View Full Version : 5 year old squirrel trouble breathing wheezing

03-10-2023, 02:37 AM
I have had wicket since he was a baby and he has never had any health problems until recently. I was feeding him rodent block from a local pet store (along with fruits and vegetables) but lately it has been difficult to find at the store. I found Henry's blocks online and have been feeding him those since last October along with fruits and vegetables. He started having on and off diarrhea a couple of weeks ago. I reached out to Henry's to see if it was possible that the food was bad. Someone called me back and suggested that I give him some probiotics which I did. The next day wicket was falling over and could not stand on his own so we rushed him to the vet. The vet wanted to get some x-rays to rule out an enlarged heart. He was breathing really heavy and when she listened to his chest she could hear wheezing. They said he had a respiratory infection and prescribed some antibiotics and anti inflammatory (enrofloxacin, Doxycycline and meloxidyl). They also gave me some formula to feed him. He has been on the antibiotics for 2 days (4 doses now). He acted like he was feeling better yesterday. I gave him some of the formula and he ate it and was drinking on his own. Late this afternoon he started falling over again and the wheezing was significantly worse - you can hear it even when you are not right next to him. I took him back to the vet and they gave him some Lasix and put him on oxygen. The normal exotic vet was not there. I'm not sure if this vet was an exotic vet or not but she basically told me I could leave him in the "hospital" where no one would be with him all night and he most likely would not make it or she could give us more Lasix and take him home. I opted for the latter since I did not want him to be alone all night. The Lasix doesn't seem to be helping his wheezing and after the second dose he has not been drinking as much water as he did with the first dose. I've been offering it every 5-10 minutes and putting a drop on his tongue at least. I know he is tired since it is past 1 am and he has not slept much today. I'm wondering if albuterol would help? I have some inhalers but not sure if this would work for a squirrel. I have a heating pad on him and a humidifier running. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

03-10-2023, 06:32 AM
Are you still giving the antibiotics? Do you know if Wicket ever fell while climbing? What formula did the vets office give you?

I’d be very careful with the lasix. Too much and he will end up dehydrated. Some squirrels will drink pecan or vanilla flavored Ensure which contains nutrients. Providing sweetened water drop by drop for hydration is a good idea.

The antibiotics he’s on are good. To answer your question about a nebulizer, yes, my vet has used Albuterol .0083%/2.5mg/3ml along with Budesonide .25mg/2ml in an inhaler for my dwarf squirrel. He weighed approx 250gr at the time. The medicine came in ampules that I was to put in the nebulizer.

Taking Wicket into a steamy bathroom may also help. Please keep us posted. I hope others will offer their input as to what may be going on with Wicket.

03-10-2023, 08:56 AM
Are you still giving the antibiotics? Do you know if Wicket ever fell while climbing? What formula did the vets office give you?

I’d be very careful with the lasix. Too much and he will end up dehydrated. Some squirrels will drink pecan or vanilla flavored Ensure which contains nutrients. Providing sweetened water drop by drop for hydration is a good idea.

The antibiotics he’s on are good. To answer your question about a nebulizer, yes, my vet has used Albuterol .0083%/2.5mg/3ml along with Budesonide .25mg/2ml in an inhaler for my dwarf squirrel. He weighed approx 250gr at the time. The medicine came in ampules that I was to put in the nebulizer.

Taking Wicket into a steamy bathroom may also help. Please keep us posted. I hope others will offer their input as to what may be going on with Wicket.

Had to make another account since it says my password is not right but I know it is since I just made the account last night and saved it to google. I have been giving him the antibiotics. I have not given him any more Lasix since last night since he has not wanted to drink anything. I mixed some sweetened water (4 tsp sugar, 1 tsp salt, 1 cup water) - the recipe had 4 cups water but I have not slept and read it wrong. He drank about 4 ml of this this morning. I called to ask the vet about the albuterol but she does not get in for another hour. Would an inhaler work? My husband went to get the ensure.

03-10-2023, 09:13 AM
Also the formula the vet gave emeraid IC Omnivore. I have not tried to feed it to him since we went to the vet last night. I've mainly been trying to get him to drink water.

03-10-2023, 09:42 AM
I don’t think an inhaler will work. When I needed a nebulizer I found one second hand on Craigslist.

03-10-2023, 09:44 AM
Wickets gonna need calories to have energy. I hope he will like the Ensure.

03-10-2023, 10:13 AM
I don’t think an inhaler will work. When I needed a nebulizer I found one second hand on Craigslist.

We bought a nebulizer but the vet said the albuterol would not help since he has fluid on his lungs. She said to give him more Lasix and make him drink water. He did not like the ensure unfortunately. I didn't try to force it on him. Should I try to give him more formula?

03-10-2023, 10:19 AM
I’d follow the vets recommendation. I’m not sure why he’d have fluid on his lungs? Did she mean in his lungs? From pneumonia or Upper Respiratory Infection?

03-17-2023, 07:39 AM
I just wanted to update you that Wicket made it through and is now back to eating on his own and running around the house like normal! It's been a bumpy long road for sure. At one point he had blood pouring out of his nose so we really thought we lost him. God truly works miracles! I really appreciate your help!

03-17-2023, 08:35 AM
Great job, :great I’m glad you had a vet to work with to help get Wicket feeling better. What was the final diagnosis? Blood from the nose was a result of what?