View Full Version : I need help to save my baby!
04-18-2023, 11:12 AM
I need help, guidance, anything to help my sweet baby boy! 2 nights ago my 8month old eastern grey squirrel (for whom I love more than anything!) had an accident. Idk how it happened. I never heard him, and I was in the same room as him, but he had some kind of accident and now has a spinal injury which left his hind legs and some of the rest of his body paralyzed! I have been referred to Alicia Emerson to help, but I have no money for this appointment! Idk what to do! I love this guy so much and I wasn’t approved for carecredit or for scratchpay! Is there some wildlife something or another that can help? I love him and this will devastate me if I have to put him down, when I’m being told there is potential he’ll get better?!
04-18-2023, 11:34 AM
With spinal injuries, prednisone can be used to control the swelling and give things a chance to heal.
I have had two different young squirrels (6-7 weeks old) in the past couple years that arrived with several paralyzed limbs and were given prednisone. The first squirrel made a complete recovery, while the second squirrel regained full use of one limb and partial recovery of the other limb.
One of the experts here should be able to help you with dosage, etc. and one of the members from Florida should be able to direct you to a vet for the prednisone.
04-18-2023, 11:50 AM
I know this sounds like a nonsense question, but what is his diet? Specifically, is he eating some sort of rodent block?
They get all of the nutrition they need, including calcium, which is VERY important, from their formula. When a finder does not understand the calcium requirements of a squirrel and they are no longer taking formula because they have weaned, they can get metabolic bone disease. There are early symptoms that can be missed but the inability to use the rear legs is a very definite symptom.
Did you SEE him fall?
04-18-2023, 12:59 PM
So the hospital has him on meloxidyl, buprenorph, and gabapentin. Not anything starting with. P! He also has not pooped and his butt had a clear hard film across his booty hole, what’s that about?
04-18-2023, 01:06 PM
So I did not see, hear, anything from this fall at all! It boggles my mind how this happened! I’ll never truly know, and I feel as if it is my fault! I was falling asleep and his sister was throwing a bit of a tantrum because I wouldn’t allow her to do something! I blame myself and wish that this never happened
04-18-2023, 01:25 PM
I know this sounds like a nonsense question, but what is his diet? Specifically, is he eating some sort of rodent block?
They get all of the nutrition they need, including calcium, which is VERY important, from their formula. When a finder does not understand the calcium requirements of a squirrel and they are no longer taking formula because they have weaned, they can get metabolic bone disease. There are early symptoms that can be missed but the inability to use the rear legs is a very definite symptom.
Did you SEE him fall?
Thank you CM!! That would be my first thought!
Hi Juneybug:
Please don't blame yourself! The important issue now is to help your Squirrel recover and as best possible, learn how to minimize risks for this, or similar to recur; whether injury or diet or a combination plays a part in what has happened!
My suggestion would be to begin the Emergency Treatment for Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD) from the Henry's Pets Website immediately! Here is a link to their very informative guide pertaining to MBD that to-the-point and very concise:
Does you Squirrel live in the cage or is he allowed out? Is there any chance of a significant fall or injury. Is there any signs of injury such as swelling, a wound, skin discoloration or misalignment or abnormal appearance of the back (the spine area)?
The treatment protocol is easy to follow and virtually harmless even if your Squirrel does not have MBD. Please get started ion the treatment for MBD now! This can be treated and often some significant improvement occurs within hours to 4-5 days even though it will take months for full resolution to occur. Please provide complete details of your Squirrel's diet but don't do that before beginning the treatment for MBD. Read Henry's 2 pages thoroughly and follow the guidelines exactly. They are very good and have excellent suggestions for mixing the calcium (tums emergently as these are usually available, taste good and are a calcium source!) and the blocks. Your Squirrel will need quality blocks such as Henry's Healthy Blocks (HHB), Envigo 2018 (Also called Harlan/Teklad) or Mazuri Rat and Mouse Diet. Stop ALL nuts and treats and really anything other than a quality Blocks and quality Calcium sources (again, see Henry's). Thoroughly check the cage for stashes! Line the floor of the cage with several layers of fleece and you can put an alway-on heating pad UNDER the cage where the Squirrel can't get a hold of it as warmth will help your Squirrel feel better. MBD is painful. The heat should be on LOW! Another concern is that Squirrels obviously are climbers. You baby probably cannot climb not but just as soon as there is improvement it will be natural for him to want do so. This must NOT occur and if he has MBD, his bones are not nearly as strong ans they should be and falls and fractures can easily occur! Preferably ensure that your Squirrel is on the "ground floor" at all times!
