View Full Version : Adult bleeding from anus
09-17-2022, 02:15 PM
We have had Johnny since he was about two week old. He was born Jan 2017. About two weeks ago we noticed lethargy, not eating with orange/yellow soft stools. We tried Pepto. The stools turned bloody. We read through the forums and thought it was coccidiosis and treated with Panazuril. He seemed to perk up a bit for a short time (about a day) and ate a couple Cheerios. It’s all we could get him to eat. Since then his stools have turned completely to bloody chunks. The bloody pieces and fur made a crust over his anus. We used Bach to calm him and clean him. The area is bare of fur. There was also bloody pus coming from (I think) his scrotum. We used 15% peroxide and have been using silver sulfadiazine cream on the area. He has stopped eating. He has continued to drink through it all but not his normal amount. His anus is swollen and his testicles have gone back into his body. I’ve read that is normal but he has never done that before. He has lost about half his weight (about 1.5 lbs) and his respiration and pulse have slowed. His diet hasn’t changed. It’s is a healthy diet. At times he squats funny. He is still urinating. Thank you for any help you can give. We can send a picture but I do not know how to attach it.
09-17-2022, 03:20 PM
I think I figured out how to attach an image. Let's hope so.
09-17-2022, 03:21 PM
View from the side.
09-17-2022, 09:15 PM
Hi JS: I'm so sorry about Johnny's condition and current status. You don't need anyone to tell you that what is going on is extremely concerning and probably quite serious. If you have noticed pus, this is as good a bit of evidence as any could be indicating that Johnny has an infection. Further, bleeding from the rectum can be caused by quite a number of conditions including infection, parasites, tumors, blood vessel problems within the intestine and a number of other causes. The fact that the blood is bright red as opposed to dark or black suggest that the site of the bleeding is most likely the large bowel or rectum and not further up the digestive tract such as the stomach. Significant loss of blood can result in anemia (not enough red blood cells), loss of intravascular volume (fluid in the circulatory system) and if it persists or worsens can result in shock. Are you able to give Johnny some Pedialyte or one of the other similar Rehydrating Solutions. I would recommend giving him with a syringe and nipple just as if he were a baby. You can use 5% of his weight as a goal for the number of milliliters of Pedialyte to use give. Pedialye and similar rehydraing solutions contain relatively high concentrations of electrolyte sch as sodium and they help replenish the intravascular volume far better that plain water but Johnny should also get some plain water and it sounds as if he does. Be very careful to prevent aspiration when feeding the Pedialyte. Johnny is still drinking water and that is fine. Does he have actual diarrhea (watery stool) or is this blood only?
Also, do you have any antibiotics available. Only 1 or 2 tablets is all that is needed. Please post Johnny's weight and what antibiotics you have available and the strength of the tablet or capsule. One of the Admins can give you a plan for diluting your antibiotic along with dosing amount and frequency. My post will also "bump" your thread back toward the "front of the line."
I am very concerned about Johnny and I strongly believe that he must be seen by a Veterinarian immediately! I know full well that this is far easier for me to say than for you to make happen but if it is possible, I would like to encourage you to bring Johnny to a Vet ASAP. I don't know who to suggest and not all Vets will see Squirrels. It is also sometimes very dicey with whether or not they might just confiscate or euthanize your Squirrel simply because in most States, Squirrels are considered wild-life and it is illegal to keep them. Again, what you are describing sound very worrisome. My very best wishes go out to Johnny and to you too!
