View Full Version : Miracle O-Ring Syringe

09-26-2022, 03:06 PM
I haven’t been using the 3cc miracle syringe that came with the miracle nipple, because Lucy prefers the elongated nipples from Henry’s and they are much harder to get on the luer lock syringe.

Today I used it for the first time and even though I was holding back the plunger, it is SOO slippery that she aspirated twice! Has anyone else experienced this? I’ve been using the 3cc o-ring syringes from Henry’s with ZERO issues.

Just curious. Really scary, and unsafe and I THREW IT OUT! 😳

09-26-2022, 06:55 PM
I have one miracle syringe that does that. The others are fine. I prefer the orange syringes because they seem a little stiffer but they last forever. So to answer yes I have but I have it marked and only use it if that’s all I have.

09-27-2022, 11:15 PM
Thanks for your reply! 🤗 I have definitely noticed the same thing with the orange vs clear versions of the 1cc syringes. (I’m waiting on a bunch of 3cc ones to arrive) I wonder why? Scared the crap out of me! I hope this isn’t a common occurrence! Cause the miracle syringes are recommended CONSTANTLY. I’m not losing my babygirl to something like this!!! No way no how