View Full Version : Help!!

11-24-2022, 09:01 PM
Hi all I found a squirrel couple of year back and this forum was so helpful for it to survive , now I need help again because I don’t remember a thing , what should I feed this squirrel please note am not in US and I don’t have stores were they offer products any advise please , they are bigger than the ones last time but they seem as babies still by the way they nest

11-24-2022, 10:43 PM
Hi! If you go to the Breed Specific forum there are a lot of threads there about Costa Rican squirrels, mostly started by a member there, Stosh2010. Maybe you can find what you need there?

11-24-2022, 10:55 PM
I tried to pm Stosh about you but his mailbox is full, so hopefully he pops in and can help you faster. Meanwhile, check out the Costa Rican Squirrel forum and see if you can get some info you can use.

Best wishes!

11-25-2022, 04:40 AM
I *think* that this is what Stosh and Rosie have used: https://www.miscota.com/dogs/beaphar/pr-501331?r=8711231151967&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg7PW_JHJ-wIVGYrICh0zVwK9EAQYASABEgJsbvD_BwE

They make kitten formula too - you don't want that.

If you can get your hands on goats milk, yogurt and heavy cream, we can help you make a temporary formula as well.

Looks like you have the tri-colored there - just beautiful babies!

Edit: It looks like you may have gotten some Fox Valley formula from Stosh for you last baby...

Charley Chuckles
11-25-2022, 07:06 AM
I tried to pm Stosh about you but his mailbox is full, so hopefully he pops in and can help you faster. Meanwhile, check out the Costa Rican Squirrel forum and see if you can get some info you can use.

Best wishes!

Might try RamaMama, (Rosie) she should be able to get Stosh here👍

11-25-2022, 09:52 AM
I *think* that this is what Stosh and Rosie have used: https://www.miscota.com/dogs/beaphar/pr-501331?r=8711231151967&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg7PW_JHJ-wIVGYrICh0zVwK9EAQYASABEgJsbvD_BwE

They make kitten formula too - you don't want that.

If you can get your hands on goats milk, yogurt and heavy cream, we can help you make a temporary formula as well.

Looks like you have the tri-colored there - just beautiful babies!

Edit: It looks like you may have gotten some Fox Valley formula from Stosh for you last baby...

How do I use the yogurt or goat milk I forgot and I tried 2cc water and 2cc goat but they puked

11-25-2022, 10:52 AM
One is eating I created with the link they send the other screams when eating and then pukes am worried might be hurt but no sign is just when giving food

11-25-2022, 12:59 PM
One is eating I created with the link they send the other screams when eating and then pukes am worried might be hurt but no sign is just when giving food

Try wrapping him loosely in a cloth that you can pull up and flop over his face to cover his eyes when you feed - so he can't see you. Give him just a few drops and then stop (if you keep a glass full of hot water next to you, you can drop your feeding syringe into it tip down and it will keep the formula in the syringe warm). See how he does - if no protests, give him another few drops. Once he gets the taste and stops being frightened (he doesn't know who you are but he sure knows you ain't mom) he may settle down.

There are a number of homemade formulas. I would start out with 3 parts goats milk and 1 part each yogurt and heavy cream. After a day or two and good, consistent poops, you can slowly increase the yogurt and heavy cream until you reach 2 parts each to the 3 parts goats milk.

11-26-2022, 05:40 AM
Try wrapping him loosely in a cloth that you can pull up and flop over his face to cover his eyes when you feed - so he can't see you. Give him just a few drops and then stop (if you keep a glass full of hot water next to you, you can drop your feeding syringe into it tip down and it will keep the formula in the syringe warm). See how he does - if no protests, give him another few drops. Once he gets the taste and stops being frightened (he doesn't know who you are but he sure knows you ain't mom) he may settle down.

There are a number of homemade formulas. I would start out with 3 parts goats milk and 1 part each yogurt and heavy cream. After a day or two and good, consistent poops, you can slowly increase the yogurt and heavy cream until you reach 2 parts each to the 3 parts goats milk.

I Touch the better today and it seems one has a small ball under its arm pit, but is eating well they both pee both have not poop

11-26-2022, 08:12 AM
Don't worry about poop (yet). If they were away from mama for a bit it can take a couple days before they have eaten enough to have anything to poop.

11-26-2022, 10:22 AM
I have another question I think one of them might have reflux because he cries after eating and start puking based on kids experience so we are holding it up for some minutes which was better but is there a way a can help with doing formula better am using 3table spoon goat 3 yogurt 2 heavy cream and egg yolk

11-26-2022, 10:27 AM
Try without the egg yolk. Try reducing the cream and yogurt for this baby so you have an overall leaner formula, and try to feed tiny amounts over time - not idea, but you are trying to sneak some nutrition into him without triggering him to vomit.

I suggested 3/1/1 below and would try this.

11-26-2022, 10:27 AM

11-29-2022, 06:44 AM
Hi squirrels are doing wonderful am wondering about solids when should I start and what should be given


11-29-2022, 02:28 PM
Start with rodent block, and only rodent block until they are eating them well (they will shred at first, but after a week or so they will be eating). Then you can progress to healthy veggies and after veggies, a bit of fruit.

I prefer Henry's supplement blocks:

Stick with the Picky, Wild and / or Hazelnut versions IMO.

Here is a link to the healthy diet pyramid:


12-06-2022, 12:34 PM
Hi me again I need help again squirrels are doing great but the one that had something under armpit is getting some pus out is there a cream I can put or something I can do I saw a worm out there

12-07-2022, 10:41 AM
This was extracted by vet today

12-07-2022, 11:06 AM
Bot fly larvae. Just disgusting.

Costa Rica has a bot fly that lays it's eggs mostly on humans. Jus' sayin'. :hidechair