View Full Version : New squirrel mom

10-03-2022, 01:19 PM
Hello there I am new to being a squirrel mom I have a boy and girl from same litter and was wondering if you could give me any advice on anything and everything. They seem to be about 5 weeks they have all their hair and look pretty healthy. The female -Wilma-opened her eyes up two days ago and the male -Fred-already had his open. We had hurricane Ian come through on Wednesday and I found them the next day I left them at the base of the tree but no mom showed up and we found two more on the roof that didn’t make it. I have been giving them esbilac formula in an eye dropper until i get my delivery on Friday with the nipple and syringe. I fed them every 4 hours except at night I wait until morning feeding. They seem hydrated also they have been peeing by themselves sometimes I stimulate them to pee if they haven’t yet. I have gotten them to poop every day but only once a day so far. Any information would be greatly appreciated. FYI they are grey squirrels.

10-03-2022, 01:27 PM
Here’s a picture of Fred and Wilma

10-03-2022, 01:34 PM
Hi! Sounds like you are doing well so far. In my signature is a link to the Baby Squirrel Care guide. It is 6 pages but a quick read. To go to the next page click "next" in upper right of each page. If you still have any questions, please post them here. Also what are you keeping them in, and if possible post pics. We love pics!

Just be careful with the eye dropper, and hold babies so the dropper is angling up and they are above it if that makes sense. You don't want them on their backs like a human infant. There are videos on here of the proper way. The eye dropper may be a bit challenging but sounds like you are managing it. The big concern is them aspirating formula.

Thank you for caring for these babies in the midst of all you are dealing with down there.

10-04-2022, 10:16 PM
Thank you very much for the website very informative. Couple of questions both Fred and Wilma pee by themselves and I have found small poops in towels but they only seem to poop once a day and Fred didn’t poop today. I stimulate them after feeding and they are peeing great but didn’t know if I should be concerned about the pooping. They eat great and belly’s don’t seem bloated. Any advice
Also when I fed Fred is chewing on the eye dropper and is ruining it. I think he has both top and bottom set of teeth but I think Wilma only has one set. Should I introduce solid foods and if so vegetables? Thanks for the guidance

10-04-2022, 11:02 PM
Thank you very much for the website very informative. Couple of questions both Fred and Wilma pee by themselves and I have found small poops in towels but they only seem to poop once a day and Fred didn’t poop today. I stimulate them after feeding and they are peeing great but didn’t know if I should be concerned about the pooping. They eat great and belly’s don’t seem bloated. Any advice
Also when I fed Fred is chewing on the eye dropper and is ruining it. I think he has both top and bottom set of teeth but I think Wilma only has one set. Should I introduce solid foods and if so vegetables? Thanks for the guidance

Baby's eyes normally open at 5 weeks. Trauma could cause them to open early but your babies appear at the right age

Do you know their weights? They should be taking formula between 5-7% of their body weight. They look healthy but maybe not eating enough could explain the lack of poop.
Knowing their weights is essential. Beside knowing how much to properly feed, if they were to need medication all medications are dosed according to body weight.

The first solid food babies should be introduced to is a good quality rodent block. They should be eating that and eating it well before other solids are introduced.
A good quality rodent block contains the essential nutrients needed and is babies protection from developing mbd once they wean off formula. We do not recommend weaning,
we allow babies to wean themselves when ready.

10-05-2022, 08:13 AM
I have ordered the Henry health blocks and they should be in this weekend. Should I go ahead and introduce to them when I get them and is there any restrictions on how much they should eat of it or I should give them. I plan on still giving them the esbilac formula every 4 hours during the day until they wean off of it. I will weight them this evening and see how much they weight and let you know so I can make sure I am feeding them enough. Thanks for the information
By the way they both peed and pooped this morning during feeding

10-05-2022, 08:44 AM
OMG they are so adorable! Thanks for sharing the pics. Best of luck with the little guys. I hope everything turns out all right!

10-05-2022, 07:13 PM
So I weighed them Wilma is 4oz and Fred is 4.3oz. So by math 6 cc and 6.8cc if I do 5% body weight. Correct? Also I got my Henry healthy blocks today. It says freeze immediately so it’s probably been 6-8 hours before I got home to do that are they still ok? Also how long do they last in a pen if they don’t eat them? I would like to introduce the healthy blocks to them but didn’t know when they need to be taken out of pen if not eaten. Thanks Again