09-18-2022, 08:23 AM
Thank you for your concern. Johnny has been drinking juices, too. I will start him on the Pedialyte. He is not having a lot of blood loss, just little bits and pieces, but any is concerning. Instead of his “pebbles”, he is passing little pieces of bloody “stuff” …maybe w/ some mucus in it? I’m not sure if it’s stool or not? He is not having diarrhea, only the bloody stuff. Over a two week period, he has only eaten 2-3 cheerios, 1 corn kernel, ½” square of tortilla, and ½” square of saltine cracker. He won’t eat any of his normal food. It sounds funny, but I’m not quite sure what was coming from where. I only saw the pus when I was able to remove the crusted hunk from over his bottom. When I was able to get that loose, his bottom looked like flesh (not skin), and there was pus-looking goup and blood. However, after treating it that night, and seeing it again the next morning, it was clear skin was covering the area…so I suspect it was just raw and getting that junk off and treating it with the cream soothed it and calmed it down. So I’m not sure if there was an actual opening where pus was coming from (if it was pus at all?) or if it was just junk trapped under that crust and rotting. This “crust” was covering his anus out to the edges of his bottom and up onto his scrotum, so it was a substantial area. I treated him with the Panazuril twice, and then treated w/ a round of Panacur. The silver sulfadiazine cream I was putting on is supposed to deal w/ infection, but maybe not enough? Normally he gets his water from a water bottle, but I could tell he has been frustrated w/ it and I didn’t understand why. I finally got him a dish to drink out of and he drank and drank and drank. I’m not sure if he’s moving too slow to get out the amount of water he’s wanting or just weak enough he doesn’t want to lick the ball? I don’t know, but at least he’s drinking his normal amount again! It is also confusing to me that this happened so fast. He was acting perfectly fine one day, the next evening, he was acting strange. Each night, I give him some treat when I tell him goodnight…a few cheerios, or some other treat. He wouldn’t eat them (which is unheard of) and acted strange the whole next day. That’s when he got the orangish soft stool. The blood started the next day and it’s been downhill from there. He does have more energy now that his bottom is clean, but he’s obviously not himself, and I still haven’t seen normal stool since.
As far as antibiotics, we have:
Noromycin 300 LA (oxytetracycline injection) – injectable for cattle
Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfates and Bacitracin Zinc Ophthalmic Ointment, USP – eye ointment
(Neomycin Sulfate-equivalent to 3.5mg neomycin base, Polymyxin B Sulfate-equivalent to 10,000 polymyxin B units, and Bacitracin Zinc-equivalent to 400 bacitracin units)
Gentamicin Sulfate Ophthalmic Solution, USP 0.3% (equivalent to 3 mg Gentamicin) - eyedrops
Amoxicillin 500mg capsules (I have 4 of these)
I have an old bottle (from 8/16/2019) of Griseofulun 100mg/mL (I have no idea what this is – antibiotic or something else? )...and I might have the wrong name for it even…it’s handwritten, and a little hard to decipher.
Johnny is .7kg now. (1/2 pounds). He is 5 ½ yrs old and is not used to getting pushed around. Another problem would be how to manage getting something in him that he doesn’t want to be in him. I was only able to give him the Bach’s Rescue Remedy once, b/c after that he decided he wouldn’t take it…even in juice, which is how I finally got it in him the first time. Ever since, he’s just let me treat his bottom (as long as I am continually performing the necessary and required chin-rub at the same time – this has been a bit of obsession for him since baby-hood), but he does not let me give him something orally that he doesn’t wish to take.
I don’t know whether we’re allowed to have squirrels here or not. We just helped him b/c his Mama was killed. He got imprinted to my daughter and I and attacks any other humans…we don’t know what else to do but keep him b/c he attacks people and is very attached to us. Most of his life, he has even slept in the bed w/ one of us. We used to take him outside, but he kept taking it harder and harder and would run back to the house. The last time we tried it, he panicked and was running into things. The poor thing thinks he’s one of us. We’ve showed him other squirrels and he makes warning noises at them. Maybe someone else knows what to do in a situation like this, but we didn’t. He does have a cage in the house, and now that he’s grown, we only let him out supervised, but he gets plenty of exercise and attention. He’s attached to us severely enough that we have to “wean” him from us when we go on a trip so he will eat when we’re gone (learned this the hard way!). When my daughter left for three weeks, he dug through all the dresses of hers he could find looking for her – I nearly cried for him! We have rehabilitated other baby squirrels that have lost their mother, but we released them b/c we were able to.
Thank you for your help!