What is your Squirrel's name? Please post the details of his diet up to now and please post updates on you Squirrel' condition and post any additional issues or concerns you might have!
04-18-2023, 01:39 PM
So the hospital has him on meloxidyl, buprenorph, and gabapentin. Not anything starting with. P! He also has not pooped and his butt had a clear hard film across his booty hole, what’s that about?
Hello again Juneybug:
I didn't know about the hospital. Did you take your Squirrel to a Vet when the paralysis was noticed or has your Squirrel been under a Vet's care for something else? Please send a photo of this "hard film" over the area of the "poop-chute" (I'm not sure that that's proper medical terminology!). Is it possible that he just sat down on something and this is just something from his cage or from the Vets office that is simply sticking to the skin and can be easily removed. Did the Vet do any studies such as obtaining x-ray films or labwork? If so, what did they show and would yoyu post these in your thread, please! Did the Vet identify any definitive cause for what you observe?
04-19-2023, 12:35 AM
DJ is his name and I do have a squirrel food in with their nuts, fresh fruits, and fresh vegetables! I did not see nor hear him fall. The doctor at the vet hospital said there are 2 puncture wounds in different areas of his body. He and his sister, Shakira, do play rough and he is always the one to squeak first! They do have cages, however they roam my room freely…I do not impose a lock down lifestyle for my wild ones! Lol. This is why I posted, was to get direction on how to acquire financial support from a wildlife foundation, or a non profit, or something! I’m trying to get him into Alicia Emerson’s B office. He’s responsive now and even attempted to play yesterday! Things could be looking up, still want him seen by ms Emerson though!
04-19-2023, 06:59 AM
First, remove all nuts from their cage. Nuts should only be given as an occasional treat, not as a staple food. When you say you feed them “squirrel food”, what is that? Can you take a picture of the food bag and upload it?
How old are your squirrels? Here’s the link for the MBD protocol. As was suggested by StS, beginning this treatment won’t hurt DJ, if he’s not suffering from MBD. It’s just to be on the safe side. The meds you were given seem correct for treating inflammation.
If you can get in to see Dr. Emerson, tell her office staff about your financial situation and see if you can work something out. I would definitely get DJ in to see her, she’s the best.
04-19-2023, 07:01 AM
DJ is his name and I do have a squirrel food in with their nuts, fresh fruits, and fresh vegetables! I did not see nor hear him fall. The doctor at the vet hospital said there are 2 puncture wounds in different areas of his body. He and his sister, Shakira, do play rough and he is always the one to squeak first! They do have cages, however they roam my room freely…I do not impose a lock down lifestyle for my wild ones! Lol. This is why I posted, was to get direction on how to acquire financial support from a wildlife foundation, or a non profit, or something! I’m trying to get him into Alicia Emerson’s B office. He’s responsive now and even attempted to play yesterday! Things could be looking up, still want him seen by ms Emerson though!
