View Full Version : Glad to have found y'all, I'm in over my head!

10-18-2022, 08:37 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm so glad I stumbled across this forum wile desperately googling ways to keep my new little squirrel friend comfortable. I'm way in over my head!

Sunday afternoon, my kiddo came and told me they found a squirrel that was dragging its back legs. I went out and, sure enough, a black squirrel seems to have fallen out of my neighbor's tree onto concrete.

I doubled up on gloves and scooped the little fella up and into one of our cat carriers, assuming I could just call a local rehab and take him in.

Long story short, I've been calling every rehab I can find for 3 days and the only one who has gotten back to me at all doesn't want him. (Her? Them?)

I could really use help and guidance. I would much prefer if a knowledgeable person could help the little guy, but if no one will take him I am going to do my absolute best.

Little dude is eating, drinking, and bathrooming which I feel like are all good signs. I had to move him to a different cat carrier today to clean the first one and he was trying to Tokyo drift around on those two good legs, so he's still got a lot of life and spunk. Does not react at all when I touch the tail or hind feet through the cage, so I think there's no feeling.

I'm hoping you wise folks can help me out! I really want to get the buddy some medical attention but I cannot afford a vet visit and no rehabbers will get back to me. What do I do?

Thanks so much,

(Well meaning but overwhelmed)

10-18-2022, 11:23 PM
Hi! Thanks for caring. In my signature is a link to the Care of Baby Squirrels info, six pages long, with the "next" button at the top right of each page. You are probably past a lot of that info, but you may be able to age your squirrel from the pics there. A lot of seemingly hopeless paralysis cases have been helped tremendously with prednisone. Can you get any of that? I believe time is of the essence for best success with that. Hopefully one of the experts will see this thread and advise you asap. For now, you can:

1)Try to get a weight on the squirrel in grams. If any meds are indicated, they will be dosed by weight.

2)Get some Esbilac POWDERED puppy formula if you haven't yet. (What has he been eating while with you?) A local pet shop should have it. The formula will provide all nutrition necessary so if he's eating that he will be getting what he needs to grow, thrive, and heal.

3)Check out Henry's site and order what you think you'll need to keep him going--

Fox Valley 20/50 formula if you weren't able to get Esbilac,

Blocks (someone who uses them will hopefully advise you on the best options for baby)

4)See if you can get hold of a pill or two of prednisone so an expert can dose it for you to start helping with the paralysis

Post with any details of his care and behavior. Even something that may seem insignificant may be important. Also if you can post pics, that will be valuable for them to assess and assist.


10-19-2022, 06:49 AM
Is this an adult squirrel?

The very best thing would be to get them started on steroid treatment... prednisone, prednisilone or dexamethasone... if you can get a pill or a few. We can help dose with the name and strength of the medication you may be able to locate adn the weight of the squirrel. This is their first / best chance of making any recovery.

Share which of Michigan are you are located will give a better chance of locating help for you both.

10-19-2022, 08:15 AM
Not knowing where in Michigan you are, and I know you say you can’t afford a vet, I’m going to post the name of a vet in Michigan that sees squirrels. Maybe they’ll help with guidance. St. Francis Animal Hospital, Dr. Marilyn Kedzierski, 45505 Garfield, Macomb, MI 586-228-8387.

Depending on your location another option might be Herrick Wildlife Rescue in Herrick, IL. 618-428-5266 or 217-825-7040.

As Spanky said a steroid is his best option and can work wonders.