View Full Version : Curious about Henrys blocks

12-26-2022, 02:51 PM
Has anyone else noticed that their littles no longer are eating the blocks as good? Especially the hazelnut blocks ? I've seen a decline in them wanting them or barley eating them they are pretty much eating the other rodent blocks (science selective a d Zupreem) but have lost interest in hhb which is strange because that was always a favorite

Charley Chuckles
12-26-2022, 09:35 PM
All mine love HHB sometimes I cut in half give that then later the other half. I think they get bored of all food.
You might just use the other blocks wait a few days and try again I'm sure it's good to change off and on so they don't tired of them 👍

12-27-2022, 11:17 AM
Has anyone else noticed that their littles no longer are eating the blocks as good? Especially the hazelnut blocks ? I've seen a decline in them wanting them or barley eating them they are pretty much eating the other rodent blocks (science selective a d Zupreem) but have lost interest in hhb which is strange because that was always a favorite

When my crew start getting picky about eating their Picky Blocks (and Wild Bites), I hand them out individually while I am prepping the "buffets"; I too cut the HHB in half... half a wild bite and half a picky for each AM & PM. If they get these first, before the entire buffet, they can't pick out what they want (e.g. eat the avocado and sugar snaps and leave the rest including the block).

I also am a firm believer that anything handed out individually is treated as a treat by the crew members.

There does seem to be a couple times a year when everyone's eating habits change for a while... .:thinking

01-02-2023, 10:05 AM
Our 2 reds chippy / coco also turning their noses at the picky blocks now. A few months ago it was the healthy blocks they began doing that, so switched to picky blocks. Now they barely take a bite out of it and bury it in the spruce shavings. Even cut up in half blocks, they turn their nose at it. Just ordered a mix of wild bites and picky blocks, then will switch it up. These girls are fussy, get tired of the same old quickly lol. Avocado is their favorite, followed by blueberries and cherries. Used to love apple or canteloupe slices but they're so-so on it at the moment. Asparagus tips they like once in a while.

01-02-2023, 11:52 AM
and only an hour later... they prove me WRONG lol. Coco now picked the Picky half block up from this morning and ate all of it.

01-03-2023, 12:19 AM
and only an hour later... they prove me WRONG lol. Coco now picked the Picky half block up from this morning and ate all of it.
Aww, she was just savin' it for later. :grin2

02-20-2023, 12:56 PM
The other day was reading Diggies Friend reply on another thread, about using Chia Oil on HHB.

Not having any Chia oil, i tried some extra virgin olive oil, lightly dampened the Picky or WildBite HHB with a paper towel. ITs been a few days now and both of the girl reds are eating the half blocks. I'm not going to overdo a good thing or they'll get too fussy.

I hope a bit of olive oil wont hurt them ?

Charley Chuckles
02-20-2023, 01:10 PM
The way I get them to eat is with almond butter, coconut oil avocado oil.
Sure don't see why olive oil wouldn't work 👍
It's ideal if they just eat the block but I have one who won't unless I give it extra flavor and he's 12 1/2 years young so he gets what he wants 😍

02-20-2023, 02:27 PM
Thank you ! these fusspots get tired of the same old quickly, now i can switch it up :w00t

Charley Chuckles
02-20-2023, 03:48 PM
Also I take a block crunch it up add the butters or oils I use normally just one ( small amount just to make it stick together) roll it in small balls. Sometimes I even put in freezer give a frozen treat they defrost fast anyway.

02-22-2023, 04:34 PM
Found some coconut oil and avocado oil in the spray containers, they are liking the HHBs with either on it :)

02-23-2023, 06:54 PM

island rehabber
02-23-2023, 10:40 PM
I think we may all need to remember that squirrels, being arboreal, don't eat the same foods 12 months a year. In the wild, nuts would only be available for a few months; berries and buds another few months, etc. Stevelisa, your reds are a different species altogether from greys and their ideal diet includes pine nuts and pine cones from local conifers. SO all I'm saying is this may be why they go 'off' their blocks from time to time or switch their preferences. I'm not sure....my rehab babies get picky toward release time (14-16 weeks) the same way yours do. :dono

03-01-2023, 08:39 AM
Hi all I'm new to the groups. I have read on them a lot but I have never posted. I'm sure this has been posted a thousand times and you're probably tired of answering the question but I'm quite frustrated with my little grays. They will eat Henry's healthy blocks but that becomes a little pricey for me because I have multiple squirrels and I get quite a few throughout the season. I used the recipe that is posted for Henry's healthy blocks and they turned out more like hard cookies. I tasted them, lol, and there's really not any flavor to them. I did exactly as the recipe says minus the wheat flour. I did use a few Honey Nut Cheerios to try and make it more yummy. However they will not eat them. I have not been feeding them much more than greens and veggies until they eat the blocks but so far they're very stubborn. I know they will not starve themselves but I would like to have something that they enjoy eating. Any ideas or alternate recipes that are yummier? They do like the boo balls but I am just really worried about getting calcium in them. Thanks in advance.

03-01-2023, 08:48 AM
What are you using as a base for your boo balls? I use Harlan Teklad 2018 rodent block. I also mix in some ground nuts to encourage them to eat them as well as powdered Fox Valley formula and Fox Valley Ultraboost. I mix it all together with baby food fruit/veggie combo and coconut or avocado oil. Because the block I use is considered 100% complete nutrition (it’s the only thing they feed lab rats), plus I’m adding FV, I feel that my wilds (or rehabs) are definitely getting decent nutrition in spite of the nuts that are added.

03-01-2023, 02:14 PM
I think we may all need to remember that squirrels, being arboreal, don't eat the same foods 12 months a year. In the wild, nuts would only be available for a few months; berries and buds another few months, etc. Stevelisa, your reds are a different species altogether from greys and their ideal diet includes pine nuts and pine cones from local conifers. SO all I'm saying is this may be why they go 'off' their blocks from time to time or switch their preferences. I'm not sure....my rehab babies get picky toward release time (14-16 weeks) the same way yours do. :dono

They do love their native diet of spruce cones... as long as the scales are not opened with the seeds captive inside. We're amazed how Chippy at 5 months knew by instinct how to get at the small seeds inside.

But they are fussy and don't eat much in quantity. Even avocado doesnt fizz anymore. Lately they only nibble a bit at first serving, mostly hide/stash what we give them. We see them later in the day getting small bites here and there from their stash. Busy bees. I'm learning not to worry if they don't seem to eat much at first.

Both Chippy and Coco seem to be getting more antsy... maybe they sense the winter is almost over by the sounds of birds outside.

04-12-2023, 09:16 AM
FYI recently got a few packages of the Henrys Walnut-Stix and Hazelnut-Stix snacks.
Chippy and Coco are loving them. But we're not going to give it too often or they get fussy.
There is plenty of calcium in these .