View Full Version : Need help identifying ailment and treating it

04-07-2023, 08:42 PM
I recently rescued a baby Southern flying squirrel from a fallen nest about a week ago. He is around 2 weeks old. I have him on the correct formula (32/40 Fox) and there are no complications feeding him. He is in a suitable cage that is definitely warm enough for him. But today, I noticed that his front left paw had a quite large swollen toe, mostly the region between the knuckle and his hand. At first, I thought the toe might be broken and swollen from that, but he seems relatively unfazed by its presence, as he still moves it and walks around normally (no limping). So then I thought it may be infection, so I did some research and found that NeoPolyDex Opthalmic (which I have in eyedrop form from a previous pet) could be applied to the afflicted area without being harmful, in the event that he decides to lick his paw. After 6 hours, as seen in the pictures, the toe is noticeably less red, but still swollen. Meanwhile, he has not shown any obvious signs of infection for the entire time he has been under my care (he is very lively, and definitely not lethargic). So I am stuck, and unsure of how effective this antibiotic will be, and if I should be using it in certain doses (I currently have been giving him 1 drop per feeding). If anyone can help diagnose my flyer, or offer any advice, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.


04-07-2023, 09:47 PM
FYI - This baby is older than 2 weeks.

Check extremely well for a thread... even a hair... wrapped around that toe. This seems to be the most common case, so look extremely thoroughly to eliminate that as the issue.