View Full Version : 1+ Month Baby Not Wanting Formula or Drinking Water

10-27-2022, 03:44 PM

I have been caring for this baby boy since he was brought to me, eyes closed the night of September 19th, 2022, after falling from a tree in the Portland Metro area in Oregon. I started him on Esbilac puppy milk replacer (liquid) from a 1ml syringe as it was the only puppy milk I could find at 11pm that night, and I had yet to learn about that type potentially causing diarrhea, or starting with unflavored pediylte.

After a few days, I began feeding him the powder version of the Esbilac and at 1 week, eyes just opened, I started him on a strict feeding schedule of every 3 hours the same time every day with the amount of formula being based on 5% of his body weight and making sure his temp was between 99-101°F. I always hold him upright and the syringe horizontal, so that he doesn't have to tilt his head up, while keeping a close eye on his nostrils, making sure no fluid comes out or goes in. Also, I control the plunger as I'm aware babies are capable of sucking too fast for their own good. I typically pour his formula in a measuring shot glass and heat it 4-6 seconds in a microwave, getting it very warm but not so much that it's too hot for me to dip my finger in. I also stimulate him before and after each feeding.

As his poop improved, becoming more firm and less moist, I gradually increased his formula to 7% of his weight. On September 26th, he weighed in at 71g and was consistently eating his formula every 3 hours no more, no less than that feeding's milliliter goal.

On October 6th, he weighed in at 123g and was 2 days into eating from the 3ml Miracle Syringe and small nipple. I introduced him to .5g walnuts at his 10am feeding after coming up a mil short of his 8ml goal that feeding. At his 1pm feeding, he only accepted .5ml Esbilac and half a walnut. 2pm I introduced him to Fox Valley Day One 20/50 formula, where he only had 1ml. At his 4pm, he had 7.5ml Esbilac, and at 7pm met his 8ml goal; again, Esbilac. Sadly, at 10pm, he would not eat. The following few days, he ate somewhat consistently again, and on the 9th of October, weighing 151g, I gave him a 50/50 mix of Esbilac and Fox Valley and each day after increased the ratio of F.V. while reducing his formula feeding from 6 to 4 times a day and replacing the other time slots with nuts. His formula intake was becoming inconsistent again, and I would feed him a little more if possible to make up for the prior feeding, falling short of the goal.

At 186g, October 15th, he ate 14.5ml of an 80/20 Fox/Esb mix 3 different times, rejecting the formula the other 2 times. The following day, he gradually began wanting less formula and not hitting the feeding goals when he did accept it. On the 17th, he was given Fox Valley with no Esbilac. He only would eat at a few of the feedings and still not hit the mil goal. Two days later, I went back to Esbilac with no Fox Valley, but his eating cycles didn't improve. The 20th was an eventful day for him as he was introduced it Henry's Picky Blocks, fresh beets, lettuce, carrots, and strawberries. Unfortunately, he really only ate the Picky Blocks, though he'd nipple on carrots sometimes.

By October 26th, back on straight Fox Valley, he weighed 270g with a target goal of 19ml @ 7% body weight. He had 4.5ml at 10am, 10ml at 12:30pm, and 4ml at 8pm. It has been about a week now since he hit one of his mil goals at a feeding. I haven't noticed him eating many nuts either, and as I'm writing this, it's 12pm October 27th, and he's yet to eat any formula today. Peeing a lot less this week and more yellow than clear now. Still pooping solid brown and gaining a few grams in body weight each day. I have a water dish and hamster bottle in his cage that he doesn't touch, along with an abundance of nuts that he seems to be more interested in hiding than eating lately.

Since he's been refusing formula, I have regularly done pinch tests on his back and see his skin tenting longer than a couple seconds. I've tried giving him warm pediylte, but he rarely accepts any. For now, I plan on holding off on formula and just trying to get him to drink pediylte and see if he'll eat his 2 Picky Blocks for the day along with some nuts. Next, I will try the pediylte at room temperature and maybe even dilute it with filtered fridge or alkaline water.

I am, of course, concered for his health, so any advice or tips on how to get him to drink water on his would be great!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Apologize for it being so long; I just wanted to lay it all out in hopes to reduce Q&A.

10-27-2022, 05:50 PM
No nuts. Take all the nuts away; that is the hard, unhealthy path that will be regretted. A bowl full of nuts with couple Henry's is like a double, super-sized Big Mac meal with a side of cotton candy... and ordering a diet coke and thinking the diet soda makes it healthy. But worse.

Here is the link to the healthy squirrel diet:

10-27-2022, 07:01 PM
No nuts. Take all the nuts away; that is the hard, unhealthy path that will be regretted. A bowl full of nuts with couple Henry's is like a double, super-sized Big Mac meal with a side of cotton candy... and ordering a diet coke and thinking the diet soda makes it healthy. But worse.

Here is the link to the healthy squirrel diet:

Thank you! I will stop the nuts, stick to Blocks in the morning and fruits and veggies in the day, and try to get him to eat his formula.

10-27-2022, 07:49 PM
You can add a shallow dish of water under / close to the the water bottle. It helps to place marbles or pebbles in the dish simply to make it less likely he'll stick his snout under the water and aspirate. He should eventually figure out the water bottle.

I'd skip the pedialyte and stick with plain water FWIW.