09-18-2022, 09:59 AM
Hi JS: I'm so sorry about Johnny's condition and current status. You don't need anyone to tell you that what is going on is extremely concerning and probably quite serious. If you have noticed pus, this is as good a bit of evidence as any could be indicating that Johnny has an infection. Further, bleeding from the rectum can be caused by quite a number of conditions including infection, parasites, tumors, blood vessel problems within the intestine and a number of other causes. The fact that the blood is bright red as opposed to dark or black suggest that the site of the bleeding is most likely the large bowel or rectum and not further up the digestive tract such as the stomach. Significant loss of blood can result in anemia (not enough red blood cells), loss of intravascular volume (fluid in the circulatory system) and if it persists or worsens can result in shock. Are you able to give Johnny some Pedialyte or one of the other similar Rehydrating Solutions. I would recommend giving him with a syringe and nipple just as if he were a baby. You can use 5% of his weight as a goal for the number of milliliters of Pedialyte to use give. Pedialye and similar rehydraing solutions contain relatively high concentrations of electrolyte sch as sodium and they help replenish the intravascular volume far better that plain water but Johnny should also get some plain water and it sounds as if he does. Be very careful to prevent aspiration when feeding the Pedialyte. Johnny is still drinking water and that is fine. Does he have actual diarrhea (watery stool) or is this blood only?
Also, do you have any antibiotics available. Only 1 or 2 tablets is all that is needed. Please post Johnny's weight and what antibiotics you have available and the strength of the tablet or capsule. One of the Admins can give you a plan for diluting your antibiotic along with dosing amount and frequency. My post will also "bump" your thread back toward the "front of the line."
I am very concerned about Johnny and I strongly believe that he must be seen by a Veterinarian immediately! I know full well that this is far easier for me to say than for you to make happen but if it is possible, I would like to encourage you to bring Johnny to a Vet ASAP. I don't know who to suggest and not all Vets will see Squirrels. It is also sometimes very dicey with whether or not they might just confiscate or euthanize your Squirrel simply because in most States, Squirrels are considered wild-life and it is illegal to keep them. Again, what you are describing sound very worrisome. My very best wishes go out to Johnny and to you too!
It occurred to me that maybe I should have replied with the quote option. Maybe that will flag you? Thanks again.
09-18-2022, 12:33 PM
It occurred to me that maybe I should have replied with the quote option. Maybe that will flag you? Thanks again.
Hi again JS:
I have been at work and have had very limited time and limited internet access. I just noticed that you are in Texas. Without divulging your address, are you reasonably close to Dallas? I have two suggestions for Squirrel friendly Veterinarians in the Dallas area.
One is Texas Avian and Exotic Hospital in Grapevine ( Unfortunately, they often have a long wait time for appointments. Also, a caution if you decide to call them or go to their website; while they will see Squirrels at their clinic, they have an emergency facility associated with them but I know that this emergency facility will confiscate your Squirrel.
The other facility is one I recently found out about when I recommended TA & E to another Squirrel Board member and she found that there was a two week wait there (not unusual!) and she contacted another facility in Dallas called Summertree Animal & Bird Clinic ( Since then, (recently), I have referred another Squirrel Board Member to Summertree and the Squirrel was also seen very expeditiously and the treatment was quite appropriate and all was done with expertise! Both Members had their Squirrels seen expeditiously and the Vet and clinic seemed quite experienced and comfortable with Squirrels! Here is a link to Moby's thread. ( Moby was the most recent Squirrel to be seen at Summertree.
In regards to the antibiotics; if Johnny could be seen tomorrow at Summertree, it would probably be best to simply hold off on the antibiotics based upon what you have available. I would not recommend ever giving the combination eye drops orally! Neomycin and Gentamycin are in the aminoglycoside family of antibiotics and while a medication in that family might possibly beneficial (remember, if that was pus that you saw, it strongly suggests an active infection but we do not what is infected or the nature of the infection if it does exist at all), but Aminoglycosides have very significant risks for adverse effects and have a relative high likelihood (especially neomycin) for provoking allergic reactions. Griseofulvin is an antifungal medication. Noromycin is in the tetracycline family of antibiotics as is a common on for use in rodents called Doxycycline. Your preparation is for cattle and is a very high concentration. I don't know how old this medication is either, but there are concerns and potential risks for using true tetracycline beyond its expiration date. Further, I am not aware of any documentation of use of Noromycin (oxytetracycline) for treating rodents. The amoxicillin is safe and there is a vast experiential database supporting its relative safety for its use in rodents but it is not a drug of choice for a pus producing infection.
