View Full Version : Help 3 week old baby squirrel I think has pneumonia

03-27-2023, 03:01 PM
Hi my name is Mandy and I have a 3 week old baby squirrel that I think has pneumonia! I can’t let him die but I can’t afford a vet! Please help!

Charley Chuckles
03-27-2023, 03:37 PM
Why do you think that, did he choke on formula and you hear clicking?

03-27-2023, 06:39 PM
Yes he is clicking and I don’t know what to do!

03-27-2023, 07:54 PM
Yes he is clicking and I don’t know what to do!

Hi CrazySquirrelGirl:
I'm glad that you found The Squirrel Board! Have you ever been the care-giver for a Baby Squirrel? One of our Admins is a very experienced Rehabber in the Madison SC area. Would you prefer to have a Rehabber be involved in the care of your Squirrel? Is Madison close to you?

I have some secondary but important questions below but lets talk about the possible pneumonia and you immediate concerns first! Does it seem as if your Squirrel may have aspirated (gotten formula or water into his lungs)? Did formula come out from his nose? Was there a choking event that you noticed?

Do you have any antibiotics available? Even 1 tablet will probably be more than enough for a baby's full course of treatment. Assuming that you can find some antibiotics around the house or from family or friends, please post the name of the medication and the strength (such as 100 mg as an example only). We will need a current and accurate weight of the Squirrel in order to provide mixing and dosing instructions. Do you have a 1cc syringe (NO needle!) to administer the antibiotics? Is the Squirrel active and eating formula? Is this "clicking you hear going on constantly, frequently or just occasionally. Are you able to hear the clicking while your Squirrel in in the bedding container or are you holding the Squirrels chest up to your ear and listening?

Let's get the above addressed ASAP, and then we can go over basic Baby Squirrel Care and you can (especially if you have no experience with Squirrel Care) go to Henry's Pets website (link below) for their Squirrel care recommendations. It is excellent and quite concise so you won't need to read a million words! https://www.henryspets.com/1-baby-squirrel-care-guide/
