leaving it in his cage overnight, he has shown zero interest in it whatsoever. In addition, he shows no interest in any vegetables or other solid foods I offer him (I've tried Romaine lettuce and small cut Radish slices). I'm wondering if I've been giving him too much formula (for perspective he weighs about 40g and I give him 2.5ml of FV 20/50 every 4 hours). Any advice or weaning techniques would be appreciated, as I'm a first to all of this. His nest was knocked out of a tree when he was barely 1 week old, and I've been taking care of him since. Thank you.

04-28-2023, 07:37 PM
Yes - my advise is to stop trying to wean him. Instead, allow him to show you when HE is ready to wean. 6 weeks is way, way too young! Continue to give him his formula, ramping up as he gains weight, as you have been, and also continue offering small pieces of squirrel block while you do so. Trust me, he will begin to eat the food and slowly begin to reject his syringe feedings when it is the right time.

The longer they nurse the healthier they are when you are all done.

04-28-2023, 07:50 PM
Thanks! That's a relief.

04-28-2023, 10:27 PM
For future reference when your little guy IS eating solid foods, here is the link to the healthy diet for flyers…….after he’s eating his Henry’s blocks well.