One of the relatively common intestinal problems that I didn't mention specifically in my first post to you is a colitis which is an basically an inflammation of the colon which is the large bowel. There are a number of different types and causes for a colitis but this is also a possibility.
Hopefully, Johnny can be seen by a Vet tomorrow! It is definitely a good sign that he is drinking! There may be a problem with the water bottle that made it difficult or impossible for Johnny to utilize it. Here is another link that deals with some concerns and some of my recommendations for use of water bottles: (
Please let us know whether or not a trip to the Dallas area might be feasible for you and also please keep on with the updates on Johnny's condition and status.
09-18-2022, 12:58 PM
Hi again JS:
I have been at work and have had very limited time and limited internet access. I just noticed that you are in Texas. Without divulging your address, are you reasonably close to Dallas? I have two suggestions for Squirrel friendly Veterinarians in the Dallas area.
One is Texas Avian and Exotic Hospital in Grapevine ( Unfortunately, they often have a long wait time for appointments. Also, a caution if you decide to call them or go to their website; while they will see Squirrels at their clinic, they have an emergency facility associated with them but I know that this emergency facility will confiscate your Squirrel.
The other facility is one I recently found out about when I recommended TA & E to another Squirrel Board member and she found that there was a two week wait there (not unusual!) and she contacted another facility in Dallas called Summertree Animal & Bird Clinic ( Since then, (recently), I have referred another Squirrel Board Member to Summertree and the Squirrel was also seen very expeditiously and the treatment was quite appropriate and all was done with expertise! Both Members had their Squirrels seen expeditiously and the Vet and clinic seemed quite experienced and comfortable with Squirrels! Here is a link to Moby's thread. ( Moby was the most recent Squirrel to be seen at Summertree.
In regards to the antibiotics; if Johnny could be seen tomorrow at Summertree, it would probably be best to simply hold off on the antibiotics based upon what you have available. I would not recommend ever giving the combination eye drops orally! Neomycin and Gentamycin are in the aminoglycoside family of antibiotics and while a medication in that family might possibly beneficial (remember, if that was pus that you saw, it strongly suggests an active infection but we do not what is infected or the nature of the infection if it does exist at all), but Aminoglycosides have very significant risks for adverse effects and have a relative high likelihood (especially neomycin) for provoking allergic reactions. Griseofulvin is an antifungal medication. Noromycin is in the tetracycline family of antibiotics as is a common on for use in rodents called Doxycycline. Your preparation is for cattle and is a very high concentration. I don't know how old this medication is either, but there are concerns and potential risks for using true tetracycline beyond its expiration date. Further, I am not aware of any documentation of use of Noromycin (oxytetracycline) for treating rodents. The amoxicillin is safe and there is a vast experiential database supporting its relative safety for its use in rodents but it is not a drug of choice for a pus producing infection.
One of the relatively common intestinal problems that I didn't mention specifically in my first post to you is a colitis which is an basically an inflammation of the colon which is the large bowel. There are a number of different types and causes for a colitis but this is also a possibility.
Hopefully, Johnny can be seen by a Vet tomorrow! It is definitely a good sign that he is drinking! There may be a problem with the water bottle that made it difficult or impossible for Johnny to utilize it. Here is another link that deals with some concerns and some of my recommendations for use of water bottles: (
Please let us know whether or not a trip to the Dallas area might be feasible for you and also please keep on with the updates on Johnny's condition and status.
I have a squirrel friendly vet in central Texas if needed!
09-18-2022, 09:42 PM
I have a squirrel friendly vet in central Texas if needed!
