View Full Version : Baby's stool has suddenly gone runny, belly seems bloated.

09-11-2022, 09:04 AM
Hi ya'll :o

August 31st someone found 3 baby squirrels on the verge of death. I rehabbed squirrels many years ago, so I came and picked them up and coordinated with a local nature center to get the right supplies to nurture these little babes back to health. Two of them only had one eye open, but they were fully furred so guessing they were around 5-6 weeks old?

They've all been doing well and growing like weeds. They are slowly becoming more and more active (and claws getting very sharp haha). Suddenly two days ago one of the girlies, Ruby, had very runny mucusy looking stool. It was a bit yellowish and goopy, today its a bit more green but still very soft. They were generally pretty solid and no cause for alarm previously. The other two still have pretty normal stool, one is slightly soft. I did not change their diet, they are still drinking powder esbilac formula albeit more of it as they grow. I did introduce some fresh broccoli for the first time a few days ago, and they always have rodent blocks to chew on.

Her tummy also seems bloated compared to the other two and she has been putting on pretty large amounts of weight comparatively..but I think its all in her belly. She seems fine and active, but I feel like something is not right. Any advice on what may be going on? Just want to make sure I take care of it ASAP! I will attach photos of her belly, her poop(sorry lol) her siblings, and their weight in grams over the past 10 days. Thank you in advance for any help for my little babes! I'm hoping maybe its just been a little bit of overfeeding but I am not feeding her any more than the other two.

I can't seem to get other photos to upload at the moment!

09-11-2022, 09:22 AM
Greenish... does the poop have a awful smell? (I know, gross) If so this may be giardia.

Or it could simply be from the broccoli? Maybe try a different, less gassy food than broccoli... are they eating rodent block... they should be eating rodent block well before introing veggies.

And a drop or 2 of infants simethicone. Is the one that looks bloated tummy hard like an air balloon or soft / squishy like a water balloon?

09-11-2022, 01:55 PM
Greenish... does the poop have a awful smell? (I know, gross) If so this may be giardia.

Or it could simply be from the broccoli? Maybe try a different, less gassy food than broccoli... are they eating rodent block... they should be eating rodent block well before introing veggies.

And a drop or 2 of infants simethicone. Is the one that looks bloated tummy hard like an air balloon or soft / squishy like a water balloon?

The stool does smell a bit, but I wouldn't say it smells exceptionally worse than I would expect soft poo to smell like? But I will definitely not rule it out at this point!
They have been gnawing on the rodent blocks, but not necessarily eating a a ton of it. I think I will remove the solid foods again for a day or two and see if there are any changes.

Her belly feels squishy like a water balloon, just seems so much rounder than the other two! :dono
She also eats like she hasn't had food in a week, she sucks on the 3ml syringe so hard I don't even need to push it! Today I think she managed to aspirate herself, so I am now taking more care to control how fast she sucks it down. (I do ensure I am holding the syringe/her in the correct position).