View Full Version : Melatonin
01-28-2023, 08:47 AM
Hi everyone,
I am wondering about the use of melatonin. My boy of 8 years old is driving me crazy with non stop pacing for hours on, jumping on things, chewing walls which is something he has not done in a while, I need to get him to calm down and I was told to try kids melatonin (drops)
Any thoughts on this or risks of using it??
01-28-2023, 09:34 AM
Hi everyone,
I am wondering about the use of melatonin. My boy of 8 years old is driving me crazy with non stop pacing for hours on, jumping on things, chewing walls which is something he has not done in a while, I need to get him to calm down and I was told to try kids melatonin (drops)
Any thoughts on this or risks of using it??
How large is his cage? How many times does he get out and for how long? Does he have an entire room to himself? How large is the room? How many times a day do you let him roam in the house? Do you play with him actively when he is out? For how many hours?
Pacing and repetitive running on the same path is a clear sign of zoochosis, a condition rarely addressed but present in many settings.
Zoochosis is a mental disorder that manifests in abnormal, and often unhealthy, physical behaviors. It is largely caused by psychological factors induced by physical captivity and sensory deprivation.
This can be seen in hamsters using a hamsterwheel for long periods of times, due to being housed in a cage. Wildlife like grey squirrels make used of a several acres in the wild, so even if they get an entire room, it still pales in comparison.
They need constant stimulation on a daily basis. Owning a pet squirrel is a half time job in my book, at least.
They need to burn off their energy due to a very high energy metabolism.
Maybe a large outdoor enclosure would be a good idea. Unless he is a NR, maybe a soft release may make sense if you have the right setting. If your place is small, maybe its time to move? Something with a backyard.
I would not try to limit his desire to be active, let alone with medication.
01-28-2023, 09:57 AM
PS: melatonin is a hormone that the body produces when the eye's face darkness. It prepares the body to go to sleep. We humans take extra melatonin at night when our own melatonin production lacks, so that we can fall asleep.
Giving any living being melatonin for the day time would be a really bad idea. It screws up the entire wake / sleep cycle and the balance with other hormones, and that will cause mid and long-term health issues, guaranteed.
01-28-2023, 04:36 PM
Hi, thanks for the reply, I've had him for 8 great years now, and hoping for many more. My boy has the run of the place ALL DAY- I DO NOT cage him unless I have to go out for an hour or two or so, and even then I plan my days around his schedule :)
I play with him plenty, we run around, play with his stuffed animals, he has two windows to get some sun and watch the outside.
He is 8 years old, so a release is a terrible idea (with all do respect :grin2)
I dont have the means yet to move to a place with a back yard, but its in the works
01-28-2023, 04:49 PM
It is mating season. I have seen reference to it in Florida, I am in northern New England and it is certainly happening here! The uneasy pacing behavior is very likely due to what is happening outside (and NOT happening inside!) :grin2
01-28-2023, 05:17 PM
It is mating season. I have seen reference to it in Florida, I am in northern New England and it is certainly happening here! The uneasy pacing behavior is very likely due to what is happening outside (and NOT happening inside!) :grin2
Thank you CM :)
Can't wait to move into a bigger place, I think it will make him happy
02-05-2023, 08:43 AM
Behavior still the same, wake up at 7 am none store pacing all day until 6-7 pm. I am thinking of getting rescue remedy, I never tried it before but I need to get him to calm down because its now directly affecting my ability to complete any work, I had to apologize for not attending a couple of meetings last week and the week before because even if I put him in his cage he goes nuts banging on the metal doors which is very noisy so I have to let him out to avoid my neighbors complaining.
Any suggestions please
02-05-2023, 09:28 AM
You go through this every year with him. :sadness. Can he be moved to another room so you can conduct your meetings? Maybe even a bathroom or patio/garage.
I’d definitely try Rescue Remedy, although it doesn’t seem to work for every squirrel. Does anyone know if squirrels can be given Prozac? I know dogs can.
02-05-2023, 12:28 PM
You go through this every year with him. :sadness. Can he be moved to another room so you can conduct your meetings? Maybe even a bathroom or patio/garage.
I’d definitely try Rescue Remedy, although it doesn’t seem to work for every squirrel. Does anyone know if squirrels can be given Prozac? I know dogs can.
Hi Mel,
Its true, every year the same thing, the issue is with this behavior contrary to what I read from other pet owners is that my guy seems to go hard for months on none stop where others see the hyperactive pacing subsides in a week or two.
I have been rescuing these little guys for over 6 years now, and have daily interactions with the adult squirrels outside, I am very familiar with their patterns and I never see them pacing in such a way EVER. Now, I understand that they have trees and they climb all the time, but even then you would see them do that a little here and there, but not none stop, my guy has two cat trees, barely uses them!
His diet- 2 picky Henry blocks (one morning, one night) 4-5 slices of Avocado through out the day. Green peas (not sugar peas) 2-3 blueberries, 1-2 either hazelnuts from Henry's or Hazelnut sticks from Henry's (1-2 cut pieces)
One other thing to mention, he hates the heat, even warm weather. He loves the AC, if I turn it on it has to be between 65-67 degrees for him to sleep, if its 70 or above, forget it he won't sleep at all
02-05-2023, 12:41 PM
One other thing to mention, he hates the heat, even warm weather. He loves the AC, if I turn it on it has to be between 65-67 degrees for him to sleep, if its 70 or above, forget it he won't sleep at all
Are you sure he is a male?! Sounds more like a female dealing with the menopause. :grin3
02-05-2023, 02:20 PM
Are you sure he is a male?! Sounds more like a female dealing with the menopause. :grin3
:grin2 YES
02-05-2023, 04:06 PM
I don’t think you can compare the behaviors of a captive squirrel to a wild one. I’ve never seen a wild squirrel pace because they have the freedom to go wherever they want. When I brought my injured released female inside for a couple of months she paced back and forth between two windows for a good portion of the day.
How old is he now? I wonder if having him neutered would help? It’s a very simple surgery and is what I’d do if he was mine. In my mind you don’t have much to lose by trying it.
02-05-2023, 05:37 PM
I don’t think you can compare the behaviors of a captive squirrel to a wild one. I’ve never seen a wild squirrel pace because they have the freedom to go wherever they want. When I brought my injured released female inside for a couple of months she paced back and forth between two windows for a good portion of the day.
How old is he now? I wonder if having him neutered would help? It’s a very simple surgery and is what I’d do if he was mine. In my mind you don’t have much to lose by trying it.
He is 8 years old now Mel. It's something to consider, the only issue I see in that is that I dont have a vet near by, closest one is about 5 hours away. and from my understanding they need to introduce anesthesia which makes very worried because last July he had to have surgery and was put under twice and it was a nerve wracking experience
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