Hi Tiniest:
Thanks! Would you be willing to post the name of this Vet? It could be very helpful for Squirrelers in Texas!
09-18-2022, 09:43 PM
Hi JS:
How is Johnny doing? Updates?
Diggie's Friend
09-18-2022, 10:23 PM
Better not to post the name of the vet or the veterinary in a State that isn't legal for vets to care for squirrel save it is a vet that works with lic. rehabbers. Instead, send the name of vet or veterinary to the Adm. via PM. Thank you.
09-18-2022, 10:58 PM
Hi JS:
How is Johnny doing? Updates?
He has more energy. He's eating a little bit. His stool is barely any blood and is yellow mucous looking stuff. He is currently curled up in my bed for the night. I will call the vet (Summertree) tomorrow. Thank you!
09-18-2022, 11:45 PM
Better not to post the name of the vet or the veterinary in a State that isn't legal for vets to care for squirrel save it is a vet that works with lic. rehabbers. Instead, send the name of vet or veterinary to the Adm. via PM. Thank you.
Hi DF:
I have sent a PM to you and to IR about this because you have presented several concerns that I think should be discussed and decided. Thanks!
For the record; however, it is NOT illegal for Veterinarians to treat wildlife in Texas or in any State that I know of. Texas Law states the following but other States have similar laws: "Licensed veterinarians may hold, possess, and transport protected wildlife to provide emergency medical care or stabilization care for periods of up to 48 hours, after which time the wildlife must be transferred to a permitted rehabilitator." The law doesn't state that all wildlife must be turned over to a Rehabber or that only Veterinarians formally associated with a Rehabber can treat wildlife. The only requirement for a Veterinarian needing to interact with a Rehabber is a time constraint of 48 hours after which the Veterinarian must turn over possession of the wildlife to a Rehabber.
09-19-2022, 01:07 AM
He has more energy. He's eating a little bit. His stool is barely any blood and is yellow mucous looking stuff. He is currently curled up in my bed for the night. I will call the vet (Summertree) tomorrow. Thank you!
Great! Those are good signs! Please let us know how things went with your contacting the Vet tomorrow.
09-19-2022, 03:21 PM
Great! Those are good signs! Please let us know how things went with your contacting the Vet tomorrow.
Hello again! Johnny has been to ST and they were very kind. He had to be sedated. He is down to 1/3 of his normal weight. They were not sure what the problem was but gave us a strong antibiotic, an anti-diarrhea and a hunger stimulator. Oh and a probiotic for after the antibiotic is over. We declined blood work because of expense but it would have told us if his kidneys are shutting down or if we needed a stronger antibiotic. Our plan of action is to treat him and feed him. :) if it doesn’t work we can get the stronger antibiotic. And if it is his kidneys we will know soon enough. There was nothing that could be done for that.
09-19-2022, 03:48 PM
Hello again! Johnny has been to ST and they were very kind. He had to be sedated. He is down to 1/3 of his normal weight. They were not sure what the problem was but gave us a strong antibiotic, an anti-diarrhea and a hunger stimulator. Oh and a probiotic for after the antibiotic is over. We declined blood work because of expense but it would have told us if his kidneys are shutting down or if we needed a stronger antibiotic. Our plan of action is to treat him and feed him. :) if it doesn’t work we can get the stronger antibiotic. And if it is his kidneys we will know soon enough. There was nothing that could be done for that.
Thanks you for the update on Johnny! Please verify that you did get Johnny started on an antibiotic and if you would, please tell us the name of the particular antibiotic. I'm glad that you had what sounded like a very competent and caring visit there at SummerTree!
Little Johnny Squirrel, I wish you the very best for a speedy recovery, Little One!
09-19-2022, 10:45 PM
Thanks you for the update on Johnny! Please verify that you did get Johnny started on an antibiotic and if you would, please tell us the name of the particular antibiotic. I'm glad that you had what sounded like a very competent and caring visit there at SummerTree!
Little Johnny Squirrel, I wish you the very best for a speedy recovery, Little One!