I'd suggest trying to offer the formula twice daily... first thing int eh morning before anything else and then late in the evening (8 - 9PM). He is still a little young to not want any formula, but then again now that he is eating solids and Henry's there really is not "goal" for formula other than offering it and giving whatever they will take. :thumbsup

10-27-2022, 10:41 PM
You can add a shallow dish of water under / close to the the water bottle. It helps to place marbles or pebbles in the dish simply to make it less likely he'll stick his snout under the water and aspirate. He should eventually figure out the water bottle.

I'd skip the pedialyte and stick with plain water FWIW.

I'd suggest trying to offer the formula twice daily... first thing int eh morning before anything else and then late in the evening (8 - 9PM). He is still a little young to not want any formula, but then again now that he is eating solids and Henry's there really is not "goal" for formula other than offering it and giving whatever they will take. :thumbsup

Will do! Good call with the water dish. I have been paranoid about him aspirating.
Thank you for all the input!

10-28-2022, 01:39 AM

I have been caring for this baby boy since he was brought to me, eyes closed the night of September 19th, 2022, after falling from a tree in the Portland Metro area in Oregon. I started him on Esbilac puppy milk replacer (liquid) from a 1ml syringe as it was the only puppy milk I could find at 11pm that night, and I had yet to learn about that type potentially causing diarrhea, or starting with unflavored pediylte.

After a few days, I began feeding him the powder version of the Esbilac and at 1 week, eyes just opened, I started him on a strict feeding schedule of every 3 hours the same time every day with the amount of formula being based on 5% of his body weight and making sure his temp was between 99-101°F. I always hold him upright and the syringe horizontal, so that he doesn't have to tilt his head up, while keeping a close eye on his nostrils, making sure no fluid comes out or goes in. Also, I control the plunger as I'm aware babies are capable of sucking too fast for their own good. I typically pour his formula in a measuring shot glass and heat it 4-6 seconds in a microwave, getting it very warm but not so much that it's too hot for me to dip my finger in. I also stimulate him before and after each feeding.

As his poop improved, becoming more firm and less moist, I gradually increased his formula to 7% of his weight. On September 26th, he weighed in at 71g and was consistently eating his formula every 3 hours no more, no less than that feeding's milliliter goal.

On October 6th, he weighed in at 123g and was 2 days into eating from the 3ml Miracle Syringe and small nipple. I introduced him to .5g walnuts at his 10am feeding after coming up a mil short of his 8ml goal that feeding. At his 1pm feeding, he only accepted .5ml Esbilac and half a walnut. 2pm I introduced him to Fox Valley Day One 20/50 formula, where he only had 1ml. At his 4pm, he had 7.5ml Esbilac, and at 7pm met his 8ml goal; again, Esbilac. Sadly, at 10pm, he would not eat. The following few days, he ate somewhat consistently again, and on the 9th of October, weighing 151g, I gave him a 50/50 mix of Esbilac and Fox Valley and each day after increased the ratio of F.V. while reducing his formula feeding from 6 to 4 times a day and replacing the other time slots with nuts. His formula intake was becoming inconsistent again, and I would feed him a little more if possible to make up for the prior feeding, falling short of the goal.

At 186g, October 15th, he ate 14.5ml of an 80/20 Fox/Esb mix 3 different times, rejecting the formula the other 2 times. The following day, he gradually began wanting less formula and not hitting the feeding goals when he did accept it. On the 17th, he was given Fox Valley with no Esbilac. He only would eat at a few of the feedings and still not hit the mil goal. Two days later, I went back to Esbilac with no Fox Valley, but his eating cycles didn't improve. The 20th was an eventful day for him as he was introduced it Henry's Picky Blocks, fresh beets, lettuce, carrots, and strawberries. Unfortunately, he really only ate the Picky Blocks, though he'd nipple on carrots sometimes.

By October 26th, back on straight Fox Valley, he weighed 270g with a target goal of 19ml @ 7% body weight. He had 4.5ml at 10am, 10ml at 12:30pm, and 4ml at 8pm. It has been about a week now since he hit one of his mil goals at a feeding. I haven't noticed him eating many nuts either, and as I'm writing this, it's 12pm October 27th, and he's yet to eat any formula today. Peeing a lot less this week and more yellow than clear now. Still pooping solid brown and gaining a few grams in body weight each day. I have a water dish and hamster bottle in his cage that he doesn't touch, along with an abundance of nuts that he seems to be more interested in hiding than eating lately.

Since he's been refusing formula, I have regularly done pinch tests on his back and see his skin tenting longer than a couple seconds. I've tried giving him warm pediylte, but he rarely accepts any. For now, I plan on holding off on formula and just trying to get him to drink pediylte and see if he'll eat his 2 Picky Blocks for the day along with some nuts. Next, I will try the pediylte at room temperature and maybe even dilute it with filtered fridge or alkaline water.

I am, of course, concered for his health, so any advice or tips on how to get him to drink water on his would be great!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Apologize for it being so long; I just wanted to lay it all out in hopes to reduce Q&A.

What a sweetie. Looks a little like the little guy that fell out of the sky and landed in our front yard. He loves to run and bounce in his room. Hits the carpet and then hops right back on me. Thank God for the helpful, knowledgeable and kind people here. They have helped so many of us.