View Full Version : strange sticky fluid from uretra

03-07-2023, 11:18 PM
Now its emergency she is lethargic

My adult female, deeply neuro is having troubles. sinces a few days her pee is smelling bad. pooh is correct. she was eating and drinking well till yesterday BUT when looking down saw a strange sticky paste white and yesterday is was lightly yellow. Her pee is trouble. her uretra seem swollen and she doesn't like when I touch it. As she is neuro she cannot touch this part of her body herself. I am giving her tramadol for the pain and clavamox as I think this is a urinary infection But the sticky paste still is a mystery to me. pictures are my best but can help. rgds 324422324423

03-08-2023, 12:52 AM
The pictures look to be feces. That would not be from her urethra unless there were a fistula, which would be extremely alarming.

In your other thread it was mentioned she cannot reach her genitals because she is neuro... which makes me ask why? I'd not wonder if she were paralyzed, but "neuro" I cannot quite connect the dots.

Also, please provide a comprehensive listing of her diet... what she actually eats, including what type of rodent block.

03-08-2023, 01:16 AM
The pictures look to be feces. That would not be from her urethra unless there were a fistula, which would be extremely alarming.

In your other thread it was mentioned she cannot reach her genitals because she is neuro... which makes me ask why? I'd not wonder if she were paralyzed, but "neuro" I cannot quite connect the dots.

Also, please provide a comprehensive listing of her diet... what she actually eats, including what type of rodent block.

thanks, she has neuro problems since 3 years so not connected to this problems, she cannot walk properly neither jump or be on her back leg to eat only on her full belly.She came to me like that. She has been saved after an accident from another rescue and I don't know what happened from the begenning. Block are Teklad usually given as balls: peanut butter with almonds butter mixed with coconut oil and teklad powder. she eats vegetables fruits and nuts. I can tell you 100% sure that the paste is coming from uretra and not anus. she pooh at the time time becasue of the stress to be hold and touche at this place. I did press the uretra and get some more white paste from it. That is why I am so concerned.

vidéo to let you see how she walk and her disability


03-08-2023, 08:04 AM
I did press the uretra and get some more white paste from it. That is why I am so concerned.

The video helped my small brain understand better, thanks for that!

The pictures posted do not show a white paste, but rather what appears to me to be brown pellets... can you post a picture of this white substance, rare the pics simply making is appear dark? :thinking I really am unsure still, but hoping maybe others have ideas...

How long has she been on the clavamox now?

03-08-2023, 10:05 AM
Also, has she ever come into heat? The swollen "privates" and some sort of discharge can be one of the signs of that.

How is she otherwise? Acting normal or lethargic? Is she eating well?

03-08-2023, 08:25 PM
clavamox is not changing anything, still eating and drinking but leathargic, Never act like heat, and I have to confess I never saw a heat discharge before but it should be only on 2 or 3 days or it is lasting for more than 4 days now. taking a pic is not easy as I am alone and she is moving a lot but the consistency is the one of human male sperm. I did get an exceptionnel vet appointment tomorrow morning. I will keep you update. (exceptionnal because in quebec Canada so normally no squirrels as pet and a very few vet to have learned their condition)

03-09-2023, 05:21 AM
Oh that is fantastic. I fear this is pyometra, an infection of the uterus, and if it is, removing the uterus (hysterectomy) is the treatment.

island rehabber
03-09-2023, 08:22 AM
If I may jump in, when I see the words "odor", "yellow discharge" and Clavamox isn't working, I think of coccidia. Toltrazuril is the only thing that will truly kill coccidia, which actually lives in all squirrels' systems until something weakens and lets it flourish again. Do you have a vet who could write a scrip?

Squirrels with coccidia behave normally, eat normally, etc -- but that pasty yellowish stuff won't go away without the right med. Just my two cents.....

03-09-2023, 02:07 PM
the veto has done an echo result: no pyometra, no fistula (well difficult to see) Best explanation urinary infection with infected pouches fullfilled with pus that exploded and pus is coming out. The squirrel has fever : 39.4 degrés. son inflammation confirmed.

prescription the vet has made: 4 days of metacam, 14 days of Bactrim once a day (TMS or TMP), 7 days of baytril (enrofloxacin) once a day

hoping for results. Vet told me that penicillin should not be given to squirrel as it attack the squirrels's liver ? is it what you recommand too ?

03-09-2023, 02:39 PM
You are giving the Bactrim and the Baytril at the same time (along with the metacam)? The vet is "stacking" (giving two antibiotics at the same time) the two drugs used most frequently for urinary tract infections. It sounds like a plan.