Yes, we did get an antibiotic. I had all the info typed up and I was redirected to the log in screen and lost it all. I'll add it when I get another free moment. We also have an appetite stimulant and probiotic for after the antibiotic if finished. However, we cannot get him to take it. Any tips?
09-19-2022, 11:06 PM
Yes, we did get an antibiotic. I had all the info typed up and I was redirected to the log in screen and lost it all. I'll add it when I get another free moment. We also have an appetite stimulant and probiotic for after the antibiotic if finished. However, we cannot get him to take it. Any tips?
What of this are you unable to get Johnny to take?
09-20-2022, 10:08 AM
What of this are you unable to get Johnny to take?
All of the medications are liquid. We are trying to get the appetite stimulant down him and hoping that will make getting the others down easier. We may have been able to get a fraction of the stimulant down. We tried rubbing his chin to relax him and tried to sneak it in. I know it got on him...I hope some got in him. We were able to get the other meds down with juice but now he has caught on and will not take any juice. We have tried various treats and that is not working.
09-20-2022, 10:17 AM
The best way to administer meds is to wrap him in a blanket burrito style and squirt the meds towards the side of his mouth not the back of his throat, that way you won’t choke him. It might require two people to effectively do this. Also stick the tip of the syringe in honey or agave (or nut butter) so that is the first thing he tastes. It’s always best to give the medicine straight and not mixed in anything that way you can be sure the complete dose was taken.
09-20-2022, 12:15 PM
The best way to administer meds is to wrap him in a blanket burrito style and squirt the meds towards the side of his mouth not the back of his throat, that way you won’t choke him. It might require two people to effectively do this. Also stick the tip of the syringe in honey or agave (or nut butter) so that is the first thing he tastes. It’s always best to give the medicine straight and not mixed in anything that way you can be sure the complete dose was taken.
One dose of antibiotic down!!! The vet called to check on Johnny and suggested the same thing. We will try to do the honey or nut butter with the next time.
09-20-2022, 12:35 PM
Hi Tiniest:
Thanks! Would you be willing to post the name of this Vet? It could be very helpful for Squirrelers in Texas!
Yes of course, it’s Dr Martin at Apollo Vet in wimberly texas.
Very reasonably priced and she and her team spent an hour calling pharmacies to get the meds made to her specifications. It ended up needing to be compounded but she gave a subq shot of baytril immediately.
09-20-2022, 08:03 PM
All of the medications are liquid. We are trying to get the appetite stimulant down him and hoping that will make getting the others down easier. We may have been able to get a fraction of the stimulant down. We tried rubbing his chin to relax him and tried to sneak it in. I know it got on him...I hope some got in him. We were able to get the other meds down with juice but now he has caught on and will not take any juice. We have tried various treats and that is not working.
Would you please list the names of each of the medications Johnny was prescribed.
09-20-2022, 10:47 PM
One dose of antibiotic down!!! The vet called to check on Johnny and suggested the same thing. We will try to do the honey or nut butter with the next time.
SummerTree near Dallas seems to be a great Veterinary facility for Squirrels! They seem knowledgeable, competent and concerned and they do NOT play like they are "Game Wardens!" What more could we ask! This is the third relatively recent excellent experience with this clinic! I'm glad you took Johnny to ST! Please keep on with the progress reports! By the way, did you get the issue with Johnny's problem with drinking from a water bottle identified and resolved?
Thanks and regards,
09-21-2022, 11:12 AM
SummerTree near Dallas seems to be a great Veterinary facility for Squirrels! They seem knowledgeable, competent and concerned and they do NOT play like they are "Game Wardens!" What more could we ask! This is the third relatively recent excellent experience with this clinic! I'm glad you took Johnny to ST! Please keep on with the progress reports! By the way, did you get the issue with Johnny's problem with drinking from a water bottle identified and resolved?
Thanks and regards,
Sorry I've been a bit scatter brained lately. Here is a full update. The treatment plan:
Probably some sort of infection, since she was able to rule out other causes. She said it could be his liver or kidneys shutting down, in which case, the antibiotic wouldn’t work, and he wouldn’t make it. First, try this antibiotic, if that doesn’t work, try a stronger one next, if that doesn’t work, there’s not much to do for him. I’m saying let’s go for the first of those!
