View Full Version : Saved a baby squirrel just like the rest of us

10-23-2022, 09:01 PM
Hello everyone, like the title says I found a baby squirrel, it's actually the second one I have found in a few years, the first died before I could really help it, this one was very small, eyes were just opened I believe

I put it in a box where I found it and waited 2 days, the mother never came back, i got it rehydrate, and started feeding with the goats milk formula while waiting for the formula to show up in the mail

As of now I have had it for a month, it's weened, eating solid foods, very active, very strong and it seems very healthy

The only real concern I have is it licks my hands constantly, which makes me think it's missing something in it's diet, I'm currently feeding it assorted nuts, a small amount of apple, oranges, bananas, etc once every few days as treats, it's drinking water just fine, I read that sunflower seeds are bad for them but others have said to feed them to it, so I'm just wondering what I should actually feed it

The goal is to rehabilitate it and release it but we are just starting winter in Oregon and I know it won't survive until spring

Any help is much appreciated

Thank you

10-23-2022, 11:06 PM
Hi! Thanks for caring for this baby. You have a tough road ahead of you. First off, do you know what kind of squirrel it is? I assume grey or foxer, but you know what they say about ASSuming . . .

Anyway, did the baby wean itself or did you gradually decrease formula? When humans are raising squirrels, the baby is given formula until it does not want it anymore. We don't wean them, but let them wean themselves. This may go into the 12th or even 14th week. Some squirrels enjoy a little formula their whole lives, but I digress.

What should have happened is that since your baby's eyes were open, you'd want to offer one of the rodent blocks that are available. If you ordered the formula from Henry's Healthy Pets, they have several varieties of block available. Someone else here can make a recommendation as to which flavors are best liked by babies. There is also Envigo Harlan Teklad, the name has changed a bit so I'm not sure what they call themselves now. Their products must be ordered online. Also there may be ethical issues with patronizing them, but you need proper food so I won't go into it. Another option is Mazuri Rat and Mouse Diet. It seems pretty easily available at feed stores nationwide, so if you have a feed store near you you might be able to get that one soonest. The downside of that one is it isn't especially well liked. BUT it is nutritionally complete.

Anyway, what is supposed to happen is that soon after their eyes are open and they are moving around a bit, their FIRST FOOD should be a rodent block. They will just shred it at first, then in time begin to actually eat it. When they are eating it well, veggies from the healthy food pyramid can be introduced. Then some fruits. Nuts are a huge no-no until the squirrel is eating all the healthy foods well, and when introduced should only be an occasional treat. BUT nuts are yummier than all the other things.

So you see you have an uphill battle. Your squirrel will not understand why it suddenly goes from eating "ice cream and candy" at every meal to not-so-yummy blocks and veggies. Also you want to keep offering formula as long as the baby will take it. As long as the baby is eating formula, you know it is getting all the nutrition it needs. Please check out the squirrel nutrition pyramid for acceptable foods. Hopefully you have already been giving it at least some of those and have found that your squirrel likes them. But block is key to keeping them healthy, especially as their consumption of formula decreases.

EDIT: I wan't sure it was there, but it is. If you click on the link in my signature, it takes you to the Baby Squirrel Care Guide from Henry's. The healthy food pyramid is in there, not sure which page. The "next" page button is at the top right of each page, so click until you get to that page. Lots of great info there to help you feed him/her properly.

Please if you can, post pics of your baby. We love pics, and the experts can assess things like age, health, gender, etc. from pics.


10-25-2022, 09:54 PM
Thanks for the reply, I believe from my research it's an oregon ground squirrel, it's brown, about 2/3rds the size of a Grey squirrel

It did ween itself and I have been feeding it fruits and veggies here and there, I was however unaware that those should make up the bulk of its diet so I will have to change that, I ordered some rodent blocks tonight from henrys healthy pets, it's pretty picky about the nuts and whatnot but less so about the fruits and veggies, what kind of seeds should I be getting?

10-25-2022, 10:31 PM
I believe from my research it's an oregon ground squirrel,

TSB has a forum specific to ground squirrels, one in particular is "Methods of Caring for Ground Squirrels" that should interest you.

10-26-2022, 06:10 AM
TSB has a forum specific to ground squirrels, one in particular is "Methods of Caring for Ground Squirrels" that should interest you.


Diggie's Friend
10-27-2022, 02:27 AM
From weaning on, the appropriate diet will depend upon which species of Ground squirrel the squirrel is.
Once you determine the species, look for the list of foods in their diet on the same webpage; then you will know which diets work for it, and which do not.

For example: the Golden Mantled ground squirrel of Oregon shares much the same diet and habits as that of chipmunks and rock squirrels..


Yet there other ground squirrel species with typically short tails for their body size, require hay and alfalfa for diets. This like is described for this species of ground squirrel.


Diggie's Friend
10-27-2022, 11:59 AM
From weaning on, the appropriate diet will depend upon which species of Ground squirrel the squirrel is.
Once you determine the species, look for the list of foods in their diet on the same webpage; then you will know which diets work for it, and which do not.

For example: the, "Golden Mantled ground squirrel" that is a native of Oregon, shares much the same diet and habits as that of chipmunks and rock squirrels..


Then there are other ground squirrel species with typically short tails (not climbers for their body size, that require hay and alfalfa based diets.

The Columbian Ground Squirrel is just one of the non climbing short tailed ground squirrel species indigenous to this region.

(Above corrected for grammar, format, and clarification)

Diet sources for ground squirrels with short tails: https://www.oxbowanimalhealth.com/product/botanical-hay/ https://www.oxbowanimalhealth.com/product/alfalfa/