Thanks for responding Juneybug! What is the brand of Squirrel food that you are providing? How many nuts do your Squirrels get daily and what type of nuts are they and are they raw, fresh, left ion their shells? How old were your Squirrels when they were weaned and how did weaning take place (did you stop formula or did the Squirrels stop taking it?)? What formula did you use to raise your Squirrels? Captive Squirrels are totally dependent on their person for nutritional support. Nuts and fruits should NOT be a regular or worse yet major component of a Squirrel's diet! They are treats only! Here is a very important summary from Henry's regarding the diet for captive Squirrels. It is a food pyramid with the most important, safe and nutritious foods at the bottom of the pyramid (Quality Blocks!) and the treats at the top (especially nuts and fruits as well):
If I may make some further suggestions; it may be that you could get some financial support and it would certainly be a good option to get LD and even Shakira checked by Dr E but the acquisition of financial support will no doubt take quite some time as the logistics for this is very complex and truly difficult to pull-off! My belief is that the very most important and primary concern is diet for your Squirrels. I truly suspect that the primary issue with the weakness/paralysis of LD's hind legs is likely to have MBD as the cause and not an injury and that Shakira is also at risk!
There are only a very few "Squirrel Foods" on the market that are really healthy for Squirrels! That may sound surprising but it is absolutely the truth. Virtually all of the so-called Squirrel Food that you can buy in pet stores and feed stores is NOT formulated as a source of nutrition for Squirrels, especially captive Squirrels whose diets are completely controlled by their people! When when these so-called Squirrel foods are given to wild Squirrels, they are really treats and their diet is still a "wild diet" and the "wild diet" is where their primary nutritional support is derived.
As I mentioned, there are only a very few commercial diets that are healthy for Squirrels! Among those few are Envigo (the old manufacturer was Harlan Teklad and if you see this it is the same) 2018 or 2014 but for young growing Squirrels, 2018 would be best; Mazuri Rat and Mouse Diet (which is available at PetSmart, Chewy and a number of other sources); and Henry's Healthy Blocks (HHB). I would suggest going to PetSmart (or somewhere) today and get a bag of Mazuri Rat and Mouse Diet (it needs to be this form of Mazuri only) as this diet is often available locally! HHBs can be ordered from Henry's Pets
( ) and Envigo 2018 can be ordered from eBay. I get mine from EcoSandy on eBay because the blocks are fresh and can be ordered in much smaller quantities than if ordered from Envigo or a feed store. But again, the Mazuri Bloxcks are probably readily available near where you live and I would get those.
There is an enormous amount of talent and experience available he on TSB for helping with diet and almost anything else related to Squirrels! I am placing some links to Henry's Pets in this post because much of this information has been put together in one place and is presented in a very easy to understand manner by the owner of Henry's who happens to be a Member of The Squirrel Board!
Diet is the Number One concern for Squirrels being raised for release and those destined to remain as captive (pet Squirrels) Squirrels! Among other dietary concerns; on of the most important to recognize is that Squirrels require considerable Calcium in their diets and must have their intake of phosphorus strictly limited. HHBs, Envigo, and Mazuri Rat and Mouse Diet are formulated to provide this "extra" Calcium, limit phosphorus and provide all of the other necessary minerals, vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, and fats necessary to constitute a healthy and safe diet. HHBs are relatively expensive and cannot be free-fed (left where the Squirrel can eat as much as they want. They are supplements in that sense but 10 grams which is two HHBs will supply ALL of an "average" size Squirrel's dietary needs except one and tat is that 10 grams is such a small volume, these do not satisfy hunger or chewing needs and other healthy sources of nutrition are necessary. The Envigo and Mazuri Rat and Mouse Diet can be free-fed and they are all that is really necessary for a safe and nutritious food!
Juneybug, I would still recommend that you begin the Emergent Treatment for MBD for LD immediately! Here is the link again:
It is safe and harmless if LD does not have MBD and can be life-saving if he does! Also, if MBD is what is going on and I do strongly suspect so, Shakira is also probably developing this if her diet has been similar. I would recommend that you modify the diets of both your Squirrels to favor quality Blocks and for right now, at least eliminate the nuts and other treats!
04-19-2023, 01:08 PM
Hi Juneybug:
I apologize for somehow getting your Squirrel's name completely wrong! It was only two initials I had to deal with but I still couldn't do it! I can only assume that both neurons in my pea-sized brain malfunctioned and I typed in LD instead of DJ! Sorry!