Metronidazole 52.5mg/mL w/ strawberry flavoring (apparently, it’s bitter) - .1mL twice daily for 10 days (must be refrigerated)
Entyce appetite stimulant - .04 mL once daily (this is literally a drop) (causes excessive drooling – usually in about 1 hr)
Bene-Bac Plus Pet Gel in a 15 gram syringe – probiotic to build up his gut after the antibiotic – a pea sized amount once daily
I had trouble figuring out how to get it in to begin w/ but have gotten 3 doses in so far! 😊
The vet also said ANYTHING you can do to get him to eat, and give him ANYTHING he will eat, she doesn’t care what at this point, just as long as we get something in him. He had the germ out of a few corn kernels before the vet, but only one bite of a raspberry since. We’re still trying…we haven’t managed to get the appetite stimulant in yet…hope to get it in today.
Hope this helps others!
09-21-2022, 11:39 AM
Sorry I've been a bit scatter brained lately. Here is a full update. The treatment plan:
Probably some sort of infection, since she was able to rule out other causes. She said it could be his liver or kidneys shutting down, in which case, the antibiotic wouldn’t work, and he wouldn’t make it. First, try this antibiotic, if that doesn’t work, try a stronger one next, if that doesn’t work, there’s not much to do for him. I’m saying let’s go for the first of those!
Metronidazole 52.5mg/mL w/ strawberry flavoring (apparently, it’s bitter) - .1mL twice daily for 10 days (must be refrigerated)
Entyce appetite stimulant - .04 mL once daily (this is literally a drop) (causes excessive drooling – usually in about 1 hr)
Bene-Bac Plus Pet Gel in a 15 gram syringe – probiotic to build up his gut after the antibiotic – a pea sized amount once daily
I had trouble figuring out how to get it in to begin w/ but have gotten 3 doses in so far! 😊
The vet also said ANYTHING you can do to get him to eat, and give him ANYTHING he will eat, she doesn’t care what at this point, just as long as we get something in him. He had the germ out of a few corn kernels before the vet, but only one bite of a raspberry since. We’re still trying…we haven’t managed to get the appetite stimulant in yet…hope to get it in today.
Hope this helps others!
Thanks! My hopes and thoughts are with you and for you Little Johnny!
09-21-2022, 12:19 PM
Bene-Bac Plus Pet Gel in a 15 gram syringe – probiotic to build up his gut after the antibiotic – a pea sized amount once daily
Consider giving the Bene-Bac twice daily... a couple hours after each antibiotic dose. I'd try offer food an hour or two after the Bene-Bac cince his tummy will be upset by the antibiotic and the Bena-Bac will help relieve that discomfort...
Diggie's Friend
09-21-2022, 05:20 PM
I thought to share with you that there have been squirrels over the years here that haveve presented with similar bleeding with bits of insect parts from having eaten an insect with a larger hard carapace (outer shell) made of chitin; which when chewed into smaller parts which abrade the lining of the intestines causing bleeding as they pass through and out the rectum. Yet, since you have no way to confirm the cause presently, i encourage you to have your boy seen by a recommend/confirmed squirrel friendly veterinarian, who can check him out with an x ray and physical, and perhaps do a blood tests also.
As for his not eating presently, since he's not on the thinner side; as long as you can get liquid nutrition into him like plain organic yogurt with a few droplets of a source like organic raw agave syrup (low glycemic doesn't spike blood sugar) to support hydrating him and keeping his blood sugar up.
A little known fact about Fox Squirrels, is that once they've put on sufficient fat reserves in the fall, they have been found to fast up to two weeks during the coldest spells in winter to conserve their fat stores with no ill effects.
