View Full Version : Need advise on feeding amounts and correct formula

09-12-2022, 11:09 AM
Hi, I have seen some conflicting advice online so I thought I would come to the experts.

Need advice on best formula as I bought puppy formula in a can (from petco) but then read it's not correct so I will go and get some of the powder today (with probiotics) But fed goats milk powder, cream, egg yolk and vanilla full fat yogurt this weekend (as I was desperate) and the babies love it but I haven't seen solid poops yet.

My main question though is the amount, as I've done the weighing method (one weighs 100 g and the other is 80g) so I assume 5 cc & 4 cc is correct but then I've read other things online saying a 6-7 week old squirrel should be on 10 to 12 cc???
Also should I be very strict about this amount as at certain times both squirrels will easily take a couple of cc's more

I am just using a 1 cc syringe for control But I have to be careful as I get so hungry they try to stick the entire tube in their mouths 🤦*♀️.

One also ate a little bit of almond and a piece of apple but I just read on here to stop any solids other than some kind of block and I'm heading to Petco shortly so do I just look for rodent block?

I have noticed patches of Pee around and have definitely stimulated the lower weight squirrel to pee but I've not yet seen him poop and stimulating his bottom doesn't seem to make him defecate?

We have only had them a couple of days as I found them Friday, after a week of triple digit weather and we have played squirrel sounds and heard them crying for her but no mama turned up to claim them! I guess they are about 6 to 7 weeks old as fully haired with teeth through and the gray squirrels tail curls on its back. The darker blacker coat squirrel still holds his tail out straight but he's the larger of the two.

Thx for your help! I am sure I will have many other questions about release and the fact we have a squirrel chasing dogs and a cat at a later date

09-12-2022, 01:54 PM
...it's not correct so I will go and get some of the powder today (with probiotics) But fed goats milk powder, cream, egg yolk and vanilla full fat yogurt this weekend (as I was desperate) and the babies love it but I haven't seen solid poops yet.

Not just any puppy formula with probiotics, you need specifically the powdered Esbilac. not the Goat's Milk Esbilac, but Esbilac.

And you will want to order some Fox Valley 20/50 as this is what they need after about 3.5 - 4 weeks when they graduate from Esbilac. I prefer to use 50% Esbilac and 50% Fox Valley 20/50 from 3.5 weeks until weaning / release. You'll need rodent block as well as their first and only solids (until they are eating the blocks).

The goat's milk formula you fed this weekend is intended to be a temporary formula.

Watch for bloat, not so much concern about poops as that can take several days. And the babies must be well hydrated to digest the formula... are they well hydrated?

Attached feeding amount and frequency cheat sheets..

09-12-2022, 03:19 PM
Yep we hydrated them first but I have a problem I grabbed a diff milk replacer by the same company by mistake 🤦*♀️, one has vomited!!!! Damn it, I thought it was esbilac

Not just any puppy formula with probiotics, you need specifically the powdered Esbilac. not the Goat's Milk Esbilac, but Esbilac.

And you will want to order some Fox Valley 20/50 as this is what they need after about 3.5 - 4 weeks when they graduate from Esbilac. I prefer to use 50% Esbilac and 50% Fox Valley 20/50 from 3.5 weeks until weaning / release. You'll need rodent block as well as their first and only solids (until they are eating the blocks).

The goat's milk formula you fed this weekend is intended to be a temporary formula.

Watch for bloat, not so much concern about poops as that can take several days. And the babies must be well hydrated to digest the formula... are they well hydrated?

Attached feeding amount and frequency cheat sheets..

09-15-2022, 10:58 AM
Thanks for the cheat sheet! Much easier than a calculator lol

Everything is good as I got the correct formula immediately and kept water hydrating for the next two feedings and then water in between the following feedings and there were no adverse effects from that one incorrect formula feeding!

Just wanted to ask about the 5%, 6% &, 7% columns, All these for different types of squirrels, age or just preference? I am currently following the 5% column but give an extra cc occasionally if they seem ravenous which is more the 6%!

After about 4 -5 cc I always stop and let them explore a little as find that sometimes they don't know they're getting full and then give the extra 2! I always noticed the last couple of cc are taken much slower with breaks.