04-22-2023, 12:56 AM
Hi Juneybug:
I apologize for somehow getting your Squirrel's name completely wrong! It was only two initials I had to deal with but I still couldn't do it! I can only assume that both neurons in my pea-sized brain malfunctioned and I typed in LD instead of DJ! Sorry!
It’s no problem! Thank you for all your advice. The food I had them on was a rodent food, I have ordered the Henry’s bark and await its arrival. I have ordered the calcium too and am awaiting it as well. I have started treating them and giving them the tums as suggested in the article. DJ is responding but still very lethargic and still isn’t walking. I believe he may have some neurological issue as well, which he didn’t have when I dropped him off at the emergency, so something had to have gotten worse while in their care. Idk, they did their best, I’m assuming, and now I truly feel that I have to come up with the quoted estimate of miss Emerson’s office gave to me somehow, someway because this little boy means so much to me. I see the depression settling in, and I’m scared for him. He’s the sweetest little thing, and all he does now is bite me and sleep. I’m scared of losing my friend! I miss his purr…he always use to purr at everything… and now he’s silent…😢😭
04-22-2023, 07:35 AM
Dr. Emerson May accept payments instead of the full amount at time of service. It doesn’t hurt to ask. I’d do my best to get an appointment for her to see DJ.
04-22-2023, 08:34 AM
It’s no problem! Thank you for all your advice. The food I had them on was a rodent food, I have ordered the Henry’s bark and await its arrival. I have ordered the calcium too and am awaiting it as well. I have started treating them and giving them the tums as suggested in the article. DJ is responding but still very lethargic and still isn’t walking. I believe he may have some neurological issue as well, which he didn’t have when I dropped him off at the emergency, so something had to have gotten worse while in their care. Idk, they did their best, I’m assuming, and now I truly feel that I have to come up with the quoted estimate of miss Emerson’s office gave to me somehow, someway because this little boy means so much to me. I see the depression settling in, and I’m scared for him. He’s the sweetest little thing, and all he does now is bite me and sleep. I’m scared of losing my friend! I miss his purr…he always use to purr at everything… and now he’s silent…
Thanks Juneybug! Were you able to get the Mazuri Rat and Mouse Diet locally so DJ can get started on a complete diet of Blocks and supplemental Calcium and nothing else but water! DJ will need more than Tums as Tums is only a quick means to get DJ started on supplemental Calcium on what is essentially an emergent basis and offers no other nutritional benefits (he needs Blocks for food)! DJ will obtain his maintenance Calcium (the calcium he would ordinarily require daily from Blocks but he must also the additional supplemental Calcium which will come from the Tums on a short term emergency basis and then from the Calcium you ordered from Henry's as soon as it arrives). Along with DJ's Nutritional Support (from quality Rodent Blocks!) and his extra Calcium; he will require an "always available" source of clean, pure (nothing added to it) drinking water such dispensed from a water bottle or bowl (or even both). It is also essential that if using a bottle, that you ensure the bottle and its spout mechanism is fully functional and checked several times daily to make sure!
The HHBs are expensive but have a distinct advantage early on in the treatment of MBD as they are concentrated and all DJ needs to do is eat 2 of these (one of the most common signs of MBD is decreased appetite so again, early on; packing the most nutrition into the smallest volume will help ensure DJ gets his regular maintenance dietary necessities) to get ALL the the nutritional components he requires including maintenance Calcium! DJ will of course need the SUPPLEMENTAL (additional) Calcium to make up for bone mineral losses. Please look over the Henry's materials on supplementing Calcium as the additional calcium must be ELEMENTAL Calcium. This is clearly explained on Henry's page for the Treatment of MBD:
As Mel has suggested, hopefully you can get DJ and maybe even Shakira evaluated with some fee payment arrangements and maybe even "adjustments." I would recommend getting Shakira on a diet of quality Blocks also!
Please post frequent updates and let us know when further questions arise or if you have other concerns or any uncertainties!
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