If he refuses to eat from a feeding syringe, wrap him up, 'burrito style' in a micro fleece throw and secure him on his back with his back feet up so he has no traction to get away. Also, keep his upper body elevated to where his head is level to support ease of feeding. Insert the tip of the syringe with the yogurt agave syrup mixture in through his lip behind the incisors at a 45 degree angle to the side of his face and also angled down at a 45 degree angle; yet not so far in that it presses on his tongue. Push just a bit of the mixture at a time to allow him to swallow it down fully. Should he grab the syringe to nurse, just keep the syringe tip angle up below his mouth not aimed at the back of his throat. If he takes it willingly then you can add a small Teaspoon fractions of Calcium citrate powder, with (1/32 Tsp.) added to each meal fed AM and PM. If he accepts the yogurt mixture, you can add cooked oatmeal to the mixture to place in a dish for him to eat.
To this you can add calcium citrate powder to support of a healthy positive Calcium to Phosphorus ratio for a temporary diet till he is block eating his block again. You an even factor in a small specific measure of ground organic walnut to support a temporary source of nutrition with a positive Calcium to Phosphorus ratio till he recovers to where he is again eating his block diet. I've used this myself in caring for a fox squirrel, and would be glad to lend what help as I can to do the same. Organic baked butternut squash massed and mixed in with the mixture is also a very healthy source to support a squirrel short-term that is not presently eating the block diet due to injury or illness. If you would like help with the temporary diet, just PM me.
Organic cooked oatmeal is also a good source for a tender gut for it contains (Beta glucan) which sooths the lining of the intestines. It also is a healthy source of fiber and carbs. It's opposite, gluten, Corn gluten is often listed as the first ingredient in some brands of rodent block. It is also it is notably high in content in corn chips. Because the chips are compressed, if he ate any prior to the bleeding occurring, they may have contributed to abrasion of the lining of his intestines. In any case, it is advisable to stop feeding the chips altogether, as corn gluten very high in ratio to calcium. Wheat protein isolate is another source of high gluten content. Gluten in rats has been found to be highly inflammatory to the lining of the intestines, and to the pancreas.
"Pure Bulk" Pure Calcium citrate powder made in the US with third party testing.
For mini measuring spoon set to support this measure:
Diggie's Friend
09-21-2022, 06:39 PM
Oh, I missed the part where you took your boy to the vet. Hope he will be soon be on the mend.
09-22-2022, 12:45 PM
Oh, I missed the part where you took your boy to the vet. Hope he will be soon be on the mend.
Thank you for your suggestions. We have gotten some appetite stimulant down in the same syringe as the antibiotic and this morning he ate a couple bites off the pellet we gave him, and it is taking food and burying it again. He is showing interest. Plus, he started licking the peanut butter we had in his dish. As a reminder the vet said to give him anything he will eat. He is just skin and bones now. He did have more energy this morning too. He was up and moving again.
Diggie's Friend
09-22-2022, 01:05 PM
Good news! It must be a great relief for you, now that things are improving with him. :great
09-26-2022, 09:43 AM
Thank you all for your encouragement and advice. Our Johnny passed away last night. He was held the whole time and we refreshed his warm blankets making him as comfortable as possible. The medication only gave him a slight improvement. He still never started eating again. Just the little bit of nibbling done the first day. It is a comfort that he had a very good life. Better than he would have if left to his own after his mother died. He brought much joy to our lives and in return we saw to all his needs. He was a happy squirrel. God bless each of you as you strive to give good homes to your little friends.
09-26-2022, 10:54 AM
I'm so sorry for your loss of Johnny! He obviously had a wonderful life because of the love and caring that you bestowed upon him until the very end when scampered across the Rainbow Bridge with thoughts of you! Being loved is the most precious and rare gift a wild animal can ever receive and Johnny was loved and I'm certain he loved you as well! Most of us have felt the loss of one of our Squirrels, for some, more than once; and it never gets easier (it really seems to get harder!) but your sadness will improve and your memories of Johnny will live on in your hearts forever! I wish y'all peace and thanks again for all that you did in behalf of your little Squirrel!
RIP Johnny Squirrel!
Diggie's Friend
09-30-2022, 11:00 PM
My heart is saddened at the news of the passing of your dear companion for part of the journey. :hug
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