View Full Version : Hi from Atlanta

09-08-2022, 11:11 AM
Hi! I'm from Atlanta and I have a squirrel(Daisy) that we rescued two years ago. We had always planned to release her, but she just never showed any interest in the outside and now I just don't think she'd be able to survive on her own. She's a very sweet little girl that loves to be petted and get belly rubs. Her favorite foods are romaine lettuce, sugar snap peas, and frozen fish or shrimp. She eats a wide variety of things, but those are her faves. One of the more cute things that she does is on the weekends when I sleep in, she will creep across the top of my bed and then snuggle down in it under my neck to wake me up.322872

09-08-2022, 08:32 PM
Hiya and welcome! :wave123

She's precious! Love that expression on her face.

She loves frozen fish and shrimp??? Wow, never heard that before. How did that come about? I know squirrels are occasional carnivores, but can't imagine one being remotely interested in fish or shrimp. I'd be afraid to feed them that.

09-09-2022, 01:57 PM
Hiya and welcome! :wave123

She's precious! Love that expression on her face.

She loves frozen fish and shrimp??? Wow, never heard that before. How did that come about? I know squirrels are occasional carnivores, but can't imagine one being remotely interested in fish or shrimp. I'd be afraid to feed them that.

We found out by accident! I had some frozen shrimp friend rice and she ran up and stole a shrimp. When we tried to take it from her, she put up a huge fight. Similar with the fish. I had some fish laid out on the counter and was getting ready to season it when she ran up to it and stole a whole filet. My husband tried to get it from her and he didn't have a shirt on, she was freaking out and jumped on his shoulder and then smacked him in the back with the fish. So now when I buy fish, I take a slice for her and dice it up and keep it in the freezer. I also keep a baggie of shrimp to give her every once in a while, but not too often because I am not sure if the iodine in the shrimp is too much for her to have all the time.