Think I mentioned on a different post that Ozzie is a ravenous raptor eater and Ash is quite gentle and takes his time (bit more timid) . Any tips on how to slow down Ozzies actions (like he hasn't fed for days) Would be appreciated as do worry about aspiration! I feed slowly with a 1CC oring syringe but it's not fast enough for Ozzie and he Frantically clambers to get at the syringe!

I wonder if feeding him more often but a less amount would help so that he's still getting the same cc just spread out a little sooner?


QUOTE=Dinkbradders;1351282]Yep we hydrated them first but I have a problem I grabbed a diff milk replacer by the same company by mistake ��*♀️, one has vomited!!!! Damn it, I thought it was esbilac[/QUOTE]

09-15-2022, 06:11 PM
Thanks for the cheat sheet! Much easier than a calculator lol

Everything is good as I got the correct formula immediately and kept water hydrating for the next two feedings and then water in between the following feedings and there were no adverse effects from that one incorrect formula feeding!

Just wanted to ask about the 5%, 6% &, 7% columns, All these for different types of squirrels, age or just preference? I am currently following the 5% column but give an extra cc occasionally if they seem ravenous which is more the 6%!

After about 4 -5 cc I always stop and let them explore a little as find that sometimes they don't know they're getting full and then give the extra 2! I always noticed the last couple of cc are taken much slower with breaks.

Think I mentioned on a different post that Ozzie is a ravenous raptor eater and Ash is quite gentle and takes his time (bit more timid) . Any tips on how to slow down Ozzies actions (like he hasn't fed for days) Would be appreciated as do worry about aspiration! I feed slowly with a 1CC oring syringe but it's not fast enough for Ozzie and he Frantically clambers to get at the syringe!

I wonder if feeding him more often but a less amount would help so that he's still getting the same cc just spread out a little sooner?


Hi DB:
The 5, 6 & 7% columns are three options for determining the volume of each of the daily formula feedings for a particular Squirrel based the weight of the Squirrel. A percentage of the the weight of the Squirrel used to calculate the volume of formula for each feeding for the day. This is based upon a generally accepted adequate and safe amount of formula to give during each daily feeding. It commonly called the 5-7 percent Rule. It is very important to weigh your Squirrels accurately and every day. The weight of each individual Squirrel is what will be used to determine the amount of formula to give this particular Squirrel with EACH feeding given during a day's feedings. Most of us obtain the daily weight first thing each morning just prior to the first feeding of the day. Then each feeding should be based upon the weight of the Squirrel in Grams but using Milliliters (or cc's which are the same thing) for the volume of formula to feed. Here is how this works; to make it easy for this example, let's say that your early morning weight of your Squirrel was 100 Grams. If you were going to to feed the low end of the of the 5-7% rule, you would multiply 100 by 0.05 (5%) which would be 5 Milliliter (5 cc's) of formula. If you were going to feed toward the high end of the 5-7% rule you would multiple the 100 Gram weight by 0.07 (7%) and the volume of formula to feed your Squirrel would be 7 Milliliters (7 cc's). You can now see how nice the chart is as the math is done for you!

As I mentioned in a recent post, The 5-7% "rule" is really a guide, not a rule but it is extremely useful! The goals of this guide are to mark a point at the low end (5%) below which the Squirrel may not be getting an adequate nutritional intake and mark another point at the high end (7%) where there are other risks if the Squirrel is "overfed." Those risks include regurgitation (passive expulsion of food from the stomach or the esophagus) and bloating. Regurgitation will of course result in loss of the formula that was intended for nutritional support and with regurgitation there is risk for aspiration which is having the formula enter the breathing passages and the lungs. Measures to minimize risks of Aspiration must be utilized during all feedings! Other cautions to suggest (really for any feeding but especially for higher volume feedings) would be to not apply any significant pressure around the abdomen while holding the Squirrel, always keep your Baby upright while eating and immediately afterward, and never try to force the formula into the Squirrels mouth. At the apparent age and weights of Ash and Ozzie, I would recommend feeding formula every 4 hour and at night you can give the last feeding of the day and then resume feeding the following morning in 6 hours after obtaining a new accurate of each before you calculate and prepare the formula for each of them based upon their specific weights.

Thanks again for for your conscientious and loving care of Ash and Ozzie!


PS: it appears that you started a new thread. It would be best if these threads could be combined or that you designate one of them as your active thread and close the other. If there are multiple threads about the same Squirrel(s) and the same general issues; much of the communication and continuity will be lost because most members are assuming that everything is contain in the particular thread they are viewing.